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tell stories about bad teachers 
I once had a prof who spoke very quietly and had a very thick foreign accent and I had tons of trouble hearing him.
...do you have a story to share?
What is the difference between "tell" and "share" in this context? I'm curious.
My General Chemistry I professor got a better paying job at a different university, and it was his last semester at IIT. He took it as a chance to be a complete tool without any consequences. For example he constantly took a condescending tone towards us, and would outright call us idiots when we couldn't answer a question in time. He would also give out candy to students he caught sleeping, saying "yeah, you look like you could use a pick me up" in the middle of lecture. Once he even threw a Jolly Rancher at a guy's head, making a big scene and wasting lecture time.
Then in Orgo, I had probably the smuggest professor in the entire school. He actually said at one point "I'm the only one in this room that's gonna remember this, because I am a GENIUS". Not to mention he was an incredibly tough professor teaching an already incredibly tough course.
There was also the Orgo Lab professor, who was ^that guy's best friend and they would come up with schemes to make students' lives hell. He would make us come to class early because he would close the door at exactly 5:00, and would take points off our reports if we took too long to finish the lab. He also had an iPad, wore fancy vests all the time, had a pocketwatch, would reference Glee, and did other hipsterish things (though this is more of a pet peeve of mine).
Yeah, my school's Chemistry department is full of dicks.
You sure he wasn't referencing Super Mario RPG?No wait that would be an Able Juice.Anyhow, I had a high school U.S. government/civics teacher who thought it was a great idea for us to learn to sing the Preamble (to the U.S. Constitution) song from Schoolhouse Rock. Thankfully, it was only for extra credit.
But he was also...suboptimal in other ways. He thought that saying the names of key concepts really loudly would make them stick better.
It didn't. I didn't become interested in economics after taking that class; I became interested in economics after taking a microecon class in college.
in my chemistry class in highschool there was guy punched me in face three times i was crying from shock of it. behind me my support teacher said grow up it was not that bad. all because i called him idot twice.
The only teacher I've had I would describe as horrible is my English teacher from way back when I was 8.
Anyway let's assume for the sake of the story my surname is Fernández. Well, this lady obstinately believed it was Hérnandez, even after I told herin numerous occasions it wasn't. She even told me once "You may be called Fernández, but for me you are Hernández", basically admitting she was doing it on purpose. She got to the extreme of "correcting" my surname in tests, and I think she even substracted points on one occasion. Naturally my mother wrote her a note after that, and she stopped doing that. The damage was already done, however, since now my loving classmates would call me by my wrong surname just to make me mad. Even to this day I get irrationally angry at people getting wrong my surname, even if it's an accident.
I realize this may be a silly thing to be angry about, but then again I was only eight
^^noh it was same for me everyone in
collage/high.sch would always ask everytime how spell my lastname tully
Well, I don't know why a civics class should make you interested in economics. Also, microecon is obviously an easy hook to economics, because it's mathy and often problem oriented... then you learn most of it is just models that don't really work for anything even remotely resembling real life situations.
In highschool I had a dickish English teacher who insisted on proper capitalization, punctuation and spellchecking of my assignments. Seriously, as long as one can understand what I mean, what the hell does it matter?
It was econ one semester and government/civics the other.
Actually, I liked the idea of boiling stuff down to mathematical principles, and introducing the wrinkles as mathematical features.
^insanityA my old lecture was nasty grammar nazi also i get singled out because i can sometimes spell with us versions of words.
There are few spelling differences between the different variants of English anyway. Between the UK and the US there's just a small number like colour/color, honour/honor, judgement/judgment, and programme/program. The bigger differences are in pronunciation anyway (there's the accent, and then there's "skeh-jewel" versus "sheh-joule"), and that's spoken language.
Why would you only be able to spell in US English?
Also, in college I had a professor who constantly made fun of me with subtle jabs and sarcasm, which always went over my head.
^^glenn i dont know i am doing it untill some one points out
^^ isantyaddict i poor when comes to sarcasm i mistake as humor somtimes
Please, feel free to take your time for spelling when posting; we're not a fast-moving forum.
one time when i was going collage the driver of taxi almost drove of while i was trying close the door with me on it i told the lecturers nothing went futher?. i saw him drove off with door still open.
My 6th-grade teacher tried to teach my class that the area of a circle was pi*r*2. When me and the other accelerated math student who'd already done this stuff confronted her on this, she tried to shame us into submission and was eventually forced to admit she didn't know what exponents were.
^ Ladies and gentlemen...the education system.
This math teacher was eating a croissant while she was lecturing. As she passed by my desk, a very visible crumb fell on my desk. An awkward silence followed.
I said "I don't need your pity." and slid the crumb away from my desk.
This earned me a trip to the assistant principle's office. The principle never saw the point of that.
there was a time i was at computer for break when retuing for class our lectuer at the last minute told us that we were gonig to another town but she said we were late for wole thing but she never said a thing about it before hand she never tells us info properly.
When I was sixteen...or was it seventeen? Eh, it was my first year of college.
Now, I have somewhat severe dyspraxia, hand writing has never been an option for me, really. Hell, I can't even walk in a straight line and a forty five minute walk will fucking kill my legs so imagine how bad my handwriting is?
Now because of this, I have always used a laptop through High School (and a little towards the end of Primary School). Now this one tutor at college assumed that all the work I handed in was a forgery because God forbid someone use intelligent language, she'd often try to force me to hand write various essays and such after I turned in the printed version.
I would of course refuse, and explain why I wasn't going to do it, in a calm manner. She'd call me a liar. I'd tell her to check my file, she'd send me to wait outside the class. Every. Fucking. Week. This happened, every week.
I really hope she's been sacked by now.
back when i was nursery i wanted use the playhouse but i forgot the neckless befor i got one of the teachers grab me by my hair and slamed me on chair yelling at me to shut up. i was 3 or 4 when this happend.
Ah, I remember a teacher who tried to tell us a right angle is 45 degrees. Our math teacher was like incapable of believing in it, she just couldn't wrap her head around the story.
a straight angle is....well no, there's no such thing as a straight angle. A "straight angle" is a line isn't it? Or ray or segment if you want to get into terminology.
A straight angle is technically a line, but no, not really. It's 180 degrees.
Or however do you call it. Was it right? Right I guess. Gonna correct.
Angles can't be lines on account of having no length.
the lecturer i had at the time i told her i find digital time easy but they always make me use it. odd thing was there was no analog clock at all there well there was one but that was it. edit=the double post was a ps3's browser gitch.>_>