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The Nostalgia Critic is un-retiring
It's kind of depressing. Seeing Doug go back to doing shit he clearly doesn't enjoy anymore and has no material left for just because a bunch of manchildren hate change is terrible.
/things no one but me on this site cares about.
man thats a bummer
Wait, what's the context here? I mean, he's in no way forced to come back, unless his site is not getting enough viewers without him.
His new show wasn't working out, so he returned back to being the Critic.
He removed his cutoff date and moved it to every other week, so that's good at least.
Great. More raging geek comedy.
I'm tired of this douche nugget being quoted over and over.
What was the old show? Anything interesting?
Guys, if you watched the video, you'd understand that Doug's doing this because he actually wants to do it.
I mean, yeah, it's kind of a cop out, but come on, it's clear that he really enjoys sketch comedy and that the "dramedy" approach with Demo Reel just wasn't working out. It was a decent show, sure, but it just didn't have the charm and humor that the NC did.
Plus, the Demo Reel universe being a personal purgatory for the NC was actually very well-written despite being a blatantly obvious retcon. The Nostalgia Critic starring in the same kind horrible movies he reviewed, and then having his life destroyed by the constant bashing and criticism? THAT is Hell in its purest, most ironic form, and it's absolutely brilliant.
Oh look, someone who bases his opinion of the NC off of Something Awful's forums.
It's true! Everyone who disagrees with you is a mindless sheep.
I knew it!
I was referring to the so-called demo reel when I asked, by the way.
Honestly I wish Doug Walker just focused on discussing film because he's actually smart and his comedy style is really really not that good.
I'm generally much happier when I believe that what I like is perfect and that nobody can actually dislike what I like.
I'm not sure why you think posting it again will somehow lead to me reading it again but
you're actually right fuck
Whoops, that was a mistake. Not sure how I ended up copying that to the clipboard.
Fixed now.
Ah, yes, self-delusion. It is a pretty neat thing, agreed.
Are you serious?
Oh my, everybody seems cranky today.
everybody is a critic these days
@Crimson: Perhaps I'm not being entirely serious there, but I certainly don't like it when my own tastes aren't validated by others.
fucking why?
His show wasn't funny the first time and it's not going to be the second time.
>implying humour is subjective(no, that's not a typo)
You're right! Humor is objective. If I think something is funny and someone else disagrees, than the other person is wrong.
Exactly. That's why everytime we disagree, I am right and you are all wrong.
Seriously, I HATE that line of thinking.
well this is certainly a thread
You only think it's a thread because you're a sheep, @ClockworkUniverse.
fuck tha humor police
pictured: the humor police
>implying I want to be right and not just contrarian
Do Randroids dream of electric sheeple?