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Shooting at Batman showing in Aurora, Colorado



  • edited 2012-08-02 10:19:01
    You can change. You can.

    Well he did compose the Lion King's soundtrack

    Zimmer composes in such a way that meets the requirements of film spectacularly.

    Honestly I think this only applies to his movies with Nolan and the aforementioned Lion King. Most of his soundtracks are so bizarrely trademark of his and Nolan's that they take you away from the film. It's like when you hear Morricone's stylings in a non-Leone movie. It sometimes works because the artist is versatile enough (There's no whistling in The Untouchables Theme for example) but I don't think that Hans Zimmer post-Pirates is anything resembling versatility.

    Mind you, the complaint's not formula but the fact that he doesn't seem to be able to change his formula depending on the film. Compare that to Clint Mansell, whose soundtracks are pretty damn versatile (Compare Lux Aeterna to Welcome To Lunar Industries and you'll see what I mean) or Ennio Morricone who was really smart to understand that differences between musics don't just come on terms of the melody but on terms of the instrumentation (One of the really clever bits about The Good, The Bad and The Ugly is that he has the three main motifs be the same but played in different moments in order to subtly transmit the idea that the characters are similar in terms of profession but different in terms of methods)

  • Now when you mentioned Lion King I immediately heard the opening of the Circle of Life.

  • BeeBee
    edited 2012-08-02 14:25:49

    Honestly, I'm trying to remember any particular song by Zimmer and all I'm coming up with is the noise from Inception.

    Well play that sound twice at a minor 3rd and you have Batman!  So now you remember two! :D

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    I haven't listened to this Aurora piece yet, but I've listened to a bit of his stuff for Pirates of the Caribbean, which got remixed into a MAD (basically the Japanese term for an AMV) with air battle scenes from the animé "Yukikaze" (a.k.a. "Fairy Air Force").

    It is glorious.

    I can't find the video on Youtube, but I have it if you want to see it.

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