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God, I don't...I just don't know.
They have an entire section dedicated to trying to make sense of the time travel mechanics. Thing is, one of the biggest problems I have with CT's plot is its inability to portray time travel mechanics that make sense (to be fair, it is hard to do with the limited space on the SNES cartridge). But that's only one of my problems.
The second is that they seem really really dedicated to their Fanwank. That would be OK on its own, it's just that they're so bad at it that it hurts.
Why don't you chronicle this topic?
I know that feel, except it's with Final Fantasy fans and their obsession with making a Dissidia multiverse (Y'know, because Dissidia as a standalone doesn't have enough of a convoluted and nonsensical plot for them to let it go).
^ Duuuuuuuude...
^^ Be careful! Too much meta and you'll destroy the forum.
In all fairness, FF is canonically a multiverse, so...
I thought FF games were completely standalone stories that shared the same title and several recurring motifs/themes (duality, crystals, etc...)
I'm pretty sure the only two related FFs are X and VII and not even then I'm 100% sure.
Tthat's why it's a multiverse and not a universe. Or something.
Gilgamesh appears in multiple games, and is officially the same character in all of them, and FFIV: The After Years makes mention of the concept too.
But isn't FF Gilgamesh just a fandom nod anyways? I haven't played The After Years so I wouldn't know about that...
Didn't moviebob do a video on insane, stupid continuities? I think this is an example of where ignoring canon might be a good idea. Final Fantasy works to a degree as separate stories linked by common thematic and visual factors, just like any selection of films by a good, distinctive filmmaker or books by the same, strong author. Trying to weave it together via a "multiverse" reeks of taking its literal elements too seriously while ignoring the artistry of each individual entry. I mean, I think FFVI is an absolutely fantastic game, but that has nothing to do with any place in relation to other Final Fantasy entries -- it works entirely fine as its own, individual story, and it has a degree of conclusiveness most long-running series never reach.
Reviving this.
A good example of some fan-wank that bugs me is the idea that Lavos is sentient.
It could be worse. They could be wanking about how Lavos needs to wear a giant silly purple hat.
>implying giant silly purple hats don't improve everything
is it this hat
I'll just leave this here:

Yay, a broken image!
Oh my god, it's a spiky turtle. That's actually pretty cool.
Actually, that's Lavos' in game sprite/background in chrono trigger
and I'm mainly testing something.
which worked, yey.
Lavos is an utterly incomprehensible being! He refuses to be mocked like this!
You sure you mean Lavos and not Giygas?
Galactus would OWN him.
There's not a lot of things that Galactus can't own.
Plus, Lavos got utterly owned by some kids, Kermit, WALL-E, and Voldemort. It isn't very hard to beat him, really.