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  • If you watched Rebellion, you'd know that this is actually my new JoJo's Bizarre Adventure avatar.

    In a way.

  • edited 2014-10-09 07:57:50
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    I watched the original MadoMagi on the same night that the anime club prez showed Rebellion.


    It was a good excuse.


    I also overheard part of the plot of Rebellion thanks to hanging out in a panel about the magical girl genre at AnimeUSA.  I didn't see that conclusion coming.  But whatever.

  • Lel, the recruitment spammer from a few posts up actually responded and is interested in co-operation in some form. Slapping a logo on our posters/flyers in exchange for regular cashflow would be a good outcome. 

  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.

    To me Madoka Magica is forever associated with Green-haired plot device.


    Also, I hate Homura.

  • edited 2014-10-09 09:12:38
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    > Green-haired plot device



    Also, I hate Homura.



    Also there's two other most probable reasons why I didn't get as much direct emotional impact out of Madoka Magica as I expected.  First, it very much means to play against typical magical girl tropes.  Having not seen that many magical girl shows myself probably blunted the impact.  Second, I usually try to avoid making assumptions about how a setting ought to work, in general, so it was probably harder for me to get the feeling of having the rug pulled out from under me when I didn't really put down a rug in the first place.

  • edited 2014-10-09 09:16:36
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Anyone know when McDonald's usually stops serving breakfast?


    In other news, I just tore off the plastic coating of a Chipotle bowl.  The rest of the bowl is crude recycled paper in a pretty decent bowl shape.  I can just go and recycle that as a clean paper item.

  • @glennmagusharvey @vandro Imma take this Meguca talk to the animu thread.

  • edited 2014-10-09 16:13:16

    Regarding world-focused stories, I often end up feeling disappointed that its primary focus is on only one part of it, like going to Brazil and never leaving the resort. If done badly, it just makes you feel like there's a more interesting story told elsewhere. I feel that the "organic" focus is better suited for anthologies rather than individual or sequential stories, but that depends on the size of the world. The Wicker Man works on its own because it's a contained, smaller setting.

    Of course, I do think short stories are underrated, so there's that as well.

    As an aside, what is the MRA scene like in the UK? I find it amusing that American MRAs complain about the feminization of culture in a nation where glam rock never took off. Do they throw darts at pictures of Boy George or something?

  • Around here, Mcdonalds breakfast ends at 11 am, which is pretty generous to be honest.

  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    This MRA stuff sounds like a clueless reenactment society in which nerds pretend to be old-fashioned, boorish wifebeaters.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    I called the local McDonald's; breakfast ends at 10:30.


    I went out and got some from them an hour and half ago.

  • ^^That's a pretty common diagnosis, the whole spectrum of Dark Enlightenment can often be dismissed as overenthusiastic LARPers. 

  • http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/malala-yousafzai-honoured-to-be-co-winner-of-the-nobel-peace-prize-1.2794701

    The other winner is Kailash Satyarthi, for the record. At least this year it went to someone deserving. I wonder how much TIME regrets putting Barack Obama as the 2012 Person of the Year now.

  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.

    ^^^^Holy fuck right?

  • There is love everywhere, I already know

    At least this year it went to someone deserving.

    Might've not been for the reason that she deserved to win, but that somebody's trying to patch up strained Indian/Pakistani relations in a really dumb way.

    I'd give them more credit but last year they gave it to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, who were basically on most people's "Least favorite ways to not actually help people" list since what they did to "earn" the award was an excuse for the US and EU to look like better people for not stopping dictators from murdering innocent people.

    I wonder how much TIME regrets putting Barack Obama as the 2012 Person of the Year now.

    Not at all since I bet that issue sold a bunch and hasn't hurt their credibility with their target demo.

  • edited 2014-10-11 12:42:37

    I'm well aware that the Peace Prize has been a joke ever since they gave it to mass murderer Henry Kissinger. By those standards, this is one of their better selections.

    As for TIME, I remember the controversy over there being so few women as Person of the Year and their excuse for it, which comes off as refusing to acknowledge they have a subconscious bias. The Malala snub was one of the more recent and obvious cases of this. I figure that if you're going to be biased, at least be honest about it.

  • The flip side of that observation—that men have tended to hold positions of power—is that franchises like Person of the Year have tended to privilege roles traditionally held by men. Presidents and prime ministers fill the POY roster much more often than activists (Malala Yousafzai) or entertainers (Miley Cyrus) or writers (J.K. Rowling). Precedent is a mighty force, but the nature of influence is ever changing, and arguably we as editors could decide to shift Person of the Year away from institutionalized power toward cultural and social power, which can be a more egalitarian playing field. To be fair, we tried that with You in 2006, and You didn’t seem to like it very much. (We had better luck with The Protester in 2011.) But imagine the past nine decades of Person of the Year populated not just by Presidents but also by influential athletes and artists, musicians and philosophers. It would make for an interesting alternate history, and perhaps a richer and more diverse one.

    So basically, "yes we are biased as shit but we're going to keep only picking men because we tried not picking a CEO or president once and it didn't work because we made a really dumb non-choice."

  • Inspiration for this post.

    Where is the line between balance and false equivalence? It's not like I wouldn't rather be centrist if I could pick a position in a vacuum, but the truth isn't always in the middle. At some point, you end up treating ignorance as equal to knowledge, as Isaac Asimov once said. And US politics is a prime example of false balance, since both sides defend the capitalistic and militaristic status quo. With climate change, everyone that doesn't have their heads in the sand knows that giving deniers a voice is intellectually dishonest. The article I linked argues that the "pox on both houses" approach to the government shutdown is similarly dishonest.

    I always make an effort to entertain all points of view, but how do we deal with opinions that are based on misleading or false information?

  • Become fucking good in spotting logical fallacies, when those logical fallacies are misapplied, quickly dissecting flaws in studies from abstracts, realize that false equivalence between two sides is a silly thing since there are never just two camps, and realize and acknowledge that at a certain point you have to make a commitment to a position based on personal choice in an overload of information. 

  • edited 2015-10-09 07:09:33

    [user deleted]

  • "I've come to the conclusion that this is a VERY STUPID IDEA."

    The house next door is finally being knocked down, so that's been the background noise of most of my day. Ugh. And when they start building the new one...

  • Have people here ever thought about what you'd say if you had to sum up your entire character in only a few sentences? Because it seems that a lot of my motives boil down to "I harbour deep resentment towards the suburbs."

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    > don't know Spanish

    > researching Costa Rica's forest policies

    > read about the creation of Certificados de Abono Forestal in 1986

    > read about the creation of Forestry Payment Certificates in 1986

    > wonder if they are the same thing

    > put "certificado de abono forestal" into Google Translate

    > "certified forest fertilizer"


    (It turns out that "abono" can mean "guarantee", "fertilizer", or "payment".)

  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.

    abonar is a finance term yes.

  • edited 2014-10-18 23:09:41
    Diet NEET

    >it's Saturday, motherfuckers, and I'm wasted up to the eyeballs(never drink this, advance warning to all tourists: http://liquors-and-creams.uvinum.com/drop-shot-its-black-magic )

    >slip into jumpstyle during lindyhop

    >fish up hilarious info from media student who had the pleasure of working with the Dutch version of the smug "socially-conscious" hipster game developer

    >win at drinking game on "most orgasms delivered in one night"(this type of stuff solely depends on how receptive the dudette is, so all kudos go to her)

    >get called as too knowledgable on far-right bullcrap by a self-declared fascist skinhead with a "Stay Strong 88" jacket

    >decide to end the night by posting this shit here, because I have to TMI somewhere

  • edited 2014-10-21 16:28:13
    Diet NEET

    Callout tumblrs have popped up displaying people posting the standard "hurdur gb2 Africa" stuff during the Black Pete controversy.

    The good: They usually seem to quit after a week or so, citing the fact that this collection is damning enough already and it's taking a mental toll on them. Folks with the fortitude to recognize when they need to take a break from the internet are rare, and probably more balanced than most people. 

    The bad: Contextless posts, including a screenshot of someone simply saying "Bunch of bananas". Not even sure how that can be construed as offensive(is it supposed to be a slur?), and if we're setting the bar this low, I can only shudder what other insanity we'll be importing. 

    Edit: some grammar.

  • It's tumblr. Just another Tuesday.

  • There's some benefit to scare 'em straight callout, but you need safeguards. Here's how I'd run one:

    1)Screenshots only with context of the convo, black out at least the last name of the perp.

    2)All submitters must tell why this enrages them personally, or in case of scientific racism, why is the fucker wrong?

    3)Stuff is removed after an apology is PM'd, or has been PM'd to the person who felt offended(apology published publicly upon request of the one who apologized). No fucking wanking about half-apologies, not being sincere enough or struggle sessions bullcrap.

    4)Any follower posting identifying info or inciting mobbing is promptly blocked and reported. 

    5)All content is up to the discretion of an anonymous mod team who don't know each other, have only proven their representative identities with a date+timestamp of credentials with identifying info blocked(degree in relevant study, license to work with victims of sexual abuse, etcetera), and discuss with each other whether or not to post certain submissions.  

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