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Is it just me, or do way too many articles about Shigeru Miyamoto have this picture?

If I ever make a book about video games it will be 'Miyamoto Shrugged'.
Your idea's been stolen.
And now begins the race to write a book about video games.
Somehow, I'd bet on Alex finishing writing a book about video games before Malk.
Just a hunch.
So, the video game book would be a first person narrative happening in Rapture or something?
No, it'd be a second-person narrative because games are second-person experiences and oh dohohoho look how clever I am.
On one side, Alex loves vidya
On the other hand, I think the English major would be quite capable of finishing a book
On the other other hand, Malk's stupid
On the other other other hand, Alex's dumb too
...I guess I should join the competition. Easiest way of raising my self-esteem~
On the other hand, you have all their downsides and none of their upsides :P
I'm betting on Malk
Sorry Alex, but with how long your posts can get at times, I'm betting you'd try to write a 10,000 page epic, giving Malk plenty of time
Well, see, that's the thing.
Alex writes essays at the slightest provocation, so he'll have enough material for a book in no time, without even trying to write a book.
Actually, Alex's style would be pretty great for a stuffy academic book.
I think it perfectly sums up his character. Well, this one, and the one with him and the Nintendo dolls.
watch yourself
i could strike at any moment
How did this turn into a writing competition?
That's just the way things tend to go here.
Come on, you're not that new to IJBM. :P
Ninja'd by Fusch.
there are not enough hands to get there, thus it is not true.
It looks more like "Someone is mugging Miyamoto" than "Miyamoto is shrugging".
hey, you can shrug during a mugging!
"Gimme all yo' money, foo'"
"Nigga, I'm sorry, but I ain't got shit"
"How do you get by with such pretty clothes"
"I'unno. --shrug--"
and the mugger and the shrugger had a happy life forever and ever
If Miyamoto was mugged, he would jump over them and do a ground pound.
"Put your hands up! We wanna know the deets on the next Pikmin!"
Miyamoto has Nintendium in his DNA so if he was mugged the bullet would just bounce out of him.
This is the truth my uncle works on Nintendo
Malk will never finish a book on video games, because he'll get constantly distracted by comics.
Alex will never finish a book on video games, because he'll get constantly distracted by swords.
And Miyamoto actually looks as if he's saying, "Now look here, all these rumours about me only having one hand - that's just crazy talk."
Alex posts equally about swords and game design/elements/structure/everything these days.
Actually, when was the last time Alex talked about swords?
Do video game fencing mechanics count?
Equal points for both, so sort of.
Yeah, I've kind of run the gamut about it around these parts. Most of my swordposting is at TV Tropes these days.
Of course, I could easily fix that if there's demand for it. :>
I certainly don't mind reading about swords. It's fairly educational, though to be honest I don't remember much of what you've written about swords and knights and the like...
I do generally try reading your posts about those things though, and usually enjoy doing so.
Actually, I wouldn't mind, but everyone else would.
^ Not DYRE though!
I like swordposts, to be honest.