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Best X ever questions

edited 2011-09-19 10:03:39 in Media
You can change. You can.
Gee, I wonder what inspired this.

Actually it wasn't just the thread by BecNoir. It was also the film club thing yesterday, actually. 

I know it's a silly reason, but I can't actually answer this question without going "Blagh, there are so many I love..." and feel bad about who I'd choose and I didn't choose.

This thread was important knowledge.


  • That isn't silly. It's why a lot of people will give lists rather than a single one.
  • You can change. You can.
    The one you wanted to link is the excuses one.

    And shaddap. Instead tell me what's your favorite comic book story ever.

  • Juan_Carlos,

    Yeah, I think picking out favorites can be tough. I mean, sure it is not like when you make a choice it is set in stone forever and you can never change your favorites. Still, I feel like being put on the spot about favorites can be kind of awkward.

    Going along with your situation of having too many series that you really like, I think that with certain things you can have a good many that you do not dislike, but do not absolutely love. While sometimes having those kinds of preferences might be a plus since it means you are flexible, I do feel like it makes picking out a favorite pretty hard.
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