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Magic: The Gathering (Feck yerr unmarked set spoilers!)



  • Has friends besides tanks now
    Ah. I'm unfamiliar with Highlander, so I guess that was lost on me.

    It's a pain in the ass rule, but oh well.

    "ewwww, monoblack."

  • edited 2011-09-04 22:17:32
    Pony Sleuth
    Here's a thread where Animar is being discussed as an EDH general. It might help to take a look at the cards they're using.

    Heh, sometimes I forget about the shitty precons I played with when I was starting out. They're kind of adorable.

    There's nothing especially wrong with mono-black. It's kicked my ass in Standard a number of times.
  • edited 2011-09-04 22:18:20
    You can change. You can.
    I dunno, monoblack bothers me in terms of fun to play with. I have one deck, though. Based around Lilliana. Probably one of the first I made.

    Black is, I think the color that needs to be in every combo color deck, imo.

    ^Yeah, I should mention that I don't think it's a bad choice. I just don't like how it plays.
  • What is a combo color deck?
  • Has friends besides tanks now
    "I just don't like how it plays."

    Eh. I'm rather fond of graveyard control, myself. I guess that's it, though.
  • You can change. You can.
    Sorry, meant multicolor. 

    Eh. I'm rather fond of graveyard control, myself. I guess that's it, though.

    I like graveyard control. I just don't like it being the whole base of my movements. That and lost of life. 

    Also, graveyard hate is too easy to come by for me to feel comfy with one. >_>
  • Has friends besides tanks now
    One of my favorite combos, too:

  • You can change. You can.
    I actually made a deck this morning based on the two most famous combos on Magic.  (The Unspeakable and Spirit of the Night)
  • I would say that Channel / Fireball and Dark Ritual / Hypnotic Specter are much more famous combos.

    Hell, there's an MTG website called Channel Fireball.
  • You can change. You can.
    I was thinking in terms of -trons combos
  • edited 2011-09-04 23:00:16
    Pony Sleuth
    Well then, I'd say the -tron combo is still more famous than either.
  • You can change. You can.
    The original, I take it? Yeah, I was gonna add the Urza stuff, but I realized it's probably not worth it.
    As long as we're discussing unmarked set spoilers UNNNNNNNGH THIRTEEN ZOMBIE TOKENS

    I'm a Johnny, not a Timmy, but years of maining a Saproling deck caused me to freak out when I saw this. Not as much as Mycoloth, of course, but still.
  • Coat of Arms means you have 182 points of power on the board. That turns into 702 when you cast it again from the graveyard.
  • You can change. You can.
    That card is too delicious and easy to multiply.

    Ummmm, zombies.
  • edited 2011-09-05 13:45:48
    a little muffled
    Never mind Coat of Arms, how about Mana Echoes? 169 mana if you have no other zombies. Add Bog Initiate so you can pay for the flashback with the generated mana and that becomes 497. All of which can be black thanks to the Initiate. I'm sure you can think of something to do with 497 black mana.

    See? It is a Johnny card! :D

    Edit: Add Vedalken Orrerry. Now, you just need to let one Echoes trigger resolve and then you can flashback with the rest of them still on the stack. Now you net 653 mana! You know, in case 497 wasn't enough.
  • If you can afford the double red for Mana Echoes, I think Banefire is the awesomer finisher.
  • You can change. You can.
    Sweet zombie christ, that's a lot.

  • a little muffled
    @Gelzo: But then you need to get the red mana from somewhere. Manaforge Cinder can filter the colourless into black and red, but only thrice a turn and you'd need to do it four times to flashback and then Banefire.
  • You can change. You can.
    I thought we were assuming that we were woking with a BR deck in Gelzo's scenario?
  • Well, you don't really need to pay the flashback cost if you're going to Banefire for 168.
  • a little muffled
    @Juan_Carlos: In mine as well, but the point is that in mine, you can be getting all the necessary mana from casting Army, whereas Gelzo's requires an extra land.

  • Man, you don't even need 160 mana to win with Helix Pinnacle.

    Come to think of it, Helix Pinnacle might be the classier win con.
  • edited 2011-10-09 21:17:22
    Has friends besides tanks now
    Blegh. I decided to try making a Vampire deck again, this time on Cockatrice, and I'm not sure if this is a good mana curve I have here. Might need to skew lower, in which case I need less mana. That might work, but I'm not sure.

    1cc: 10
    2cc: 8
    3cc: 6
    4cc: 6
    5cc: 3
    6cc: 3
    Land: 24
  • Depends on the deck. If you want typical aggro vamps, you probably want the curve to end at about 3 or 4 CMC. If it's something more middle of the road, you probably won't want quite so many 1-drops.
  • edited 2011-10-09 21:27:13
    Has friends besides tanks now
    Well, it's got a good deal of weenies and some Bloodchief Ascensions, but it also centers somewhat around Sanguine Bond, and I didn't really want to pass up Nirkana Revenant. If Nirkana Revenant is impractical, I can replace it and fill the deck in with more low drops, but the extra mana multiple Revenants could generate just seems really nice.

    And with what I currently have, is the standard 24 lands optimal?
  • Has friends besides tanks now
    UPDATE: I've updated my deck to include a sideboard that can thin/fatten my mana curve, so here it is, if anyone can help.


    Main Deck:

    1cc (8):
    2cc (10):
    3cc (8):
    4cc (6):
    5cc (4):
    Lands (24):
    24x Swamp


    1cc (4):
    2cc (6):
    1x Bloodghast
    1x Gatekeeper of Malakir
    4cc (2):
    1x Bloodline Keeper
    1x Vampire Nocturnus
    6cc (3):


    This is sort of a generalized chassis for the deck. Should I focus on the aggro more and put more low-drop creatures in, or put more towards the Sanguine-Bond-centered life drain?

  • The sideboard isn't for changing your mana curve. You should figure out how your mana works out, and reserve your sideboard for dealing with certain threats. And I think most casual groups just ignore sideboarding, anyway.

    Aggro vamps would probably work out better. Five mana enchantments that do nothing on their own aren't what I would call exciting. Neither is lifegain.
  • edited 2011-10-09 22:33:42
    Has friends besides tanks now
    I figured as much. Well, even if I stick with aggro, I think some cards that offer circumstantial lifegain without otherwise being a waste would be an asset. Here's a slight revision that probably works better. Or should I replace the Guul Draz Assassins with Vampire Lacerators, since I'm not focusing on level-up creatures? Never mind, I don't wanna be a pest. I'll just leave this here.

  • edited 2011-10-09 23:19:01
    Pony Sleuth
    Yes you should make that replacement. Vampire Lacerators are much better for aggro. You shouldn't be too concerned that you have lifegain in your deck as long as the card is efficient without it. Nighthawk is great even without lifelink, but the Ascension might be questionable with this build. It works out for casual but I think most people use it in dedicated combo decks.

    Don't worry about being a pest. I can always just stop responding when I have something else to do.
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