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Somebody blooooog me: A smallville live blog.
Oh yes. 'Look at THESE!'
Keep it classy, Smallville. You know what? This episode also highlights for me the issue with the love triangle for the second half of the show where Lana was effectively cut out of the picture. Clark is basically being forced to choose between the hot blonde intrepid reporter and the hot brunette intrepid reporter.
Lana seems appropriately embarrassed for Lois and the look on Lana's face is good enough that I'm convinced Kristen Kruek herself was uncomfortable with the action. Evidently the only way to make Kruek act is sexual harassment. Chloe says she knows the woods of France by smell and Lana states there in Kansas. How the hell would anybody from seventeenth century France know what a 'Kansas' was?
Lana wants to go and get the stones of power again, but Chloe and Lois aren't too keen on being burnt at the stake again, but they just go along with it anyways.
Back at the Kent ranch, it seems like they're throwing a pretty intense shindig for something thrown together in a few hours. Half of Smallville seems to be there too. Jesus Christ, I was lucky if I got to a movie on my birthday.
Clark sees Dean Winchester (His name is actually Jason in the show, but I'm still going to call him Dean) and whenever Clark tries to say a word to him the dude just flips out about being Lana's boyfriend whether or not Clark likes it, and he's absolute cardboard. I never thought I'd see Jensen Ackles be more boring than Tom Welling.
And Clark and Dean discover to their horror, that the three ladies... HAVE TURNED INTO GOTHS!
There's a lot of logic to question here, but I can't bring myself to complain about it. Shut up, I had to sit through fire boners, so I'm enjoying my smut.
The entire crowd cheers as they walk in slowly with camera angles that get a male gaze rating of 10 out of 10.
Lana doesn't want to fuck around at the party, but Chloe and Lois want to go have hot witch sex with boys so they stay. Clark talks about how the Princeton guy will be here any minute and Lois responds by trying to fuck him. Meanwhile Dean tries to confront Lana and notes she's acting weird. Kruek sells disdain incredibly well in this scene. Again, I have to wonder if off-stage she and Ackles just didn't like each other.
The witches decide to use their magic spells to liven up the party... and honestly when there's a spell in your grimoire that just turns the people half-naked and makes Gwen Stefani's 'What Are You Waiting For' play I have to question the sincerity of your commitment to the Black Arts.
And HI-LARIOUSLY this is just when the Princeton guy shows up. Smallville: the superhero show that uses sitcom cliches.
Clark has been affected by the spell too, which is at least consistent since Superman is vulnerable to magic, and just grins at the Princeton guy goofily as he grinds between Lois and Chloe.
Well that edit was awkward. It's the next morning and the barn is trashed. Evidently the Kent parents are in Metropolis and are calling in and Clark lies about the Princeton guy coming in. I don't see why. Again, at this point in the series John and Martha should just 'Oh a witch came in and forced you belly dance with her. Okay, we'll try and get another interview.'
Clark is goes to Lex's who is still playing Piano and asks him to pull strings to get into Princeton, because when I think of Superman I think of manipulating the system to one's own advantage.
Lex is of course magically forced to play piano and the shot of his hands and the keyboard being all bloody is admittedly pretty damn metal.
Clark physically pushes the piano away from him and holds him so he can't play.
In the next scene, Dean shows off those Winchester hunting skills as he figures out that Lana is possessed by Isabelle. The confrontation between the two in this scene is unspeakably boring, it's like the absolute reverse of two actors trying to out-ham each other. Dean figures out that if he burns the book, the witches go away, even though he has no reason to assume that other than genre convention but whatever. Like a dumbass he announces what he's doing thus letting Lana react by poltergeisting him around the room and taking the book away.
Clark comes in just as Lana uses her magic to toss Dean out a window and Clark superspeeds and catches him... which I guess means that Dean knows that Clark has superpowers but I really don't care. Lana gives Clark a neon message that says to meet him at the barn at midnight.
He of course goes to the barn and the witches start using their magic powers on him and Clark reacts and defends himself. It's a silly low-budget affair, but we finally get to see people with Superpowers actually fight so I'll let it slide.
Lana says that Clark's 'magics' are impressive and Clark is completely flabbergasted at the idea that the people trhowing firebolts and levitating people to throw them out of windows is using magic.
The girls then paralyze Clark and mount him in what I like to call the best day in Tom Welling's life.
Clark tries to awaken them with the whole 'I know you're in there somewhere speech' and the witches just totally fuck with him before using magic to take away powers... which they can do evidently because fuck you.
And now Clark's powers are gone! Who will ineffectually mope at us now?
They chain Clark up to a post because they're supervillains and can't just kill him of course. Clark explains that he's not a sorceror which causes Chloe to be flabbergasted and Lana to think the new powers were nifty keen. Considering Superman's power set makes him weak to magic, a sorcerer with them raises a lot of interesting questions this show will of course never get to.
Clark knows about the three stones of power. Oh good christ I hope they don't turn out to be
kryptonitemeteor rock.You know, it amazes me how much of this show I've forgotten. It's like my brain just went. 'Yep, this needs to go. I've Iron Maiden lyrics to memorize!'
In any case, they start interrogating in what's pretty much a soft-core porn scene. Chloe starts torturing him to find out where the stones and Lana stops him because 'there are easier ways' Oh please. Take away Clark's gamecube and he'll start squealing.
Evidently, Lana can use Clark's lust for her and the fact that Lana has lust for him as well to smooch him and find out where they are. Yet for some reason they're not dating. Whatever. So now that they know where the stones are, they teleport away.
Dean shows up FOR NO REASON AND DESPITE THE FACT THAT WE HAVE ESTABLISHED HE HATES CLARK to untie him. Yeah, we couldn't have Clark being clever or something. He had to be saved by Deus Ex Machina. Dean explains that the girls have been possessed. Clark says he's not sure where they went EVEN THOUGH HE KNOWS WHERE THE STONES OF POWER ARE AND THEY TOLD HIM THEY WERE GOING TO GET THEM FUCK I HATE THIS SHOW I HATEITIHATEITIHATEIT! SOMEONE SEND HELP! SAVE ME!
Ok, I think I'm okay... that was immature... and Dean goes to school while Clark goes to the Talon which is where I'm sure the fucking Stones of Power are.
In an incredibly well-lit cave, Lana is giving a supervillain speech about how they'll be gods when they get stones yadda yadda. It's cliche, but at least it's stuff you'd expect to see in a superhero show.
They open a doorway into another cave and and find a magic stone that looks a lot like the hunk of quartz I got at the science center for five bucks when I was eleven.
Her monologuing is interrupted by.... CLARK WITH A SHOTGUN!
Ok, riddle me this? They have your powers. You are invulnerable to bullets. WHY DID YOU THINK A SHOTGUN WOULD BE A GOOD CHOICE AND NOT SOME
KRYPTONITEMETEOR ROCK? JUST GO OUT TO YOUR BACK YARD AND I'M SURE YOU'LL TRIP OVER SOME!and of course they magically yank the shotgun out of his hands.... and there goes that.
Lana grabs the stone of power and it starts glowing and burns her and she lets go of it. Clark catches and gets his powers back because.... fuck you that's how.
So it's pretty obvious these rocks are Kryptonian in some way What were they doingon Earth in 1604? And why would Kryptonians develop technology that restores powers they don't even have on their planet AND WHY DOES NOTHING IN THIS SHOW MAKE A FUCK OF SENSE?
Clark uses his heat boners to burn up the book while the witches make no move to stop him because we've only got three minutes left to go and we need to wrap shit up.
The three girls are all unconscious on the ground as is Clark for some reason... Lana asks what happens and Clark doesn't tell her. Again, I don't see why not. It isn't like Smallville being a freakshow hotspot isn't the world's worst-kept secret.
The next morning, Clark meets up with his parents who are back in Smallville and because the show wants so bad to be a sitcom, we have a scene where Pa Kent finds out about the party.
Man, Clark can't get away with nuthin'. Wah-Wah-Wah-Waaaaaaaaaah!
"It was magic."
"I'm sure it was."
Clark, to his credit, tries to explain but clearly after everything Bo Duke has seen he still draws the line at magic. Because that would just be silly. John Kent, you are like the prices at Crazy Eddie's Discount Stereos: insane.
Lex shows up at Lana's coffee shop to make Evil Dead references and they both talk about how awesome Clark is despite neither of them mentioning helping out with that Princeton interview he blew. Lex then explains that Clark didn't get Jason fired from his job a few episodes ago, Lex did. Evidently, Mr. Winchester was a teacher at the school (if I remember properly Gym teacher and football coach) and Lex rightly got him fired for dating Lana. Meaning that Lex is taking the blame for doing the moral thing. This entire scene has Lana bitching at him for interfering with her personal life instead of... you know, reporting on a teacher that used his position to take advantage of a teenage girl. The worst part of it is it's clear you're supposed to agree with Lana. What the fuck, show. One also has to wonder how the hell Mr. Winchester isn't on a sex offender registry for this and why Lana's aunt didn't put out a goddamn restraining order, but fuck it. Smallville only cares about things being realistic when it makes the story more boring.
Lana goes to the barn to thank Clark and to apologize because she should have known that Clark would never have told anyone about her being taken advantage by a teacher. Ugh. Lana then explains that weird superpower stuff is happening to her and shows her a symbol on her back that was also in the cave. Lana asks Clark if she knows what it means and Clark straight-up lies to her, because as we've seen in this show,deception totally never causes more problems. It's also insane that Chloe and Pete were told but not his best friend Lex and the woman he loves Lana. Lana gives Clark a 'You're a lying prick' look and the last shot is Lex finding the symbol in the cave.
Pros: For all its stupidity, it was good to see actual superhero-y stuff going on in an episode. Durance and Mack were both unspeakably hot as witches, and Michael Rosembaum wasn't in the episode much but he sells his scenes.
Cons: The plot really doesn't make a lot of sense, and even with context there's a lot of stuff that is incomprehensible. Also, Jensen Ackles was completely wooden in this show, and I have no idea why. Anybody who has seen Supernatural (or even that .gif I always post) knows that Ackles can be hella hammy and charming. My only theory is that the Smallville team surgically removed his charisma and tried to implant it into Welling, but he had an allergic reaction.
And that was the episode Spell! Let's ask the audience! Which episode should I do next?
kryptonitemeteor rock in it and he's temporarily weakened. Lana gets superpowers from Clark's blood because of course she does and Clark fumbles with the syringe. Hey, genius. Let the cure be handled by the guy who it doesn't poison!a self-righteous bitchLana. A child jumps onto the bed, presumably Lex and Lana's and this is really nitpicking but selling the kid they cast the product of Rosenbaum and Kruek is a bit of a doozie. We then get the reveal that this alternate Lana... HAS BEEN SMUGGLING BEACH BALLS UNDER HER SHIRT!ripoffhomage.Southern CaliforniaSmallville and with the fancy Christmas tree they got, Lex explains to Lana that it's because after his mother died, Lionel forbade Christmas FROM EVER BEING CELEBRATED! YOU'RE A MEAN ONE, MR. LUTHOR!Welcome back, True believers, from my long hiatus! Tonight we'll be watching fan favorite episode Justice: It's the episode where the Justice League is formed.
Now, if you're like me (and if you aren't you should rectify this mistake immediately) the idea of a live action Justice League should have you excited. If you're also like me, you should know that Smallville will burn you on even having Booster Gold show up so I'm fully ready for Geoff Johns levels of disappointment.
We open at The Daily Planet where Chloe is urging Clark to come back to Kansas and it's never occurred to me until now but in Smallville, the biggest city in the world is located in Kansas. That opens all sorts of weird geography questions.
Meanwhile Chloe is confronting a doctor of the Belle Reve Prison for the prisoners transferred out the high-security wing all of which have superpowers. The dude pulls out a gun on her, but she's rescued... in a flash!
It's an obvious play on the fact that we're supposed to expect Clark to save her (though why anyone would expect Clark to do something in this show is beyond me) but it also highlights the redundancy of Chloe as a character. I mean you could put Lois in here instead without changing a single line.
Clark shows up and Chloe of course thinks it was Clark that saved her. When Clark says he didn't do it, he chases after the mysterious red blur in a pretty hilarious top-down shot that looks like something you'd expect in a Road Runner or Speedy Gonzales cartoon.
Flash is just taunting him until he finally dishoodies unmasks and Clark smiles to see his old butt buddy friend Bart again.
Seriously, the way Clark and Bart look at each other is just lustful. There's no way Tom Welling could make the face he does and not think 'Slash ficcers, start your engines!'
Clark is pretending not to know who the guy was and that he just got away... to protect Flash's secret identity I guess, but there's no reason for him to not go 'oh he's just an old friend.'
Clark awkwardly talks about how last season The Phantom Zone, also known as the worst prison in the history of ever, had a mass breakout and how Lex Luthor is experimenting on metahumans.
And Clark says he going to get in touch with LIONEL OF ALL PEOPLE?
And Bart shows up and starts putting the mack on Chloe and the way Clark is acting jealous is supposed to obviously be towards Chloe but again I can't get the slash fic out of my head. Also of note is that he superspeeds into the place with an audible 'whoosh!' but Chloe doesn't notice because she's only smart when the plot needs her to be.
Bart is using a lot of gratuitous spanish because he was just in Mexico and is saying Clark should come with him to try some of the burritos down there... oh god the images just won't stop!
Clark is suspicious of why Bart is around because last time he was in Smallville he was an active burglar... our heroes ladies and gentlemen!
Bart insists he's a good guy now. Clark is super suspicious and there's just so much wrong with this scene. The entire scene honestly feels like Clark is brow-beating Bart rather than trying to get to the truth. From the previous scene it looked like they were friends so there's no reason for Clark not to trust Bart or be happy that he's reformed.
Clark decides Bart's a good guy after all and they go to get... 'a burrito'.
In the next scene, we're introduced to Green Arrow/Ollie which I believe is a first for our liveblog and right now he's dating Lois Lane because evidently if Smallville is to be believed Lois is the JL bicycle. (Remind me to add the first appearance of Aquaman to the list of episodes to do)
Ollie is using his riches to impress Lois and they're going at it until he's interrupted by a phone call. Something's come up and he has to go and Lois is displeased. I can practically hear Hartley giving himself a Stan Lee-esque eternal monologue about how for Oliver Queen to be happy, Green Arrow must die!
"Is it just me or is this relationship all interruptus and no coitus?"
Okay I thought that was kinda funny, even if it just puts on more slash fic fuel.
Green Arrow then offers to take a vacation together to make it up.
In the next scene Lex is being confronted by his father Lionel. Lionel tells Lex that six Luthorcorp facilities have been blown up. Did I just step into a game of Werewolf: The Apocalypse? Lex then shows a picture of a blur and shoehorning in that the terrorist 'has the ability to move faster than a speeding bullet' and he'd be a good test case.
Meanwhile Bart Allen stealthily superspeeds in and his costume makes him look like a total douche bag.
There's a scene in Season 10 where Clark specifically says he wouldn't wear a hood because it would blow off during Superspeed, but Flash is doing just fine with his. This is the stupid thing about trying to make superheroes more realistic. It raises more questions than it answers.
Flash hacks Luthor's laptop and tells someone over bluetooth that he has 'it'.
Flash comes to the rendezvous and GA batmans in. Seriously, it's pretty obvious GA is the way he is because they couldn't use Batman. It's treated like a big surprise that GA is the one Flash is collaborating with even though it's painfully obvious.
Lionel is looking over the superspeed picture when Clark comes in. Lionel shows Clark the image and Clark says it isn't him. When Lionel asks, Clark doesn't answer.
Back at the Kent residence, Bart is chowing down and Martha wonders where it all goes and Barry jokes about a fast metabolism. Clark comes in and gets angry at Bart for stealing and wants an explanation and Bart avoids the question and superspeeds out.
whee, filler bullshit of Lois and Chloe about the vacation. Chloe jokes that 'green is definitely Ollie's color' ugh. and Clark barges in.
I also just realized how little sense it makes in this show for Lois to call Clark 'Smallville' when she's currently living in Smallville.
Clark says he doesn't like the dating with keeping secrets that Lois and Ollie are doing. He muses that secrets only hurt the people you care about. "Are we still talking about Oliver?" Chloe asks, which just brings in more slash bait.
Clark explains about Bart and then asks if Chloe can GPS his cellphone and Chloe of course can because she is a com-pu-tor nard. His phone's off though so she breaks into police records. I guess that whole 'keeping her journalism career' thing is an afterthought.
There's a lot of magic computer bullshit including a hammy reference to 'JL International' which then leads to Queen Industries, meaning GA is behind it. Clark goes to investigate.
We cut to Flash trying to break into another Luthor corporation only to pop into a trap and be knocked out. The trap is basically booby-trapping a computer to electrocute him. Not terrible, but not that great.
Clark confronts GA about Flash and GA explains he wants to stop the metahuman experimentation. Clark whines about not being invited and Ollie makes the quite accurate point that if it isn't staring him in the face Clark can't be arsed. Clark says they have to save Bart and Ollie says he's already got his team on it.
The team turns out to be basically Cyborg and Aquaman. I'm now wondering if the choice to make Cyborg a JL member was influenced by Smallville.
Meanwhile, Lex has Flash trapped in a prison that I'm sure Juan will glad to hear is the trap from one of the greatest Batman stories of all time: The Dark Knight Strikes Again.
"I want a lawyer."
"And I want a ponytail. Disappointment abounds."
For all the other flaws in this show, Lex is awesome.
Flash tries to be flippant but the actor who plays him is so goddamn unlikable and the dialogue for the character is so bad, Jesus.
And so Lex activates the death trap where if Flash stays still in his containment chamber he gets electrocuted.
And that's part one, mi amigos!
Gah. The internet ate my part two.
I'll finish it tomorrow.
Heh, one of my teachers mentioned he was an extra in an episode of this. I think we were discussing unions and wages and such at the time.
Well... actually... I kinda feel like one of those guys in a Lovecraft story who gazes into space for too long right now btw.
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ruff ruff ruff
Bout time you responded to my carefully tailored jokes that only you, Crake, and I get.
I never expected a dog bark to be a response, but I guess you're that desperate.