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Female activist wants to legalize sex slavery

edited 2011-06-12 22:58:54 in Meatspace
This one was about to post it in OTC on the TVtropes, but it seems to be just too insane and so it goes here.



Funniest thing - the one who came up with that crazy idea is female, and quite emancipated one as that, being a political activist and VT show host.


  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    Well, having concubines would rock socks.

  • edited 2011-06-12 23:23:31
    It looks like I was stating the obvious before, sorry about that. I think Edmania is right and that this should not really be taken seriously. I get the impression that most people in Kuwait do not respect her opinion much.
  • dailymail

    Don't worry, it's bullshit.
  • Of course this one is not worried, for it is just too insane to be taken seriously by anyone. Or should be.
  • I don't think something shouldn't be taken care of simply because it is too absurd for people to care though, since if we went like that the worst crimes would be left off purely because of either disbelief or just not giving a shit about something you cannot relate to.
  • ~♥YES♥~! I *AM* a ~♥cupcake♥~! ^_^
    >"We want our youth to be protected from adultery," said Al-Mutairi


    So apparently, rape doesn't count as adultery. Go figure.


    I don't even want to know how she justified this in her head.

  • When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    Post this on OTC and see how long it takes somebody to figure out it's fake.
  • Is it those crazy muslims again? 
    Either way, they really take to heart the notion that it isn't really living unless everyone is suffering the most they possibly can.  -_-;
  • Some pretty strange things come out of certain parts / elements of the Middle East.  You had Ahmadinejad blaming earthquakes on the EU, some cleric claiming that chopping off a theif's hand was compassionate, a TV talk show guy saying that Israel exists so that jews can be gathered for slaughter, etc.  I think this is what happens when there is a segment of the population that accepts what the rest of the world considers radical views as normal.  The bizarre becomes the moderate position.

  • The middle east is pretty much the source of over 90% of the world's present strife. It is the source of both of the most oppressive religions out there... and has been a site of pretty much constant war since time immemorial.

    And yet people still act surprised when I say the entirety of the region should be glassed for everyone's sake.
  • Umm, that is rather extreme...
  • Some problems don't have pleasant, simple, moderate solutions.   Some problems don't go away until you rip them out by the roots and scorch the ground they were growing in.
    As long as people aren't willing to go to extremes to solve problems, those problems will persist and worsen.

  • YAY let's kill millions of civilians over the views of hundreds of individuals!
  • Glaives are better.

    More like "let's kill millions of civilians over the views of millions of individuals."

    I'm not saying that we SHOULD vitrify the Middle East, or even that I wouldn't be outraged should such a thing happen. But consider this: a good proportion of its population consists entirely of child-raping, embassy-bombing, gay-killing assholes. And even those assholes are only small in relation to the child-raping-supporting, gay-killing-supporting assholes who support them, or at least are willing to turn their backs while the previous group of assholes goes about murdering gay people and oppressing women. I would not weep a single tear should some variety of asshole-seeking virus killed every last one of them.

    What westerners do too often is assume that terrorism exists in a vacuum, in the hearts of a tiny minority of people. Terrorism can't exist if there's no demand for it. When hijackers crashed planes into the United States on 9/11, there was celebration in the Arab world. People danced in the streets, chanting "Death to America." When a couple of boys accidentally killed themselves escaping from French police, Arab protesters burned cars, beat people and raped women. 

    I'm not saying that all Muslims are terrorists, or even that most of them sympathize with terrorists. But there is a problem with the Muslim world, and some of their members have declared war on us - the tolerant ones - in the name of Islam. Don't make the mistake of underestimating the zeal of those who kill children in the name of God, or underestimate the number of people who will simply watch and do nothing while you die.

  • The middle east consists of three things:
    #1. Arseholes.
    #2. Victims.
    #3. Sand.

    The arseholes the world is better off without.
    The victims would be better off without the world they live in.
    And the sand will make for some lovely glass, which should hopefully increase surface albedo and reduce the rate of global warming (and if you need to know how applying a whole lot more heat to an already hot place will make the world LESS hot, I'd be glad to explain).

  • edited 2011-06-13 11:36:44
    I might be wrong about this, but I think that most people in the Middle East just want to go about their business and live their lives without the threat of war, famine, or the like. For example, I think in many Arab countries, the younger generations are very similar to those in so-called Western nations. I believe that the existence of protests in countries like Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, and the like are good evidence for that assertion.

    I also think that those protests and similar movements in Iran, though I admit that Iran is not a Middle Eastern country, show that in many cases such nations are ruled against the will of the people and that oppression and brutality are certainly not hardwired to people's brains there. I imagine that it must be incredibly frustrating for other nations to see you as power-hungry and violent when your leaders (that were not really chosen by the people) are truly to blame.

    I agree with Hatter that terrorism does not exist in a vacuum, but I think that saying that all (or most) people who live in Arab countries are bad or violent only encourages backlash and more violence. I believe that there are millions of Muslims who wish that terrorism would stop too. After all, Muslims in places like Iraq have suffered more from terrorism than non-Muslims have in terms of sheer numbers of deaths.
  • Most folk just want to live their lives in peace and go about their business. The problem is that more often than not, what is "business" to one person is interference to the next.  Then of course folks start squabbling because other folks going about their business is getting in the way of their own business... or of course large amounts of just plain irrational moral outrage because it is completely intolerable for other people to have different standards to live their lives by.

    O'course I don't much give a fuck about that. I'm as bad as the next, but I don't try to deceive myself over it.  I want every single nuisance, inconvenience and hinderance to my existence removed from it.  That includes any and all muslims that I could ever see or otherwise interact with, any christians who can't keep their mouth shut about it, ALL police without exception... and probably most other people too, as people in general just annoy me if I have to be around them.
    And since this is completely unfeasible and unreasonable... I'm going to be a grumpy git until the moment I die, and resent everyone else living their lives for interfering with mine.

  • edited 2011-06-13 11:53:39
    «What westerners do too often is assume that terrorism exists in a vacuum, in the hearts of a tiny minority of people. Terrorism can't exist if there's no demand for it.»
    You know why there's demand for terrorism?  Because America has had a consistent pattern of installing hideously oppressive rulers in Arab nations, and of supporting Israel when it commits war crimes.
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    It seems we have a misunderstanding on both sides, then, because terrorists of that region are famous for their attacks on civilian targets.

    As much as I sympathise with their political oppression, the answer is not to kill a bunch of people who had nothing to do with it.

    I like what LouieW pointed out, though. The recent uprisings and revolutions in the Arab world are good enough proof that the youth of those nations reject the ways of their elders, to a certain extent. The weird thing is that their grandparents would remember a time of less oppression, because militant and extremist Islam is a post-WWII invention. There's just one, maybe two generations of Arabs driving this.
  • Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.
    Yay, genocide! :D
  • edited 2011-06-13 14:46:06
    When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    Because, you know, absolutely none of the destabilization of the region is due to occupation and overthrow by industrialized nations. None at all
  • The Great Game

    I suppose they lost it.
  • The region has never been stable. Ever.
  • Two words: Mohammad Mossadegh.
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