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It is now possible to hold a simple conversation in my conlang.

edited 2011-09-14 14:50:40 in IJAM
FUCK YEAH I actually wrote a 3-page conversation in Demonos (though, with the line breaks, the actual length is much shorter). I'm really proud of how far I've gone. If anyone wants, I can post the whole thing here later--I need to type it up (I wrote the english translation below the Demonos sentences). Demonos: Ge Daestor thoisataenku! (Demonos: The best language!)


  • The lack of love this forum has for lingustics dissappoints me.
  • Kichigai birthday!!
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Well, it's not like I'd be able to read it. Feel free to post it, though.
  • But you all are nerds yourselves!

    Tok Jokon Sukehuuma sonagetenssa!

  • Not to be cruel. It's just no one cares.
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    ^^Doesn't give me the ability to read a language immediately upon its invention.
  • INUH: There are English translations for every line.


  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Well, I'd take a look at it, then.
  • Here it is:


    Harro. Chok Entength wu?
    (Hello. What is your name?)
    Hello. Your Name WHAT?

    Ega Sukimo entengo. Chok wu?
    (It is Sukimo. What’s yours?)
    It Sukimo “to be called”-VERB. Your WHAT?

    Thrino. Chok Entength kunaenku.....jun noime Gok.
    (Thrino. Your name is lovely....and so are you.)
    Thrino. You Name “to be lovely”-VERB…..and so-are You.

    Guh! Gok po Krothestth jin Chak Daecherth faruthestengu wan? Kunadeamono oziteng!
    (Gah! Are you playing a trick on my mind? Slow down, lover boy!)
    Gah! You a Trick with My Being-Thing-NOUN PROG-to play-VERB AUX QUES? Love-Demon-Male “to-slow-down”-VERB!

    Nuoku. Gak storengo gura Gak Chereng.
    (Sorry. I speak before I think)
    Sorry. I speak-VERB IN-THE-PAST I think-VERB.

    Kinuwun. Mitho, gez Trakt entenku wu?
    (It’s fine. Anyway, what is this town called?)
    NEG-morally wrong. Anyway, this Land to-be-called-VERB WHAT?

    Ega Gontarjo, joron Kinukon Ego enteng. Tak “Gon” akientengo.
    (It’s called Gontarjo, but no one calls it that. We like to call it “Gon”)
    It Gontarjo, but NEG-Person It-ACC to-be-called-VERB. We “Gon” LIKE TO-to be called-VERB.

    Ega tai.
    (It’s small.)
    It small.

    Ton po tor Trakt Kinugetengo.
    (We are not a big town)
    We a big Town NEG-to be-VERB.

    Ega kigenku po Trakt kunudaenku joron.
    (But it looks like a friendly place)
    It see-VERB a Land like-being-VERB but.

    Tak kunudaengto. Mith, Daemoniika ze, mitha....
    (We are friendly, Well, for Demons, that is....)
    We like-being-VERB. Well, Demons for, that-is.

    Mitho, Gok guengu wu?
    (Anyway, what do you do?)
    Anyway, You do-VERB WHAT.

    Gak Gierak hojengo.
    (I make swords.)
    I Sword-PLURAL make-VERB.

    DOKU!? Gak pe Gierhojengdae kwagongo gura! Gok po Gier Gako minuhokigengu wan?
    (REALLY!? I have never met a swordmaker before. Can you show me a sword?)
    Really! I a Sword-make-being meet”-PRES PERF IN-THE-PAST! You a Sword Me CAN-make-see AUX QUES?

    Big. Jin Gako jo Chak Sonotrakt zikengu, jun Gak Chak Gierak hokigungu.
    (Sure. Come with me to my house, and I will show you my swords.)
    Sure. With Me to My Self-Land come-VERB, and I My Sword-PLUR make-see-VERB-FUTURE


    Gok po Gier tsoingu gura wan?
    (Have you ever used a sword before?)
    You a Swrd use-VERB IN-THE-PAST AUX-QUES?

    Kinun. Gak po Drakgent nemetsoengo, Ega po Ciban nemegetenku mitho.
    (No. If I were to use a weapon, I’d use a spear anyway)
    No. I a Battle-Thing SUBJ-use-VERB, It a Spear SUBJ-be-VERB anyway.

    Gak Cibanak kinukunuengo. Ton Gako ze ja zutenko.
    (I don’t like Spears. They are too slow for me.)
    I Spear-PLUR NEG-like-VERB. They Me for too slow-VERB.

    -Ton jo Chin Sonotrakt zetenkro-
    (-They walk to his house-)
    -They to His Self-Land walk-VERB.

    Gez Chak Gutrakt. Gak kinusahan Ega traktgetengo.
    (This is my workshop. I live underground beneath it.)
    This My Do-Place. I NEG-above It place-be-VERB.

    Sata! Gak minuzwetengo wan?
    (Good! May I sit down?)
    Good! I MAY-sit-VERB.

    Big. Gok.....Chak kinuzendeastorangu, wu Gok ze po Satadamnth guengo.
    (Sure. You....never told me what you do for a living.)
    Sure. You….Me NEG-other-speak-VERB-PAST, what You for a Good-Life do-VERB.

    Gak Daemoniika-Anjuuka thoimoijencherth ekwagistengo.
    (I manage Demon-Angel relations.)
    I Demon-PLUR Angel-PLUR EMPH-enough-outside-think-NOUN order-keep-VERB.

    Doku? Gaz po Thastth Daemoniia ze oekwaenku
    (Really? That’s an odd job for a demon.)
    Really? That a Job Demon-Female for ALTER-normal-VERB.

    Tak ga Anjuuka ji Taisunak za Wareku kinudrakingto. Tak Tono paruminiokunaengto wo?
    (We have not fought the angels for thousands of years. Why do we still want to hate them?)
    We the Angel-PLUR in Thousand-PLUR GOOD-POSS Year-PLUR NEG-battle-VERB-PRES PERF. We Them STILL-WANT-ALTER-love-VERB WHY.

    Gak Tono kinuokunaengo. Gak Tono kinukunaengo joron.
    (I don’t hate them. But I don’t like them either.)
    I Them NEG-ALTER-love-VERB. I Them NEG-like-VERB but.

    Sataeng. He he....Gak Goko kunaengo. Gok ekunkigengu...
    (That’s good. He he...I like you. You’re cute....)
    Good-VERB. He he….I You like-VERB. You boy-look-VERB….

    We ge Kunadae geteng gure? Mith....kinun Gun Gako gaz zendaestorenku thi....
    (Who’s the lover-demon now? Though...no woman has ever told me that....
    Who the Love-Being be-VERB IN-THE-PRESENT? Though….No Adult-Woman Me that other-being-speak-VERB ever…..

    U, nuoku.
    (Oh, sorry.)

    Kinuwun. Gok Taidae kunuengu wan?
    (It’s fine. Do you like children?)
    NEG-Morally wrong. You Small-Being like-VERB AUX-QUES?

    Bi, Gak Taidae kunaengo! Taianjuuka thoisataenkro! Chon daeancinak thoi uguenkro jun Ton thoimoi poraitenkro....
    (Yes, I love children! Angel children are the best! Their wings are so adorable and they are so polite...)
    Yes, I Small-Being like-VERB! Small-Angel-PLUR EMPH-good-VERB! Their Being-Wing-PLUR EMPH adorable-VERB and They EMPH-enough polite-VERB.

    Gok...Gok ga Daemona thoiokwengu, Gak kawgingo thi. Gok deokwengu pe Huuma....
    (You....are the strangest demon I have met. You’re odder than a human....)
    You….You the Demon-Woman SUPERLATIVE-ALTER-normal-VERB, I meet-VERB-PRES PERF. You COMPARATIVE-ALTER-normal-VERB a Human-Woman.


  • Kichigai birthday!!
    What's with the random words in caps?
  • "The lack of love this forum has for lingustics dissappoints me."

    Well, it's certainly possible to be interested in linguistics while not being particularly interested in someone's conlang.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    ^^ Those seem to be part-of-speech explanations.
  • One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
    One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

    A Gadu Tono Torteruenku Joken, A Gadu Tono kaugenku.
    A Gadu Tono toraenku Joken, jun ji ge Mordith Tono otraktzetenku.
    One Ring They-ACC great-rule-VERB everybody, One Ring They-ACC find-VERB. One Ring They-ACC bring-VERB Everybody, and in the Darkness They-ACC NEG VERB-land-walk-VERB.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    You're using noun endings for declensions?

    How many declensions do you have?
  • As I posted in a conlang forum:

    Demonos has no time for complex pronoun systems. It uses a very simple system, somewhat like English: They're declined in Nomative, Accusative, and Genitive cases.

    There are no politeness or authority modifications. Demons have little time for much else besides fighting.

    All of the are done in "[Nomative], [Accusative], [Genitive]":

    1st sing: Gak, Gako, Chak

    2nd sing: Gok, Goko, Chok

    3rd sing (Adult Male): Gin, Gino, Chin

    3rd sing (Adult Female): Gun, Guna, Chun

    3rd sing (Child male): Ekun, Ekuno, Chekun

    3rd sing (Child Female): Eko, Eko, Cheko

    3rd sing (non-living things): Ega, Ego, Chega

    1st plu: Tak, Taku, Thaku

    2nd plu: Tok, Toko, Thoko

    3rd plu: Ton, Tona, Thona

    A simple system. But it works.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Interesting that you have different pronouns for child and adult, a distinction that I haven't seen before in the few languages I know of.
  • It was a mild distinction I added for fun.

    That, and the words "Ekun" and "Eko" sound really nice.
  • Also, an interesting note: The word for "death" in Demonos, "Salbth", is derived from "Salvation.

    The word for "life", "Damnth", is derived from "Damnation".

    Fitting for demons, eh?
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    If those are pronouns, what are the noun declension endings, or do you have none and just depend on word order?
  • There are none. Word order determines meaning.

    Another interesting note: There is no word for "Hello" in Demonos. Neither is there a word for "Goodbye".
  • No rainbow star
    Well damn, I should get you guys to take a look at my con lang sometime so I can get it to that level (doesn't help that all I know is, "Make grammar, make letter system, make words, and there") That is bloody impressive Chagen
  • Heh, thanks:

    By the way, as I said, there is no word for "hello" (Besides "Harro", a loanword from English. To say "hello" in Demonos, you have to say a sentence that literally translates to "I hope you get into a battle today".

    Also, "Good-Bye" in Demonos literally translates to "May we both die in Honor!"

    "How old are you?" is done through a setence literally translated as "How many wars have you survived?".

    ....Demons like fighting, in case you haven't guessed
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    So your conlang still uses SVO.
  • Nope, it's SOV.

    "Gak jo ga Staara zetengo" is "I walk to the store". Literally, it is "I to the Store walk".

    Also, thanks to leaving my Demonos stuff at home accidentally, I'm starting to lay out a groundwork for the Angel language, Angelos (In Angelos, it's actually "Celestyia-sto"). It's heavily based off of Japanese.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Is this for a fictional setting?
  • Yes, Full Auto.
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