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This is, by definition, a "passing" grade in some instutions.
Which is a lie, because no institution I've been in accepts a D as a passing grade, not even a D+. Really, it's just a "haha you were to close to properly pasing the course" grade.
It may as well be called 'F+'.
> using letters as grades
I don't really understand how Murrica works here, but a D is certainly a passing grade around these parts.
At my uni, classes require a C or C- or higher to be used as prerequisites for other classes, as well as to graduate. Anything below C- basically means "please retake".
At the colleges I've gone to, at least, a D is considered "passing" but is essentially worthless--you need a C or higher for the course to satisfy a prerequisite, or for the credit to transfer to any other school...
So, yeah, what the OP said.
EDIT: whoa, ninja'd
When I was an undergrad, a D was considered passing.
Now, as a grad student, a C is considered semi-failing, and D doesn't even exist.
There are unis where a D counts as passing? It's always seemed to me like and F is "did you even try" and D is "okay you tried, just nowhere near hard enough you failure".
You are allowed to retake, but you have to go through some rather annoying things like late registration (you can't advance-register for a class you've taken already, pass or otherwise), which means it may take a week or two to get the class if it's full. Your only solace is if you have a "graduating senior" card, which gives you top adding priority...if other people adding late aren't also graduating seniors.
Here it works like this: A D will be a passing grade if and only if the class is basic. If the class is a fundamental for my major, a D is just an F.
Over here the scale is A, B, C+, C, C- (minimum required to pass, 50% or higher), I(ncomplete), F (an 'I' left hanging for too long).
Here a 50 is a D- and that's the minimum passing mark. Once you've passed a course the actual mark doesn't matter aside from affecting your GPA.
All of your guys's systems seem oddly complicated by comparison.
Still, grade inflation is a thing, so A and B grades get given out like candy. Not sure if it's the same case in your school.
Considering I'm just clearing courses by the skin of my teeth, fuck grad school, I'm not strong enough for that.
I'm glad we have numbers over here, I'm quite uncomfortable with teachers giving their students the D.
Is this some sexual allusion that I don't grasp? (Edit: this reminds me, local colloquial expression for an F-grade may be used for those, but that's not related to which symbols we use.)
god damn you i laughed
that meme seems to be absolutely nothing more than a simple coincidence yet i can't even fathom how it became a meme
I've rarely seen it outside Tumblr myself...and trying to explain why Tumblr thinks things are funny is a fool's errand.
OMG WHAT IS AIR OMG murder tumblr