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Underwater Levels

edited 2011-08-24 10:16:30 in Media
But you never had any to begin with.
I can't stand them.

Not because of the controls (although those are often an issue), but because I'm terrified of them. Even if nothing in the water can possibly harm you, I can't stand it. And when things in the water can harm you, it's worse. Especially if you can also drown. With wonderful things like the eel in Super Mario 64. Or the fish in Serious Sam.


  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    The Water Temple wasn't that bad, guys. I mean, sure, it was tougher, but not exactly Demon's Souls hard.
  • Mr. The Edge goes to Washington

    I know the feel, Saigyoujimon.

    I was playing Sonic Adventure 2 the other day and I was trying to get one of Knuckles' upgrades. Ironically, that upgrade was the Air Necklace, which lets him breath underwater. But to get it, you have to dodge spinning doom balls and ghosts while at the same time near drowning. You need to get the Air Necklace at this point or you will drown and have to start all over.

  • $80+ per session
    I want to make a horror game with an underwater level. The scariest fucking underwater level in the history of scary underwater levels.

    Maybe you have to investigate a sunken city or something, and you just have your scuba gear, some flash light on your gear that you can turn on and off, and some harpoon or spear or something.
  • You can change. You can.
    Just make a Cthulhu game.
  • Mr. The Edge goes to Washington

    Croc: Legend of the Gobos prided itself over the few water levels it had. They were just meh though but at least you could attack underwater.

  • People often cite Hydrocity Zone from Sonic 3 as a good water level, yet in that level, you don't actually spend that much time in the water (especially Act 2).
  • $80+ per session
    Let's take a dive, in Aquatic Mine,

    Once was a coal pit, but now it's a water ride,

    Makes you wanna sit back, enjoy your life,

    And do things you like doing, get to shine.

    It sure beats fighting with the foes all the time,

    But I gotta do it, they always stay out of line,

    Sometimes I wanna just chill and land,

    But I'm the protector of the Emeralds and gems.

    Staying up a duct, I'm in a deep cut,

    I'm seeing skulls that burn, they trying to cut me off,

    Avoiding my luck, I'm feeling kinda stuck,

    I'm in narrow hallways running like it's a ballgame.
    Hand track, beat track, all lead to different hallways,

    In a maze, and I don't know what to do,

    Guaranteed though, Imm'l find the Emeralds,

    They don't call me Knuckles for nothing, I can't lose.

    Sure beats fighting with the foes all the time,

    But I gotta do it, they always stay out of line,

    Sometimes I wanna just chill and land,

    But I'm the protector of the Emeralds and gems.

    Staying up a duct, I'm in a deep cut,

    I'm seeing skulls that burn, they're trying to throw me off,

    Avoid in my luck, I'm feeling kinda stuck,

    Don't call me Knuckles, gimme da bucks.

  • "I've come to the conclusion that this is a VERY STUPID IDEA."
    Best water level = the Waterway from Cave Story.

  • Kichigai birthday!!
    It's kind of funny how IWBTG had no water levels
  • Cave Story's water level was terrible.

    Sonic 3's water level was tolerable, but only because it wasn't Sonic 2's water levels.

    And the Water Temple wasn't hard as much as it was completely horrible level design.

    Hey, you know what Bioshock is? AN ENTIRE UNDERWATER AND SEWER LEVEL!

  • Mr. The Edge goes to Washington
    The Little Mermaid on NES... a game of nothing but underwater levels.
  • Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.
    The water temple is terrible because it kicked my ass when I was eight and I never forgave it for that,
  • I am Dr. Ned who is totally not Dr. Zed in disguise.
    I hated the drowning music in Sonic games.
    It never helped it just made me panic when I was a child, leading to me jumping and missing the air or hitting spikes :s
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Those fucking water levels in that Rayman game.
    ^^^It's not even genuine difficulty. It's mostly the frustrating tedium of changing the water levels.
  • Ecco the Motherfucking Dolphin.

    If you can survive that game, water levels will no longer terrify you.
  • You can change. You can.
    Hey, you know what Bioshock is? AN ENTIRE UNDERWATER AND SEWER LEVEL!

    but rapture is so civilized
  • Water levels in Indiana Jones: Emporer's Tomb.

  • I'm trying to find good Ecco fanart, and for some goddamn reason like half of it is this really creepy furry crap.

  • $80+ per session
    Dolphins are one of the more sexual animals in the world.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Curiously, the water areas in Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow and Dawn of Sorrow both seem to be pretty cool places with nice music.

    The water area in Circle of the Moon is okay, but not really much of a water level as a platforming level set in extraordinarily, hugely, insanely spacious sewers.

    The water part of the cave in Harmony of Dissonance...well you're not supposed to survive it so you end up dispelling it anyway.

    The water caverns area in Symphony of the Night has one of the game's best music tracks.  Very, very cool jazzy theme.  The caverns themselves shine quite beautifully.

    Portrait of Ruin had a partial water level but I don't remember it.

    Order of Ecclesia's two water areas were a bit tedious.  Especially with all the respawning Gelsos.

    On the other hand, water levels in the pre-castletroid games tend to be annoying.  Super drowning skills and all that.
  • edited 2011-08-25 00:27:58

    The water area in Circle of the Moon is okay, but not really much of a water level as a platforming level set in extraordinarily, hugely, insanely spacious sewers.

    Oh God I was so pissed when I found out that you could stop the water from hurting you if you have the item from fighting Death first.  I did that whole part without it. D:

  • But you never had any to begin with.
    ^ Whee, sequence breaking!
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Order of Ecclesia

    Stop talking about that game or I am going to ban you.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    What did I spoil?

    * It has two water areas.
    * They may be tedious.
    * Some parts may contain respawning creatures that are named after Gelzo.
  • Super Metroid Water level was just utterly confusing, even when I replayed it as an adult, just... grrr
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Oh yeah, Maridia is even more confusing than the rest of the game.  However, it's atmospherics and music are top-notch.

    Metroid Prime again delivers high-quality atmospherics in the crashed frigate area.  Its background music track is really, really serene and beautiful.
  • I agree the atmosphere is great, but if you can honestly navigate that maze without a map the first time around, then you're pretty smart
  • bEsT mOtHeRfUcKiNg FrIeNdS fOrEvEr
    I can't stand them.

    Not because of the controls (although those are often an issue), but because I'm terrified of them. Even if nothing in the water can possibly harm you, I can't stand it. And when things in the water can harm you, it's worse. Especially if you can also drown. With wonderful things like the eel in Super Mario 64. Or the fish in Serious Sam.

    Not because of the controls (although those are often an issue), but because I'm terrified of them.

    I'm terrified of them.


    You know they're just games, right?
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