If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"

How do you do anything (aka Sandbox)



  • edited 2011-06-18 11:29:05
    Kichigai birthday!!
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    ^ what song is playing on that .swf?

  • Kichigai birthday!!
    Lady Madonna by the Beatles

    Or the Hammer Bros Encounter in SMB3
  • edited 2011-06-20 13:47:26
    We Played Some Open Chords and Rejoiced, For the Earth Had Circled the Sun Yet Another Year
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Though I know I should be wary

    Still I venture somewhere scary

    Ghostly hauntings I turn loose




  • edited 2011-06-24 13:58:03
                             、ー--─  、_, _       _  _ ,イ                          >.'_ ̄¨/ /   ¨ ̄> 、/´_  ̄ /                        , <´'´  ̄  .  / /-  ‐- 、./   /'´  `ヽ i                     ,ノ ´   、__ _, ´/´  ,'     `ヽ'`ヽ`ヽ`くノ_                   .  ´/   ,  ´   ,'イ / .,'   .         ',ー,  ', ',ノ            , ' >/' > ´   _ -i !/ ./!  ! .!',  ',   ., ',.∨  /! ',`ヽ            /.'//'.>´  ,  ,イ />!ァ!、! !、 ', '. ',、  ',、 ', j ,' .,イ ! ! i ',            /〃´ ///′ , ´/ /./´  ./,イ,.i升ヽ`ー `七孑┐.  //././! !ーゝ       /  {,'  ,'/´ / ./ , ' , '    〆ノ,/!.!弋ノ    升:::ト/ ! 、 ',ノ/./ !i      〃   `/ 〃  ././. /   ー=彡/くイi.!ゝ   '   `ー'/λ!λ、',/,   !       ′    /  .ィ'/  ././   {  `ー-=フ´ /i 〃` 、  _. ,イくー久 く>-ニ´ !          /  〃 ′ ,'./   `   / ィ, ' i  !/`卞-爪  /ゝ、/    ,,'           ! ,イ!     !,'       ,〆,.-´‐/   ヾ'丶/ i  !  //´, ニヽ  〃             !/ .!     !.     /〆  /   i  ,'ー--f‐ ´i レ'/   `ヽ./          !           '  /    ./ .', !   {   ! !       、                     _/     /  .', >- 、 i   ヾ.、      \               , ‐-、                        //       / , '!´!.`!::';:::`t、 _ ノヾ.、        \_              /   i                        ,'.,'      ./, '!´¨   ';:;:';::::i:::::!::::;'::::;' ! \        \           /       !                   >′i.  >'ー ´   .,..-!::;'::::i::::;':::;'::::;':::ヽ /ヽ         .>、.      /      ,                    }-!. ヽ/´      /  ヽ_::::_二_:::::_ノ!ノ   ',      ノ   \.   /                  `ゞ-=/ _  -‐─‐-ュ、 , ′    . ̄_, イ    ',、 ,  ´     i-、/ィ}       ,                        〆´      /:::::).       __/./ /       、¨       ノ  ,ノ                     /      /:::::::∨!      / /`イ       ヽ  _, -イ´ ,-‐′       ′                    ノ     ./::::::::::∨ !\_>' , ′           `¨     ̄          ′                   , <´      ,  \:::::;∨ 丶、\ ./                 /        ′           ,ー/>'´!i      /       /    `ー′                  /        ′            !/ヾ、 ! {く.    /       ./       /                  ,′       ′             /  ',', ゞ.'、_./          i     /',ヽ                ,′         ′          /    ゞ、_ /         ',   ノ  ', i                   ,′       ,'         ,/      /             /`ー '  ! ̄ノ                      , '        !′     /           ′   `ヽ!/′                  i       /      ,            ,.'!_     /                   i      '      /         ノ             !、 `._,._,. /                   ',   , '    /       ,′             `ー-‐´                      ー '    !∧, -、.     !    !、   ヽ/'ノ     `ー--‐ ´
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
  • edited 2011-06-24 13:59:28
    ^ Threads of Fate

                      {   \  {7厶   _  } ´ ̄./      `ヽ、 ミ人  |        \ \
                 /   .:7   .:/   ::l     \ 丶>!             、
              /    .:。    .:′   |     丶  丶 \ハ、           \
               /     .:::′  ::i    !、    \  !  .:Y\   ヽ
              ,′     :::{   |::|     ! `ー―‐  \|  :::|/ \  .:}       }
               i      :::{   L,」\   | \\\    _!/  i   ::|      :
                :      .:::! /!,/   \ノ   ヽ{\≧=‐―く   l   ::l
               |     l:::| !l |  _,_      /丁丐飛;|  ::|   ∧ .::|   ::}   |
               |     |:::!从 人,くマ゚;丐      `辷ツ' !  ::! / ‘, i  .:::}   八
               |l八   :::|{ヽ\ \ヾツ       ⊂⊃} /.::|:、   } .|  .::::i  /  \
               从 \  i:::\ :ト-'、⊂⊃ 、        .イ / \/7 ! .:!  :::/ .′
       .       {{ \   {、:::::::|   l>     。   ,.‐=≦z,厶 ,′∧.! ::!  :;′/    }}
         .         丶  \::::!   |  i: i:i>  /       / /  ゙! ノ / /      〃
      .         \    \  ヾ!  |  i: i:|¨¨丶.′      /   / }′/ /    /
                      丶_i´l`ヽ|  i: i:lヽ.  {     . ´  / / . :|/  ′
                    /  \ '|  i: i:|_〔(L... ´   ,/⌒´ . : : :!   /
                      /      |  i: i:| /   . ´ /    . : : : l  .′
  • edited 2011-06-24 14:00:41
                          _ γ´,
      、      , - 、         _ニヾ 、(_ _ _x∧/!
      ヾ、=___〃´::::::::/          },   , ,  `、/!ヾヽ 、!、
         ̄ヾ::::::::::::::λ_        亥λ十! ,. !/ !|` 、',ヽヽ
       ≡=-'::::::::::::::::::::・',        ヾ.´ノ戈 ! !ヽ .!i ! !.',_.'.,′
         ` ヾ、::::,、:::/ ̄ヾ.          ',   /.,'ノ,, !! ! !i !' ',
           `!ト、i!                 ゝ-ァ' /ァ‐.,','! /!.i !!
             }ェミノ-、          //ノ´ ノ ,'',| ノ!',
             i´     ヽ        γ:::/  ./ '  ,'/  '
    .           i __ャ‐'i. ∧       ,' 八 /   ノi
              _ノ>'`<、, ∧        ノ.-|  ',!  ./  |
             ',.', ', .| !./、   y、    /  !-‐! ./   !
               ', ', ',.! !! { __./ _>-‐'ー-‐'ー- ! /    !ヽ
                ', ', ',.',.ヾ/  ̄        ,ィ/    ,!、!
             /´', ! ! ! !.!        ,ィ // ,イー'¨ ',`!
            ,  _} ! } ! ! ',    _,>´ノ' ノイ .|  !  ⊥',
           ,' i´.// ,' ! ! i丶,イ   /  ! ,'   |  !/  ミ、
          ,-イ/./ i i γ´! /   i´   'ー---─ 'ゝ-ニt.ヽ!
         イ/i,ィ i i i -‐< {   /             `ー'
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         ノ///! ,γヽ
        ノ/// !(./ ノ
       r、_' { { i.> ´
       !  ヽ>´
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I think the lack of fixed-width formatting is messing up those pics.

    Try changing to Courier New font.
  • edited 2011-06-24 14:11:21
        ト-ヘフ>‐ゞニ≧ュ_       「ヽ
       _> // /〈_/ l`ト、    _」 l ─- 、
         ̄7′ ィ_,ィレ-⊥」_ハ //| 「 ̄ \\
        / /八〈^||' 扎「 l}‐'/ / _,」 l7   ヽ ヽ
       ト〆 ヽl  ヽ!|    ._, 〉' / ´   | 「 ̄ヽ  l |
       〈     〉__/ |>rヘ√l l  __〈」 l、 /  l l
       ド┬<7 〈_,ル'卞、ト l l---‐-| kフ   / /
       {二 ̄//´ハl} } Kl l     | l   / /
        \ ̄|r ¬八ト--'ヘ \\     | | //
           ヽl  /   }    }  ト、ヽー-l l/
           └/   」   ノ  丶` ̄ ̄l |
           /   ( ̄7T ̄)  │     ヽ」
          'Zr‐--ゝ/- |∠-┬┘
            乃   /   ト、 │
         「卜く__∟_/  ノ └、ノ
        |/7 >='〉  「〒〒7
         リ/ / / //  /i {
       // l l 〈/  / ハ. l、\\
       〈 i_/ ̄ヽ}  {.⊥-、 `广 `)
        `ー─一′    ̄`^亠‐‐′

    Not working. Oh well.
  • edited 2011-06-24 15:57:52
    Stick them all in a
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭

    I want my carhorn to sound like this.
  • edited 2011-06-24 19:55:22
    ^^ It works, thanks!

    Here's a loli:

                        __,. ' l
               _,.. _,.-__、ィ_r‐‐  l
            -‐ : ̄. :. :/"/ミ' ´ `ヽ、/_
    、‐----r一´.: :. ::_: :.::_:/ lン      \r,-`ゝ
     \,-‐|. :.ゝ ´"  ゛ ` ヽト           l/
       l /|,. ´ k ヽ、     l ヽ      lヽ、
       | y' ,  l ゙、 ぃ_,. ‐--、!  ハ     l__, `ン
       l l   l  l ヽ' , '" ̄`_ |  lツl     r‐'"
       メ | l ソ´     仆'`ヽ l  l'r、l     l
      /_l L_k'⌒.、     マン l  lぃ,l     l
        l  ヽト叺      〃 l  レ',/}      l
         l  |;ヘ`´ ,        l  lメ { l     l
        l  l;;;;l、     .   '  ,|  |ゝ、l/  /  l
        |  |;;;;l:. |>    _/_l  |!!!!/    __ヽ
        |  |;;;;l: l      l!!!!l  |!!!l   /:::::::::::\
        |  |: :: : l  ,‐-r--'!!!!l  l!!!l   /::::::::::::::::::l
         !  l: : : : l ,´::::::ハ!!!!!!!!l  l!!!l /:::::::::::::::::::::l
        l   l: : : : l::::、:::::::l l ̄l ヽノl!!!l/::::::::::::::::::::::::l
        l   ト、,ハ/:::::::l::::l l プlズ l!!!/::::::::::::::::::,/::::l
        l ハ  l   l:::::::/::::リ,,,,,/,,,,,,,,ム/:::::::::::::::/´:::::::l
          l/  /:::::::l:::::l!  !   /::::::::::::::/::::::::::::l
        _    /:::::::::::::l::::ぃ ヽ/:::::::::::::::::/:::::::::::::::l
    '  ̄.. \ /:::::::::::::::ハ::/:::::::::::::::::::::/:::::::::::::::::l
    :::::::::.: :  \::::::::::::::://::::::::::::::::::::::::::/:::::::::::::::::::l
    :::::::::::..: : :  \::::/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/三三三二l
  • ~♥YES♥~! I *AM* a ~♥cupcake♥~! ^_^

       _,,....,,_  _人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人_
    -''":::::::::::::`''> ま た オ マ エ か っ ! !    <
    ヽ::::::::::::::::::::: ̄^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^ ̄
     |::::::;ノ´ ̄\:::::::::::\_,. -‐ァ     __   _____   ______
     |::::ノ   ヽ、ヽr-r'"´  (.__    ,´ _,, '-´ ̄ ̄`-ゝ 、_ イ、
    _,.!イ_  _,.ヘーァ'二ハ二ヽ、へ,_7   'r ´          ヽ、ン、
    ::::::rー''7コ-‐'"´    ;  ', `ヽ/`7 ,'==─-    う  -─==', i
    r-'ァ'"´/  /! ハ  ハ  !  iヾ_ノ i イ iゝ、イ人レ/_ルヽイ i |
    !イ´ ,' | /__,.!/ V 、!__ハ  ,' ,ゝ レリイi (ヒ_]     ヒ_ン ).| .|、i .||
    `!  !/レi' (ヒ_]     ヒ_ン レ'i ノ   !Y!""  ,___,   "" 「 !ノ i |
    ,'  ノ   !'"    ,___,  "' i .レ'    L.',.   ヽ _ン    L」 ノ| .|
     (  ,ハ    ヽ _ン   人!      | ||ヽ、       ,イ| ||イ| /
    ,.ヘ,)、  )>,、 _____, ,.イ  ハ    レ ル` ー--─ ´ルレ レ

    Take it easy~!
  • ^^ I can't tell what that's supposed to be! D:
  • ~♥YES♥~! I *AM* a ~♥cupcake♥~! ^_^
    I can make out a face.

    The eyes, at least.

  • edited 2011-06-24 21:16:17

    Huh, it looked fine (if stretched) on my computer, but not on a friend's and apparently not yours.


    Oh well.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    WMG: The formatting does not like lolis.
  • edited 2011-06-24 21:51:37
    That said, based on context and what I can make out of the picture...

    Is it Mint?

    Mint is cute. :3

    Incidentally, I just found my Threads of Fate .ISO COMPLETELY LEGALLY ACQUIRED DISC IMAGE that was lying around on my external hard drive ...PLACE WHERE A GAME MIGHT BE LYING AROUND IF IT WEREN'T A PIRATED COPY OF THREADS OF FATE AND IF IT WERE A LEGITIMATELY ACQUIRED CD, so maybe I'll replay it.
  • Yep, that's her. Got it from here.
  • edited 2011-06-25 12:44:52
    ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭

                        ───  、
                  , <´          `丶
                    /                  丶
              /                         丶
               /           _            丶
            /        ,  <´  _  `> 、       >、
    .        /         / __> ´   ` <、 /     /  ,
            /      / 〆           ヾ、     ./  /
         /         `/               ヽ> '_ノ!i
         ./´ ̄丶    〃                  ゝ、_ (())
         {     ヽ//      !、!、   i、i  ! !、   }  i ヾ   i i.
        丶ン、  .ノ /         !士ノ、_!i_i!_ノi_,七_ノ、 i! i  (())
          ! i  ̄ ノ,.     ,!、>.. ̄`ヽ.   ,千、i  ヾノ/!i   i i
          (())   .'   !/  γi .!升卞、     イ::i  !/!ヾ X.}!   /,、',
         i i.      /,  ( ', 从;;ノ     、ー' ノi,、ヾ、\  コ i!_i!ソ
         i i     〃!/i  ゝ_' ,_゚ゝ、         ノ, -、 、ヾ 、. `¨
         (())   ノ  i! !{、/ >´ヽ、    ´ /´ :::::/、 !i
         i i       i `(,<´ ', ', ',`> -イ :::::::::::/  }!
         /,、',        `}  ', ', ',_ L -┘、 :::::/  ノ
        .ヤメ=ム         / >、 } ii      丶:::::`.ヽ
        /、!i_!i_       γ´ /´ ,´`  }i      `ゝ、::i
       ` ー‐´        i  i   /   i くヽ    、   `ヽ
                 i  !  i   !  >ゝ、  ヽ   /}
                     } i   ! ノ <    ヽ  !  / ノ
                    ノ i   ! <   >     } 人  く
                       ヽノ   //   \ノ

  • An old guy's face?
  • edited 2011-06-25 18:32:49
    That's clearly Princess Maya from Dewprism/Threads of Fate.

    And by "clearly" I mean "the only way I know is because of the text at the bottom."
  • ascii art test 1
    / __ \
    ( (__) )
    / | | /\
    /_________/ \_
    / \ \
    / \ \_
    / \ \
    / _ _ \ \_
    / / | // \ \
    / //|| // \ \_
    / || || __ \ \
    / || ||/__\ \ \_
    / || ||/ \\ \ \
    / _||_ \\__// \ \_
    / ---- ---- __ \ \
    / _____ _ _ _ // \ /
    / |__ __| / \ | \ | | \\ \ /
    / | | | O || \| | \\ \ /
    / |_| \_/ |_|\__| _// \ /
  • edited 2011-06-28 20:37:28
    Tech support
    ascii art test 2
    / __ \
    ( (__) )
    / | | /\
    /_________/ \_
    / \ \
    / \ \_
    / \ \
    / _ _ \ \_
    / / | // \ \
    / //|| // \ \_
    / || || __ \ \
    / || ||/__\ \ \_
    / || ||/ \\ \ \
    / _||_ \\__// \ \_
    / ---- ---- __ \ \
    / _____ _ _ _ // \ /
    / |__ __| / \ | \ | | \\ \ /
    / | | | O || \| | \\ \ /
    / |_| \_/ |_|\__| _// \ /

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    It's kinda cool that after looking at the second version, I can read the writing on the first version.
  • When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    It's interesting to note that you can see the ASCII art correctly on the mobile interface only if it's in quoteblocks. 
  • It's not just on a mobile interface, and that's not a quoteblock.
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