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General writing discussion.
So I'm trying to nail down some worldbuilding details, and...I dunno if anyone knows this, but if the sun-equivalent were inside the atmosphere, would that have any effect on the color of the sky?
I think so?
Isn't the sky only coloured because of light entering the atmosphere?
Yeah, that was my means of thinking.
So would the sky be black during the day, or a different color?
I don't think it'd have a colour?
So like, black.
Or would the sky simply seem lower?
Yeah, I guess so.
Though...given that there's an actual ceiling, would that have a color? I guess it wasn't made to, so...black it is, then.
Corollary: Would the stars then be visible during the day?
Wait, so what exactly is going on, the world and its sun-equivalent are under a ceiling? How high is this ceiling supposed to be? I'd say that if you give it several hundred kilometers, then it's not going to change. If it flies around at several kilometers, then it's a different case, but as far as I can think of it, stars still won't be visible. It's still looking for fireflies around a glowing light bulb.
Anyway, basically this universe is just really small -- a sphere that ends at the top of the atmosphere.
Then how are there stars anyway?
The "ceiling", I think, would appear as whatever colour it is, assuming it's opaque. It's analogous to a room with overhead lighting, yeah? The portion of the world that's in daytime at any given point would be much smaller than on Earth since light won't spread out as much if it's travelling a shorter distance.
They're essentially little lights embedded in the ceiling so there could still be light at night (the moons, similarly, are just mirrors).
It was created before light was and isn't supposed to reflect any, so I'm assuming perfectly black.
Hm, hadn't thought of that...though I still haven't finalized how high up the "ceiling" is, so it's probably higher up than Earth's atmosphere goes.
How To Write The Best Glasses Advert There Is
Ext. Plains - Day
We see a beautiful green plain incredibly out of focus for a few seconds.
Narrator (Preferably with Morgan Freeman’s voice)
This might seem like a weird spectacle to you…
The image is focused now, revealing a pretty plain full of natural beauty.
However with the right set of glasses, you might find you can turn this…
Bunch of pretty teenagers frolicking around the plains
…Into frame and fortune.
Teenagers crash into each other. Then they get their glasses out and keep frolicking.
Buy glasses at [store that sells glasses] down by [address of store that sells glasses] at [really low price]. This offer will run out by [distressingly close date]
You never know when this knowledge will save your life i can tell you this much
Had one of those moments where I turned my homework into a different piece altogether. Gonna see if I can turn it into something more fitting with the assignment tomorrow, since right now I'm tired. I was supposed to write a "short short" story, and it turned into a personification of winter, or something. Maybe I could spin it more to maybe or maybe not be about an actual person who's just real bitter from winter doldrums, but as it is it seems like too much of a poetic pretty-language piece and I don't feel that it has all of the essential story elements.
Is there a term or common phrase for "being surrounded by girls you can't be with"?
Not Harem.
pussy deficit
No, it'd be more like saturation. Perhaps unsaturated pussy deficit, but it sounds like a stretch.
only if you really want us to hate the character
Eh, no, not friendzone. What Juan said.
I'll think of something else. The idea I'm thinking of is a little more complex than a "friendzone" kind of thing.
I'm about to buckle down and start writing out the first actual drafts of my webcomic, which I've been kicking around with for a few months now. If anyone thinks they'd be up for lending me a hand (Pitching a character idea or two, or whatever) I'd be open to that.
Depends on the premise.
Fuck. I'm going to have to sign back onto BTL to copy/paste the summary I wrote there, 'cos fuck if I'm gonna write that shit again, ese.

And I stayed logged off for, like, a good month, too.
Well, it looks like I can't find a cut-and-dry summary so here's the quick and dirty:
It's about a kid that has a boogeyman in his closet causing him lots of grief by freaking him out on a regular basis. As the story goes on, and his ability to cope with the unseen terror gets stronger, the creature starts to horrify him in ways that he can no longer ignore. After a series of events that lead to him finally confronting the creature, he learns that his closet actually houses something of a parallel universe, where the unconscious thoughts and insecurities of people give life to people, creatures, and landscapes the likes of which people only see in their wildest dreams.
From there he goes on a series of adventures, confronting the horrors of people's psyches, madman fantasies, and the insecurities of everyday people given breath and body by the magic of blah blah blah.
Eventually, he meets a girl that knows far more than he does about the otherworld, who saves him and lets him tag along with her as she adventures in the otherworld.
The drama of the comic focuses on the growth of the characters and their relationship, and how their own issues can lead to a grisly end for the both of them if they aren't careful.
I can elaborate on anything if you ask, as well as answer any questions you've got.
So...Psychonauts, crossed with Monsters, Inc, but serious?
I can't find a way to phrase that without making it sound like I'm dismissing the concept, so I should make it clear: that sounds awesome.
Thank you. And yeah, I suppose it is sort of like that, now that I think of it. Just to clarify, allow me to demonstrate the otherworld mechanic by posting some character ideas:
First one's a dude named Garlyle, who's the self-proclaimed King of all Voices, whose marriage to Aria, the Queen of all Ears, (A reference to a Lounge Lizards song of the same name) soured long, long ago. The two stay together in the Otherworld, in their castle atop an unclimbably steep hill laced with roads made of crimson carpet. Their booming, operatic voices can be heard arguing throughout the misty recesses of Ash Valley for miles. Those two were unknowingly created by the bitter thoughts of Mr. and Mrs. Russo, the main character's kind, elderly neighbors and owners of the local corner store where all the kids go to buy candy, drinks, and model parts when school is over. Unknown to the kids of the area, their marriage has become a passive-agressive race to the grave, as each of them loathes the other, but seem compelled to see their toxic relationship to miserable completion. Despite all of this, they both remain sweet and loving in front of the kids in town, for fear of upsetting them.
Their thoughts were picked up by the otherworld portal in the main character's room since they were so intense, giving birth to The Queen and King.
The other's of the other main character, who I've taken to calling Ashley for now.
She's a young girl from a troubled home who goes adventuring in the Otherworld to get away from it all. She's been at it much longer than Chalie, and is quite powerful there. While in the Otherworld, she is able to transform into an odd creature wearing motorcycle leathers and two large antlers jutting through a battered helmet.
She's going through gender issues, which are not helped by the fact that her family is incredibly homo/transphobic. Her home is constantly quaking from yells and footfalls; her parents are alcoholics and her brother is probably a criminal. One day, she'd like to bring everyone in her family together, that day is far off and she knows it. For now, she seeks her happiness in the Otherworld, helping benevolent creatures and saving children who've stumbled into the Otherworld unprepared.
Her power and suit that manifest in the otherworld are probably borne of her father's ill-expressed love for her, and his protective nature when it comes to her and anything the cares about. Although, I'm not quite sure about that.
IJBM: The first good idea/series of ideas I've had in a long time becomes more and more fucked up the more I think about it, and I'm planning on submitting it to a class and a student-run magazine on campus, so I feel like it can only go so far.
More and more ideas come together, but everything becomes that much more twisted. ._.
Part of it is that it's getting very sexual very quickly.
I guess I'll give a chronological summary. It involves a paranoid single father (Lenny) raising his ventriloquist son (Jim) on the only house on a cliff. Jim's mother died giving birth to him, and Lenny never got over this, or figured out how to connect to any other women. He also had difficulties teaching basic manners to Jim on his own, so Jim got in a lot of trouble at his school for doing things like using the girls' bathroom and openly ogling them. There were no other schools nearby, and the nearest, cheapest house Lenny could find was on the top of Cain Cliff. At this point, Lenny decided that he needed to explain women to Jim.
He decided that a naked mannequin (which he names Sallie, based on his wife, Elsa) would be an appropriate visual aid for his talk (and part of my trepidation comes from my not knowing which details would be okay to put into this scene, since it could get really awkward). Problem is, Lenny notices very quickly that this mannequin is much more shapely and attractive than his wife ever was, and he starts seeing escorts soon after this (though he keeps Sallie tucked away in his closet). Another problem is that Jim also becomes very fascinated with this mannequin, and he ends up basing his standards for women on this mannequin from there on out. He also gives it a voice, and becomes interested in ventriloquism. Two years after this, he gets a dummy named Jorge, who becomes his only friend. Jim actually gets quite good at ventriloquism, too, and uses Jorge to voice any thoughts he would normally be uncomfortable stating outright. Around this time, Lenny also starts feeling less and less safe in his house, especially after coworkers tell him that Cain Cliff is haunted. He even becomes afraid of Jorge, whose attitude is much different from Jim's.
Another series of scenes comes four years after Jim gets Jorge, on his sixteenth birthday. Some so-called friends (more like curious classmates, really) are curious as to what he does at home, since he's incredibly shy without Jorge. Jorge is almost jovial, but incredibly cynical, and his friends almost leave, but one of them goes snooping through Lenny's room (word is already going around about how Lenny is seeing escorts) and finds Sallie. Teenagers act like teenagers, and Jim/Jorge becomes enraged with them, and they drive home (because Lenny is busy as always on Saturday night). Jorge asks Jim why his dad's money isn't going towards braces.
The story actually begins four years later, on the morning after Lenny finally snaps and destroys Jorge in a fire. I haven't decided how much of this incident I want to show, but it should hopefully convey that Jim is doomed from there on out. The important thing about this scene is that Jim starts acting like Jorge.
The actual story won't likely be more than nine or ten pages long when it's done (and it can't be longer than twelve). Does any of that seem like it might be too sketchy, or am I overthinking this?