If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
And I was going to blank out my angerposts but you locked the thread before I could. And I am sorry for unleashing more anger than what was needed for what the thread was going towards.
Unnecessary locks happen a lot here.
I like potatoes.Anyways, yeah, they can be irritating depending on the circumstances
For me the issue is that something reasonably innocent was met with hate and personal remarks that the instigators of are not accounting for. I have no issue with the fact that complaints were brought up, but I think the way in which they were expressed was much worse than anything anyone did in the first place.
> Ignorance of their behaviour does not change the
fact that their behaviour is still bad, though. We do have a guideline
that you should not wilfully derail a thread.
I can agree that intentional derails ideally
shouldn't happen. But since it's sort of a way of life around the
forums, I can see how people would get lax about it, especially when
moderative action isn't employed in the case of derails.
I maintain that at the very least a firm-tap-on-shoulder should be the
first resort, rather than...well, whatever this thread was.
Forced derails are bad. Doesn't matter what the subject of the derail is.
I do think flirting derails are worse, though. A forced derail about mythology is not going to make me leave a thread without a moment's thought. A flirting derail is too. I recognize that that is subjective. The biggest problem with them is the frequency.
I have absolutely no problem with natural derails.
And yes, someone should have spoken up sooner, me included. That doesnt make it less of a problem.
The derail turned into a derail that attacked flirty derails. Derailception.
That's what I was trying to avoid.
Please don't leave for good Juan. I want you to stay. I know that there
is scummy shit growing on IJBM that we aren't noticing, but you are one
of the many few people I do coming to IJBM to see and what not.
Cut that out.
I think that how common forced derails are is a problem, and the people who were always derailing threads into the same subject are partially to blame.
I think the fact that it bothered everyone and no one reported it (including me) was a problem, and we have just as much share of the blame.
I think that everyone (including me) handled it badly in the last thread.
I think this is something we can all talk about like adults and get past this.
Honestly I've got nothing to add other than I was unaware people were bothered and will cut it out.
I'm not really sure how much of a good thing that would end up being...
I think that's not as much a fault of the moderation as it is the people who didn't like the derails but didn't flag, speaking as one of those people myself.
I think a big part of the reason I didn't flag the derails was because I didn't want to come off as a killjoy. I thought they were detrimental, but I didn't say anything because no one else was really speaking up, and they seemed to be enjoying themselves. I'm not blaming the other people who didn't say anything for what was my failure, but I think it's kind of a mindset I need to rid myself of.
From now on, if I see anything that I feel is detrimental to the site as a whole, like I did those derails, I'll speak up and flag it, and not just keep quiet and let it build up like this.