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My legs and waist.

edited 2011-04-01 21:06:38 in General
Fuck them. Fuck them with a stick. My legs and waist are really screwed up--my leg-length/waist-size ratio is odd, my legs are way too long for how thin my waist is.

This means that almost all of the pants produced today don't fit me at all. Ones with long enough legs are way too wide in the waste, ones with small enough waists have way too short legs. I have literally never ever had a pair of pants that fit me really well. I always have to deal with wide waists falling down unless I tighten my belt way too much or really short legs that look ugly.

This is very, very, annoying.


  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    I quit eating.

    So should you.
  • ...Vorpy, my main problem with eating is that I eat too little.

    Actually read the the thread. I'm too skinny for my leg length. I'm nowhere near fat, I'm in danger for being underweight.
  • Dude, it's Vorpy. She's just Vorpying as usual.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Post a pic and I shall judge that. I can probably tell you if you need to eat more, less, need to work out or need to get custom made pants.
  • I wish she'd start Tnopheliaing again.
  • edited 2011-04-01 21:18:19
    ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    No. I am sick of encouraging people to hate me.
  • Vorpy, what do you have against Tnophelia? You two used to be so close.

    ...I think.
  • I've never hated either of you.
  • Be glad you can still use them.
  • Appeal To Worse Problems Fallacy.

    I expected better out of you, Poni.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    A shipping joke would not work here.

    Ponicalica should curbstomp Chagen, or vice versa.

    Either way I have money on Poni kicking Chagen's ass.
  • I have money on you getting banned and Tnophelia being let back in.
  • BobBob
    edited 2011-04-01 21:33:39
    Poni, you don't always have to post otherwise innocuous things that you know are going to get a rise out of Chagen. It's rude. Don't be rude.

    Chagen, you don't always have to name whatever fallacy someone is / isn't / may be using. It's annoying. Don't be annoying.

    Vorpy, you don't always have to Vorp. It's Vorp. Don't be Vorp.

    Myrmidon, I'm running out of ideas so you're off the hook for the time being.
  • Aren't most men's pants made using waist and inseam lengths, rather than being arbitrarily sized like women's?
  • You're 15 Chagen, having an awkwardly-shaped body is normal.  You'll be fine, I'm sure. 

    Hey Bob, do I get to be criticized?

  • No. I'm not going to criticize you, because you would just end up liking it. That, and you lust after seals and that's gross. >:[

    ...Wait a minute...
  • Aren't most men's pants made using waist and inseam lengths, rather than being arbitrarily sized like women's?
    The only American pants brand I know is Levi's, but that is true for them, yes.
  • @Bob: I told you, I was just kidding!  That seal and I are just friends, I swear!  And...  Actually, I can't refute that first thing you said, because I really do like being criticized.
  • Vorpy has a point. Just post a fucking picture if you are so self-conscious about it. We'll tell you.
  • In other words...

  • edited 2011-04-01 22:00:02
    I love this new IJBM already.
  • Yeah... you guys have fun with that.  I have no intention of looking at a picture of a teenaged boy with the intention of critueqing his appearance.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    there is a 100% chance that Chagen will not post a picture or look at this thread ever again now that we are interested in judging whether or not his legs and waist are in questionable health.
  • Damn it Vorpy quit being so right all the time!
  • No Vorpy. Don't stop being right ever.

    IT'S SEXY.
  • It's less that and more that I don't have a very good camera besides my Ipod one.

    Let me try to take a pic with it...dammit, I just got a camera but I have no storage for it...
  • I tried with my Ipod camera--I'm gonna need someone else to take the picture. But I don't want my parents getting that close to my small porn stash.
  • I just tried my Computer webcam--it can do it but how much do you guys need to see? I can't get it to look very good, when I try to show off my legs (okay, that sounded...odd), I'm too far away...
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