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"Realistic" Pokemon



  • edited 2013-03-07 08:29:08
    But you never had any to begin with.

    ^^ The linework was by hand, so...

  • No rainbow star
    ^^^^ That's more what I'd expect from Scyther

    I've been noticing that Flygon gets designed lije a dragonfly. But... It isn't. Vibrava to Flygon is much like Remoraid to Octillery (a vertebrate to an invertebrate in Remoraid's case). Flygon doesn't have any sign of an exoskeleton, has defined, non bug like limbs, and even the eyes are not compound but have natural shields around them

    The head thing could be interpreted as attenae and maybe the solid wings sheathe fragile bug like wings, but otherwise it doesn't resemble a bug

  • Except Flygon's line is explicitly based on the maturation cycle of an antlion.  Which ends with this.



    ♪ I'm lookin' Flygon, ooo I'm 'bout to spread my wings ♪

    ♫ Watch a Trapinch spread his wings ♫

  • No rainbow star
    ^ Which resembles Vibrava

    Flygon's like a reptile/bug cross

    ...And should have been Bug/Dragon with Sand Veil

  • BeeBee
    edited 2013-03-07 17:52:34

    They like giving Dragons a second type with quadruple damage to blunt their extreme versatility.

    Hell, even with one they're usually at least OU.

  • a little muffled
    Flygon would have been much worse as Bug/Dragon though. Stealth Rock weak and both STABs resisted by Steel.
    Here, There, Everywhere

    @Bee: That thing is terrifying yet beautiful.

  • No rainbow star
    ^^ However, it would make a lot of sense in terms of the game... Mythos? Is that the right word?, since it's in the bug egg group and evolves from bugs
  • Definitely not gay.

    A lot of typings don't make sense in the lore. Golduck by all rights should be Water/Psychic, for instance.

  • a little muffled
    @Icalasari: I agree, I was just responding to the idea that it's Ground for balance reasons.
  • Definitely not gay.

    To be honest, I'd like this guy better if he let go of his "based on real animals" rule.

    I mean the guy has the talent to make really neat things. I for one would pay to see Garbodor as a mass of slithering, pulsating and incredibly sticky flesh with debris stuck on it.

  • "I will grant you two wishes; one for each testicle."

    >implying game freak gives a shit about balance

  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    Golduck by all rights should be Water/Psychic, for instance.

    My guess (and this is just a guess mind you) is that the Psychic-type wasn't invented by the time Golduck was designed and they never went back and changed it.

    That could be why Charizard and Gyarados aren't Dragon-types too, even though it worked out in the long run in terms of balance.

  • edited 2013-03-08 11:20:51
    Definitely not gay.

    What pisses me off is that they totally retconned Magnemite and Magneton's typing in G2. They could've done the same for a LOT of Pokemon, but nooooo. 

    Not even sure how he messed up Umbreon. It's like he randomly decided that Umbreon should grow a neck

    Umbreon has a neck. What are you talking about?

  • No rainbow star
    ^^ Gyarados appears to be based on a legebd about a carp that jumped the Dragon's Gate and became a dragon. It rampaged, whicg caused the gods to remove its dragonocity, leaving it as a giant sea serpent thing

    ^ Well SOMETHING is off with that guy's Umbreon's neck
  • a little muffled

    @707ruz: Their attempts at balance are pretty halfhearted, but they certainly do try a little bit.

  • No rainbow star
    Hence why a dragon starter is a laughable idea
  • But you never had any to begin with.
    @Icalasari: Why? It's not like there aren't weaker dragons. See: Druddigon.
  • Definitely not gay.

    I don't see how a dragon starter is more overpowered than a steel and fighting starter.

  • No rainbow star
    Dragon resists all three starter types. It would recieve neutral damage from the one it's "weak" to and 0.25 from the one it resists

    Sure, Steel resists grass. But it's also weak to fire, maintaining a semblance of a triangle. And fighting isn't strong or weak to the starter types
  • But you never had any to begin with.
    Except the one steel starter is hit neutrally by fire.
  • No rainbow star
    ^ And is hit neutrally by grass. Like I said

    I could see a grass/dragon with a starter ice or flying, or a fire/dragon with another starter rock or ground, but otherwise...
  • BeeBee
    edited 2013-03-08 15:42:08

    Recent starters were given supplemental types in their later evos to give a counter-triangle and likely to encourage you to keep your starter in the late game even though you know your rival is gunning for it.  They still start out as single types of a less game-breaking magnitude.

    A dragon-type starter would be resistant to pretty much everything the early game throws at you that isn't normal attacks, and likely have nearly immediate access to most of the useful TM's.

  • But if you evolved your starter to its third stage while you're still in the early game, then you're presumably going to be overpowered anyway, so what's the problem?  (I mean, I'm assuming by "dragon-type starter" you really mean "if Charizard were Fire/Dragon" since that's what seemed to make Icalasari bring up the subject)

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Yeah, and charmander and charmeleon should remain single-type fire.

  • BeeBee
    edited 2013-03-09 00:09:06

    If you're evolving your started to its third stage in the "early game", you're grinding so goddamn much as to trivialize the whole thing and balance is kind of out the window...

  • Uh, yeah, that's what I said.

  • No rainbow star
    They still try to balance out the fully evolved starters
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