If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
Why do people like raocow's Let's Plays so much?
So I finally paid more attention to the usernames of Let's Players, and noticed that one of the LPers who just ramble on and on is...raocow, that person that people seem to keep on praising.
Why do people enjoy his videos so much?
That and his rambling commentary (or anything he says) is hilarious with his accent.
As for LPing with skill...you have a point, I guess. But I guess I just don't really watch many LPs so I've been less expose to bad LPers. And I usually just find a different video when I (generally very quickly) become annoyed at an LPer.
You can say that about every single thread on
this sitethe internet. But you shouldn't, because having different opinions does not make discussion pointless. In fact, it's the only reason you can have interesting discussions in the first place.Well, I'll show you the actual best BMD LP on YT:
Then again, I watched an LP of BMD in order to get to experience the game without the trouble of playing it.
I was much more interested in the soundtrack, backstory, and level and boss design than I was in actually beating the thing.
He usually talks about the game a lot more than he does in his BMD run, try Spelunky for an indepth look at the game.
Also, I haven't seen his BMD run or Spelunky run. Generally speaking I don't watch LPs of games I've played, but maybe I'll check that out since it's a game I know to be very short.
Lol, you might as well consider it trolling XD
When you find all the secrets on your own.