If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
Apparently being forced into a docile existence or facing a horrifying death is sexy
By itself, it's not scary, but once you think about the implications, you will freak out. 686 is just milk, except it contins an infection that causes mammary glands to devlop in mammals, even males. If milked regurlay, the diesase won't advance any further. If left unchecked, however, your
entire torso will become an gigantic udder. Not only that, but because you have to eat all the time to keep your metabolism up,
you'll become nothing more than a docile animal. Just imagine what a sick mind could do with that. On the other hand, you could consider it
Fetish Fuel.
It totally is. I think that what you - and by you, I mean we - did to DLC was abominable, and that if we considered ourselves her friends we would have taken action. Held an intervention. I don't know.
Juan, I don't lie about this sort of thing. Ever. And since Fast Eddie deleted the relevant posts, all you have is my word to go on. Which isn't bad, considering what my word is worth.
Myrmidon, get in here!
I also got banned for saying that furries should dress in Renaissance costumes when going to the Renaissance fair, to stay in theme.
EDIT: I read somewhere entirely untrustworthy that something like 70% of women have rape fantasies.
Like, off the top of my head, tone.
and fantasizing about something doesn't mean wanting it to actually
Actually, you're right about that.
Though I wouldn't describe it as "sexy" so much as fascinating in a sexual way? I dunno. "Sexy" implies it's favorable for the subject to have, but it isn't here.