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In Terms of God, What Do You Guys Believe?
Do not use this thread to insult or belittle one another's beliefs. Feel free to ask civil questions about what Buggers believe and to discuss their religion but do not mock them.
So it's fairly easy to assume that no one really follows any religion to the actual letter. So in this thread, I'd like us all to take a couple of minuets to list off the tenants of what we believe in.
For me, I'm an Omnitheist (a term I totally made up). Basically I believe that while there is one major, be all and end all creator God, for simplicity, I'll call him Jehova. I believe that He loves us, guides us and protects us.
But I also believe that virtually every other God has sort of existed. Although I don't think there is more than one God for each role. So "King Gods" like Zeus, Odin and Amon-Re are the same deity. Similarly Hercules, Gilgamesh and Thor are more or less the same.
I think, we as humans, don't know much at all about the Gods, bar the things they've done, and even then we've all skewed the stories that they're not recognizable from the truth. We don't even know their real names.
A flaw in my own system is that their are just some pantheons I just don't believe in. I don't believe in the stuff from Scientology, nor to I believe in Cthulhu, even though there exists people who do. And really, it makes no sense to not.
But oh well.
So what do YOU guys believe?
>Also mfw my sister tells me she's Pastafarian lolrandom so epick xD
I don't believe that science currently supports the idea of a god-like being. However, I'm open to the possibility that future scientific breakthroughs could change my mind.
For the first system, there is a spacial plague-like being that inhabits the dark reaches of space. Not completely close to HPC's view on Elderbommies, but mroe like a disgustingly childish being. This Spacial Plague originally wanted to spread his creations amongst the universe, but the other deitic beings explained to him that they were fundamentally flawed at their core for giving them a soul, and allowing them to transverse death and into a state of reassociation.
It ignored them and founded it's own planets to plant it's seeds upon, but there was already life on these planets that did not belong to them. He entered these worlds and eliminated all life off of them, causing mass extinctions of creatures for his selfish goal.
When he came to the beings called the Sariah (dinosaurs), they were the only ones who were not willing to just die. They demanded that the creature leave them be and let them inhabit their own world, speaking of another terrained planet not far from them. The spacial virus was not happy with this planet and continued to tell them that it wanted this one. The Sariah openly refused to leave. So the virus began to rain hell upon that planet, killing them off in the millions. A couple centuries after that, he seeded the planets with his own creations, the Humans, and told them that the previous constructions, buildings and legends written down elsewhere belonged to the humans all along, and to teach the future generations that the Sariah died of natural causes millions of years ago.
It's quite fun, but not what I hold a religious system to. I don't even think I believe in a God or anything really, I just enjoy the stories and use them as personality tags to explain what my general respect system is based off of, and the personal taboos associated with it are.
I usually just turn them into short stories or novels later, and people CAN believe them if they want, although there will be nothing to validate them beyond the things they do themselves.
+1 apatheist.
I believe in food, free will and friendship. I'm on the fence on love, politicians and universal morality.
also how has this not exploded
More on topic, even though I don't believe in God, unless you're murdering babies in his name or something, other people's beliefs aren't really a thing that matters to me.
Agnostic theist. I believe that while there MAY be a sex goddess named Vorpania, we don't have any proof as to her existence.
I'm still here.