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Ok, I'm sure most of you already know what a Nuzlocke is at this point, so I'm not even going to bother explaining that. I'll just point out that I won't be using dupes, because dupes in Nuzlockes are never any fun.
So, what's the randomiser, you might ask? Simple. It's a modular program allowing you to randomise any aspect of the game. Types, movesets, encounters, you name it. And in this case, I'll be letting you choose the options. (Although randomised starters/wild Pokémon are a guarantee, otherwise this would all be rather pointless.) As well as this, pick any of the games from Gen III onwards, including the remakes. (Note that I may not be able to do Gen V, depending on circumstances.)
So, to start off, here are all the available options. Take your pick! (Options marked as ** can only be chosen if the settings aren't unchanged.)
Pokémon Base Statistics
* Unchanged
* Shuffle [All statistics are kept the same, but moved around: I.E Flareon might have 130 Def instead of 130 SpA, etc.]
* Random (follow evolutions) [Randomises stats to fall within the original BST, and evolutions will continue to follow that distribution]
* Random (completely) [Like above, except evolutions have their own stats, leading to major stat changes.]
Pokémon Abilities
* Unchanged
* Randomise [Every Pokémon will have a new ability, and a 50% chance of having a second]
** Allow Wonder Guard? [Exactly what it says on the tin.]
Starter Pokémon
* Custom [Choose any 3 Pokémon as starters.]
* Random (completely) [Any 3 Pokémon, including evolutions, as starters, picked randomly.]
* Random (basic Pokémon with 2 evolutions) [Any Pokémon that evolves twice can be a starter.]
Pokémon Types
* Unchanged
* Random (follow evolutions) [Types are randomised, but evolutions will follow that pattern, although they may add a second type.]
* Random (completely) [Types are randomised for evolutions as well.]
Pokémon Movesets
* Unchanged
* Random (Preferring same type) [Moves will generally correspond to the type of the receiving Pokémon. A damaging move is guaranteed.]
* Random (completely) [Moves ignore the type of the receiving Pokémon. A damaging move is guaranteed.]
Trainers Pokémon
* Unchanged
* Random [All Pokémon are chosen completely at random.]
* Type Themed [Each trainer is given a type and distributed Pokémon from that type. Gym trainers will share a type.]
** Rival carries starter through game? [Every time you battle your rival, they will have their starter with them. It may evolve.]
** Try to use Pokémon with similar strength? [Trainers will have their Pokémon replaced with ones of similar strength to their original team. Other rules may take precedence, however.]
** Weight types by # of Pokémon with them? [Type themed only. Trainer types will be determined based on how many Pokémon of that type there are.]
** Don't use legendaries? [Self explanatory.]
** No Early Shedinja? [Shedinja won't be used before level 20.]
* Randomise Trainer Names [Self explanatory.]
* Randomise Trainer Class Names [I.E Youngster to Misfit.]
Wild Pokémon
* Random [Every encounter slot is replaced with a different Pokémon.]
* Area 1-to-1 Mapping [Every encounter of a given type in an area is replaced by a different Pokémon. I.E All Bidoof in Route 202 are now Starly.]
* Global 1-to-1 Mapping [Every encounter of a given type is replaced by a different Pokémon. I.E All Bidoof are now Starly.] (Cannot use Additional Rules)
** Catch 'Em All Mode [Every Pokémon can only be found in one area until the Pokédex is exhausted, at which point it repeats.]
** Type Theme Areas [All Pokémon in an area share a type.]
** Don't use legendaries? [Self explanatory.]
** Set minimum catch rate? [All wild Pokémon will have a catch rate of at least 45.]
Static Pokémon
* Unchanged
* Random [All legendaries are replaced with other legendaries, all normal Pokémon are replaced with other normal Pokémon.]
* Random (completely) [Legendaries can be replaced with normal Pokémon, and vice versa.]
TMs & HMs
* Unchanged
* Random [All TMs are given new moves.]
* Unchanged
* Random (prefer same type) [A Pokémon has a 90% chance of being able to learn a TM/HM if it shares a type, a 50% chance if the TM/HM is Normal, 25% in all other situations.]
* Random (completely) [A Pokémon has a 50% chance of learning any TM/HM.]
Move Tutors
* Unchanged
* Random [Every Move Tutor slot has a new moves. Will not overlap with TM/HM moves.]
Same as TMs/HMs.
And there ya have it.
Pokémon Base Statistics
* Random (completely) [Like above, except evolutions have their own stats, leading to major stat changes.]
Pokémon Abilities
* Randomise [Every Pokémon will have a new ability, and a 50% chance of having a second]
** Allow Wonder Guard? [Exactly what it says on the tin.]
Starter Pokémon
* Random (completely) [Any 3 Pokémon, including evolutions, as starters, picked randomly.]
Pokémon Types
* Unchanged
Pokémon Movesets
* Random (completely) [Moves ignore the type of the receiving Pokémon. A damaging move is guaranteed.]
Trainers Pokémon
* Random [All Pokémon are chosen completely at random.]
** Rival carries starter through game? [Every time you battle your rival, they will have their starter with them. It may evolve.]
* Randomise Trainer Names [Self explanatory.]
Wild Pokémon
* Global 1-to-1 Mapping [Every encounter of a given type is replaced by a different Pokémon. I.E All Bidoof are now Starly.] (Cannot use Additional Rules)
** Catch 'Em All Mode [Every Pokémon can only be found in one area until the Pokédex is exhausted, at which point it repeats.]
** Don't use legendaries? [Self explanatory.]
Static Pokémon
* Random (completely) [Legendaries can be replaced with normal Pokémon, and vice versa.]
TMs & HMs
* Random [All TMs are given new moves.]
* Random (prefer same type) [A Pokémon has a 90% chance of being able to learn a TM/HM if it shares a type, a 50% chance if the TM/HM is Normal, 25% in all other situations.]
Move Tutors
* Unchanged
Same as TMs/HMs.
Everything Random(completely). No Wonder Guard. Any Gen after III is fine.
How are you able to do this by the way?
Through this.
With any luck, you get a Dark/Ghost Wonderguard Magikarp with 999 base stats straight across the board and learning moves like psychic, nasty plot, recover, etc
Can't happen. As I said, it stays within BST boundaries.
(Also, if an unavoidable trainer gets a Dark/Ghost with Wonder Guard I am going to be so mad at you guys.
Presumably (without having any experience with this program, so this is mostly a guess), Random (follow evolutions) means that, for instance, if a Pokemon's highest stat is Speed, then when it evolves its Speed will still be its highest stat. Random (completely) would mean that every Pokemon's stats, regardless of whether they're an evolution or not, are completely randomized while still having their stat totals the same.
Maybe karp will have 1 defense, 1 attack, 1 special defense, and 1 hp with all the rest in speed and special attack?
What DYRE said. Basically, a Magikarp could have, say 150 Atk and 10 in each other stat. (Follow Evolutions) would make Gyrados have (roughly) 40 in each stat and 340 Atk. (Completely) would ignore that and give it, say, 110 in 4 stats and 50 in 2.
Here's the opinion of someone with no experience with Gen IV or V and whose only experience with Nuzlockes is the original webcomic:
Pokémon Base Statistics: Random (follow evolutions) [Randomises stats to fall within the original BST, and evolutions will continue to follow that distribution]
Starter Pokémon: Random (basic Pokémon with 2 evolutions) [Any Pokémon that evolves twice can be a starter.]
Pokémon Types: Random (follow evolutions) [Types are randomised, but evolutions will follow that pattern, although they may add a second type.]
Pokémon Movesets: i dunno, lol
Trainers Pokémon: Type Themed [Each trainer is given a type and distributed Pokémon from that type. Gym trainers will share a type.]
** Rival carries starter through game? [Every time you battle your rival, they will have their starter with them. It may evolve.]
Wild Pokémon: Random [Every encounter slot is replaced with a different Pokémon.] ** Don't use legendaries? [Self explanatory.]
TMs & HMs
Moves: Random [All TMs are given new moves.]
Compatibility: Unchanged
Move Tutors
Moves: Unchanged
Do you know if this will work on a phone GBA emulator?
Theoretically speaking, it should, since it just creates a modified ROM.
'k. It's been 24 hours, so it's time to get this show on the road. I have taken a couple of liberties, in order to maintain some semblance of consistency, and so the thing isn't unwinnable as soon as it starts. Namely: Wonder Guard will be disabled, and types will follow evolutions.
* Base statistics: Randomised completely.
* Abilities: Randomised.
* Starters: Randomised completely.
* Movesets: Randomised completely.
* Trainers: Pokémon will be randomised completely. The rival will carry their starter throughout the game. Trainer names will be randomised, class names will not be.
* Wild Pokémon: Randomised completely. No legendaries. (Which kinda goes against a Nuzlocke anyway.)
* Static Pokémon: Randomised completely.
* TMs & HMs: Moves and compatibility randomised completely.
* Move Tutors: Unchanged.
The game will be HeartGold, just because. If you want to play along at home, the randomisation seed is -6507506461636436194 and the config string is ICIBApcAmgCdAASGJAQJFBVQb2tlbW9uIEhlYXJ0R29sZCAoVSnEr16/e3RxlqaeD2c=
Update... at some point in the next hour or so.
I know they strictly don't, but it just feels, I 'unno, wrong somehow. Like avoiding the first trainer you can and then coming back after the Elite 4.
Running legendaries I find complicate matters. It IS the same Pokemon if you encounter it again, so what are the rules there?
Update 1: The Adventure Begins
Let the ball start rolling!
We're greeted with the traditional Mascot title screen.
This seems to be exclusive to Gen IV, and I'm not sure why.
We get some mild philosophy on the nature of time.
And Professor Oak appears, replete in tasteful yellow coat. Despite the fact that he won't be appearing again for a while.
We get the classic spiel about people working and battling with Pokémon, and then the Professor Blindness Test.
Alice used Bias! It's super effective!
Now, canonically, the female protagonist for the Gen IV games is called Lyra, so it's only sensible that we totally ignore that. Raia it is.
After inputting our name, Oak goes on a short tangent about adventures, and then the game begins for real.
We check out our room. To the surprise of nobody, the Wii is huge in separate regions of the country. Who would have guessed? Sadly, upon checking our e-mail, it turns out that our one friend has an illness restricting him to writing in simple sentences.
At the bottom of the stairs, we're accosted by our mother, who apparently doesn't think much of our mental ability. She gives us a bag, a trainer card, a journal, and... the options menu? I'm not quite sure how she pulled that one off, but anyhow, we're ready to go! ...In a second.
Despite being in Johto, apparently our mother specialises in making Kanto regional dishes. A burger is an odd speciality, too.
Not just any lemonade, but sweeeet lemonade!
Outside, we bump into a Marill, which then runs off with its owner.
Yup, this is New Bark Town. Not sure what happened to the original Bark Town, though.
We get some information on Elm from the locals.
And this is where our friend lives.
Ethan's father is apparently either going senile, or just trying to make you feel bad.
I'm not even sure how he knows this. Anyway, onto the lab!
Outside the lab we meet a suspicious (and surprisingly strong) stranger.
Inside we meet Elm, who goes on to explain how before Poké Balls were invented, people used to walk around with their Pokémon, and how it may affect their growth. He wants you to help with his research, so he's going to give you a Pokémon. However...
...His computer rings. Apparently an acquaintance of his named "Mr. Pokémon" has discovered... something. So he wants you to go find out what it is, since he's busy. And irresponsible enough to send young children into caves, apparently. Now we get to choose a Pokémon.
And here they are. Make your choice! (For the record, your rival will pick Arbok if you choose Gengar, Poochyena if you choose Arbok, and Gengar if you pick Poochyena.)
Rock Type Gengar sounds pretty cool.
Can we put up suggestions for names? (Not that I have any.)
Sure, go ahead.
Gengar is the only proper option!
Geddit? Cuz he's a rock type ghost?
Technically I think he's just a Rock type. Not a rock type ghost. :P
Ok, yeah, unless some kinda miracle happens, Gengar has won by a landslide, so voting is closed now. Expect updates at some point later today.
Update 2: Challenger Approaching! A New Foe Has Appeared!
Since only one person suggested a name for our new friend, I am going to take that and modify it a little.
I'm not quite sure how he expects us to fail in the first place, but whatever. But enough of that, let's take a look at Tombstone's stats, shall we?
As you can see, Tombstone is a Rock/Dark Pokémon. Notably, his attack and special attack stand head and shoulders above his other stats, with his defense and speed being, for lack of a better word, abysmal. On the plus side, his moves are decent.
Before we can leave the lab, we are stopped by the Professor's assistant, Walter White, who gives us some of his merchandise.
Ethan is waiting outside, and quickly reveals that he A) can see ghosts, and
needs to work on his definition of cute. Anyhow, like he said, we should go see our mother.
...Nobody in this town trusts us, do they?
Yay, we got a phone!
Let me get this straight. You trust us to use a being of immense power correctly, but not a phone? Let's answer yes anyway, just to prove we aren't completely stupid.
As we attempt to leave town, Professor Elm forces his phone number onto us. Jerk. But now we're ready to go into the wide world!
A few steps into the wide world, we're introduced to Gengar's younger sister. Unfortunately for her, she didn't get to do much before dying. Meanwhile, Gengar's speed continues to be awful.
On our way to Cherrygrove, we meet some new friends, crush them mercilessly, and learn Vacuum Wave (because honestly, Trick is pretty useless in single player.) Tombstone's HP and Attack continue to streak ahead of his other stats. (Note that there were a couple of fights with Pokémon we'd already seen between Quagsire and level 9.)
Ah, beautiful Cherrygrove "City". The 2nd smallest settlement in the entirety of Johto.
As we get here, a nice old guy offers to show us around. And by offers, I mean forces.
At the end of the tour, he gives us a pair of running shoes, so that we're no longer slower than Tombstone.
As we attempt to leave Cherrygrove, the old man grabs us again (I'm starting to sense a theme here.). He gives us a Map Card, because apparently nobody in Johto ever thought of the concept of "Apps". Oh well, whatever, free map.
As we get onto Route 30, we meet two new friends.
A little further on, we find a house. Could it be?!
...Nope. It's just a guy obsessed with Apricorns.
The tree next to his house contains a timewarp back to 1999.
Up ahead, the road is blocked by an enthralling battle between a Pidgey and a Rattata. Damn kids have no respect.
Apparently Anorith can fly.
Another Time Warp! (Seriously, why did they do this?)
And finally, we have reached our destination.