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Unwittingly, he trained a dolphin to kill the President of the United States.
Was it bad that my first thought when I saw the thread title was Rick Santorum?
he seems like the type to try something that dumb I mean
Dophinetly not, Waltzy.
Either way, fuck yeah, Patton fighting dolphins. Or training them. I don't know and I don't care.
Hey you did that on porpoise.
Although, the problem with Santorum doing that is that if he somehow became president, the dolphin would try to kill him. ...A problem for Santorum, not the rest of the planet.
nah, Santorum plan would be more along the lines of:
Step 1: Train dolphin
Step 2: Dolphin kills Obama
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Presidency!
That's not a whale-thought out plan.
Intersetingly, the movie itself, a science-fiction thriller about a guy training dolphins to communicate, then them getting kidnapped and trained for military uses, is startlingly prescient. Dolphins are used by the military today to locate mines and lost swimmers. The good news is that this is pretty cool, but the bad news is that we're training animals to sacrifice themselves in the name of global capitalist hegemony for the United States.
At least they're mostly being used for peaceful purposes.
By the way, the Wikipedia article mentions that the Soviet Union may have sold its excess military marine mammals to Iranians. So we could be facing a war of the superpowered cetaceans soon.