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Glenn Beck confirms he's more insane than everyone thought
Galt railed against the collectivist system and believed that only through freedom could people tap into their divine potential to become creators of their own: leaders, businessmen, artists, and so on. The community that was created in this spirit was called "Galt's Gulch," and it is that very ideal Beck strives to emulate in his own enterprises. In fact, that's why he moved to Texas.
Drawing on this free market, limited-government model, Beck said he aspires to build an actual community based on just that. While the price tag of building an actual city-slash-theme park is steep at an estimated $2 billion, Beck said he feels compelled to move forward with his ultimate plan "once piece at a time." Having toured "three possible sites in three different states" and having spoken to two governors already, Beck is serious in his goals.
Is it me or is The Blaze, Beck's ownnewspaper, making fun of him?
"you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
You know what, if it's really Galt's Gulch - if Glenn Beck really wants to set up a libertarian commune and cut off from outside world - then I expect you rejoice.
"you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
.Eh, there've been plenty. One I've heard of involved the creation of an artificial island. The most ambitious project right now is about setting up a sort of a floating city on a big ship just off the Californian shore.
"you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
Besides, guys, would you kindly stop this "more insane that everyone thought" thing. I mean, c'mon. Don't tell me you're shocked or something. As if you considered him respectable beforehand.
Besides, guys, would you kindly stop this "more insane that everyone thought" thing. I mean, c'mon. Don't tell me you're shocked or something. As if you considered him respectable beforehand.
Not that anyone thought he was respectable, but, I sure as hell didn't expect THIS level of insanity.
Glenn Beck still exists?
hahaha, wut
I'm having trouble believing this isn't an Onion article.
^I Can't Believe It's Not Onion?
Is it me or is The Blaze, Beck's own newspaper, making fun of him?
I wonder who's going to fix people's plumbing there.
they'll fix it themselves.
with freedom.
You know what, if it's really Galt's Gulch - if Glenn Beck really wants to set up a libertarian commune and cut off from outside world - then I expect you rejoice.
^^^ Joe the plumber obviously
Hurry the fuck up, Beck, I want my goddamn plasmids.
^^^Yeah, but it's not like it's gonna be the last generation of Libertarians.
Meh, we should only start getting worried when they try to relocate to the middle of the Gulf for genetic experiments.
We should start a fundraiser for Beck to build a giant city under the sea, on the condition he names in Rapture.
Apparently Glenn Beck isn't the only one getting in on making Rapture knock-offs.
.Eh, there've been plenty. One I've heard of involved the creation of an artificial island. The most ambitious project right now is about setting up a sort of a floating city on a big ship just off the Californian shore.
Y halo thar Sealand II.
So Glenn Beck's claiming to be a libertarian now.
Head, meet Wall...
Besides, guys, would you kindly stop this "more insane that everyone thought" thing. I mean, c'mon. Don't tell me you're shocked or something. As if you considered him respectable beforehand.
Oh, I'm not shocked at all. I'm merely appalled that he still has any relevance.
Glenn Beck has called himself a libertarian for a long time, I thought.
He's probably called himself a libertarian for as long as the term "libertarian" was popular among right-wingers.
Not that anyone thought he was respectable, but, I sure as hell didn't expect THIS level of insanity.
I have to wonder why anyone really cares enough if they know about Glenn Beck's antics.
I wonder if he realizes that the government is still going to tax people there.
I think he wants to make a micro-nation or something.
Of course that assumes this ISN'T a giant ponzi scheme.
Assuming he sites this thing next to a river, I would really hate to live downriver of these people.
That's because they have no concept of externalities.
Why does Glenn Beck have Hitler Tourettes?
I am now picturing a case of Hitler Tourettes.
I imagine it being little more than a German dub of the South Park episode "Le Petit Tourette"...