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let us descend into the depths of discussing this fine short film.
Hmm, might look into the Anime Mirai stuff in general. Although looks like any English-subbed releases don't have batch torrents, so that might take a while. #pointlesscomment
I mean English fansub groups don't make batch torrents for these shorts, and that means I'll have to look for them individually. (also, me internet might be a little slow right now)
Little Witch Academia is on Youtube.
subbed, and in HD even.
But he wasn't talking about Little Witch Academia, Youtube is inferior to properly encoded videos with styled softsubs etc., and if his internet connection is slow then it's likely a lot easier to torrent a video than to stream it.
That said it should be is ridiculously easy to find any of the Anime Mirai/Young Animator Training Project things and I'm sure they're all still seeded.
Apparently, going by how everyone ever around me talks about it, this is the best cinematic masterpiece since that time Orson Welles and some other dudes decided o make a movie about a media tycoon who said was talking about another media tycoon's euphemism for his wife's vagina.
I haven't seen this yet, but that character is reminding me slightly of Eas.
it's mostly just a really good cartoon, which is something I rarely say about anime.
Sucy was the best part of the movie.
Sucy is the best part of everything.
Nonono, the best character was the little sprite thingy they met when they entered the dungeon.
Ebin :--D
can you please translate that into English
Anyhow, I've looked at the Twitter and haven't seen that post anywhere. Are you sure that it's real ?
The topic of an Original Video Animation consisting of six episodes has been raised.
This is excellent, my enthusiasm is facially appreciable.
It is done through the funding project Kickstarter.
I disapprove of you! I disapprove of you! I disapprove of you!
admittedly no. But I don't follow Inferno Cop either.
I'm pretty sure it either is fake or was an April Fool's joke that has since been deleted.
In any case, it's not on the InfernoCop_USA Twitter and studio-trigger.com doesn't say anything about an OVA (and doesn't seem to have a /en/little_witch_academia.html or similar anyway). Also it would be extremely unusual for something like that to be announced that way rather than via Trigger's (Japanese) Twitter or (Japanese) official site or a press release.
well that's unfortunate.
I somehow doubt that the Inferno Cop twitter is the best place for accurate information anyways.
It just seems weird to see a project like LWA pushed through kickstarter. It might get infinite amounts of money if it did though.
It's an official account connected to Trigger.
its also Inferno Cop, which has done fake announcements before.
Yeah I've said this before but I don't really follow anime very much anymore so I don't really know what's reliable and what isn't.
I just watched this on Youtube, and goddamn the art style and animation are fantastic. Even though the plot became really cliche at the end.
The plot was pretty much cliche all the way through but it was a fun ride.
the plot was fun but not why it was cool.
I liked the characters though. Archetypal yes, but fun enough in their own right.
I just watched it, and...
again: Sucy is the best part of every movie.
Nobody's home, so I took the opportunity to watch this without bringing eternal shame upon myself.
Yep, it's a pretty good cartoon, and that's about it.
Also, Sucy rocks.