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20 questions: Pikmin
30 questions: Bartimaeus (Bartimaeus Trilogy)
40 questions: Creature (Spore)
Akinator, meet Chomp.
Then guessed right on the first try on Quote.
Edit: On the French version you can play with things instead.
Edit edit: Well, now I know what does beating him mean. Not telling who I was thinking of, it's a bit of a shameful thing to know.
Then we should start adding characters that haven't been invented yet! Get ahead of the game!
-goes to tell Akinator about a magical Labrador in a robe and wizard's hat named Heffy-
Edit: And then he guessed in about 5 more questions the even more obscure character I was thinking of.
It's also the same character I had beaten him with on the French version, so they use a different database for each language (I didn't add the character).
Objective: Fate Testarossa
Question #17: Is your character always dressed in black? (my answer: probably/partially)
Question #19: Does your character use a scythe? (my answer: probably/partially)
Question #20: Is your character half-human? (my answer: I don't know)
after 20 questions: Konjiki no Yami (To Love-Ru)
Question #24: Does your character wield electricity/lightning as a weapon? (my answer: yes)
after 25 questions: Fate T. Harlaown (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha)
That took longer than I thought. You disappoint me, Akinator.
Also, why is a figurine used as the picture for Fate.
Funny, he was expecting "no" for "Does your character have small breasts?". I answered I don't know. It depends on the season.
I beat him by using that one Robot Chicken sketch where the guy tells JK Rowling about a "magical raccoon; he has an afro, his name is Squiggles, and he shoots pixie dust out of his bumhole". Not sure so that's fair, really.
Somebody even made a picture of this raccoon:
On a related note, I stumped it with Arf.
[The ugly barnacle]
lol irony