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ITT: IJBM designs a Pokèmon game!



  • Ridi, Pagliaccio, sul tuo amore infranto!
    Oh god no more slug pokemon...
  • Has friends besides tanks now

    There aren't that many, though . . .

    There's the Gastrodon chain and the Magcargo chain, that I can think of.

    Then again, maybe a third would be too many. I think I have some more ideas anyway, though.

  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    I have about 5 ideas myself, and a lot of them are birds...

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    Well, I have 6 ideas now (and none of them are slugs . . . yet). :D

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    I only have the ones listed in here :c

    (I got caught up in schoolwork and games over the past few days, rather than this project.)

    I'll write them all up properly in an hour or so, need to have lunch and stuff first.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    (I got caught up in schoolwork and games over the past few days, rather than this project.)

    Pretty much me, though in my case, it's work, games and finishing up my blog's relaunch.

  • edited 2012-10-23 22:19:24
    Has friends besides tanks now

    (I got caught up in schoolwork and games over the past few days, rather than this project.)

    Yep. Mostly school stuff/fixing my sleep schedule (and maybe watching more of Lain), but, yeah, I've had stuff to do, as well, and it occurs to me that I can't stay up until 1:00 (or later) in the morning working on this most of the time.

  • Same as All Nines and CU. Got schoolwork to do. I have been expanding on my Bombardier Beetle Pokemon ever so slowly.

  • edited 2012-10-24 00:31:40
    No rainbow star


    Because I sure as hell won't be able to post it tomorrow




    Water Runner Pokemon

    A Water/Dark type basilisk (lizard) with a fragile shell on it. Defenses suck, but it would benefit greatly from Shell Smash. Basically a sweeper


    Shelled Raptor Pokemon

    A horned, shelled raptor (indicating it going from bipedal basic to quadraped third evo). Similar colours to Lizalisk


    Boneyard Pokemon

    An alligator. Its shell looking like a bone yard with the normal part black. The boneyard is to attract scavengers which it then quickly snaps at and locks into a death roll to kill and eat

    Sprites: (ignore the grass/bug type on the bottom unless you guys like the concept)



    Toothed Tasmanian Pokemon

    A dark/rock type Tasmanian Tiger. Black with orange-brown stripes. Has a stone "helmet" that leads into spines coming from its back. Has stone fangs on the helmet to invoke a sort of Sabretoothed Tiger look.


    Slate Tiger Pokemon

    A Sabretoothed Tiger that looks similar to Taslate... Sort of. Helmet is fused onto its head. Spines are bigger and curved now, and go all the way to the tip of the tail, which is a bit mace like



    Static Sting Pokemon

    A small jellyfish with no eyes. The arms are tipped with what look similar to spark plugs, and they are arcing. The "head" has a hard yellow "fin" on it that resembles a lightning bolt. The body is electric blue with yellow highlights. The spark plugs are either white or black. It is known to stab prey with two tentacles - always a single white one and a single black one - and pump them full of electricity

    Thunder Jelly Pokemon

    A large jellyfish. The spark plugs are bigger but are now found on only two of its many tentacles. These two tentacles are large, thick, and look segmented. There are three "fins" on it now, the left and right ones large and arcing electricity. Still the same colour scheme. It will ensnare prey in its endless tentacles. If it feels threatened, it will touch its two spark plugs together and create a burst of electricity in the water that stuns everything, at which point it decides to either escape or, if it feels like the predator is knocked out, turn the predator into prey



    Were Pokemon


    Basically a stylized werewolf. Large claws, dark grey fur. On hind legs, with a large tail. Muscular, black highlights on its body. Stylized feet that look like boots, ala The Legendary Musketeers. Ponytail on its head, tied back, and wolf ears. Stands in a martial arts position. Longish fur hangs from its snout like a Scottish Terrier. Basically a martial artist that isn't above using cheap tricks if need be for survival, but in a proper battle will fight honourably - unless commanded to fight dirty by its trainer, of course. 100% male (so in a way it's a cross between Gallade, Zoroark, and Scrafty)



    Vampiric Pokemon


    Basically a large pair of wings attached to a stylized eyeball. The eye has a sort of cloak attached to it, and a paper thin tail that leads to a large hand (kind of like the wall/floor/whatever masters from Wind Waker). It uses this hand to grab prey and stare at them, feeding on psychic energy



    Metal Platypus Pokemon

    A Platypus with a metal coating on it (could evolve from a Water/Poison type that is evolved with a Metal Coat (yes Metal Coat can be made to act like an evolution stone)?) that has three large spikes coming from the back of its head, level-ish with the bill, and a small spike where each burr would be. Will still look adorable somehow

    Its ability, if we can script it in (shouldn't be too hard to get this ability in) could be called Submersible, and make it resistant to water (since it's a platypus). Otherwise... Uh... Poison Point I guess?



    Stinging Tree Pokemon

    A tall tree with three branches. Two branches end in large, hand-like leaves. The third ends in a creepy looking No theatre face. Basically, it slaps people and poisons them if they get too close to them. Grass/Poison Type



    Baby Pumpkin Pokemon

    Basically a pumpkin that moves on vines. It has a happy face on it. Counts as a baby Pokemon. Grass Type


    Rotten Pumpkin Pokemon

    A Grass/Ghost Type Pokemon. Its body has decayed somewhat, and the decayed parts flow into ghostly limbs. The face is more like a typical Jackolantern now. The vines are forming the start of a circlet


    King Pokemon

    Evolves from Pumprot at a VERY high level. The Pumpkin's bottom is rotted out entirely, but the rest is fresh. The vines have formed a full circlet on his head and also drape down to form part of a cape. His body is thin and white and he carries a "sceptre" (really vines growing down one arm and forming a staff)

  • edited 2012-10-24 03:19:19
    Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    Sooner is better than later, I guess.



    Funnel Web Pokemon


    Abilities: Neurotoxin (Any attack that has a chance of poisoning may also Paralyze)/Envenom (Doubles chance of poisoning)

    Description: A large spider with a glossy, dark purple, exoskeleton, red eyes and two huge bronze fangs. Sprites always have it coming out of its trademark funnel web in an almost Digglet like fashion.

    Stats: High speed, low defenses, middling offenses.

    Example Moves: Spider Web, String Shot, Poison Fang, Agility, Toxic.


    Confused Pokemon


    Description: An emu like bird standing over 6 feet in height. With dark brown, porcupine like body feathers, with a pitch-black head, neck, and feet. It's head is small but has large eyes with a constant befuddled expression.

    Abilities: Unaware/Run Away

    Stats: High Special Defense but otherwise pretty crappy all around.

    Example Moves: Amnesia, Confusion, Peck, Drill Peck, Stomp, Take Down.


    Aom (Evolves from Ume at lv. 40)

    Enlightened Pokemon


    Description: More or less similar to Ume except MUCH bigger (at least 16 feet tall). It's eyes are also much smaller and narrower, giving off a wizened impression to contrast Ume's confused one. On the top of it's head is a crest of 3 antennae like feathers that glow bright purple when it uses it's powers. Unlike it's predecessor it lacks wings of any sort, hence why it ditches the flying type entirely.

    Abilities: Analytic/Run Away

    Stats: Really high special defense, good defense, HP, and speed, low offenses.

    Sample Moves: Meditate, Psychic, Reflect/Light Screen, Disable.



    Harassing Pokemon


    Description: Another flightless bird pokemon based off the Casowary. It stands only at about 4 feet tall, with pitch black body feathers merging up to a bright blue neck. It's head is also pitch black with a wicked looking beak, and a bright red mohawk crest. It's legs are bright blue like its neck and end in sets of large, Deinonychus-style, scythe talons. While flightless, it's always has it's wings outstretched and it's mouth open in an effort make it look bigger than it is.

    Abilities: Intimidate/Prankster

    Stats: High attack, good speed, crap defenses.

    Sample Moves: Uproar, Astonish, Wing Attack, Slash, Night Slash, Swords Dance, Low Kick, Jump Kick, Bounce, Fury Attack.


    Despowary (Evolves from Crowhawk at lv.40)

    Contempt Pokemon


    Description: Very similar to Crowhawk, except now it is based on Terror Birds. Coloration is largely the same, but is a good deal bigger than its predecessor. It's beak is now huge with jagged "teeth" like shapes, with a slight raise to make it seem like it's grinning all the time. It's mohawk is now slicked back behind it, giving it a very greasy look. It still tries to be imposing, but in a less bombastic way. By folding it's wings, and carrying itself like it's looking down on everything around it. The over all impression is one of sliminess, hatefulness, and overwhelming arrogance.

    Abilities: Intimidate/Prankster

    Stats: Like its predecessor but moreso.

    Sample Moves: Swagger, Torment, Drill Peck, Leer, Scary Face, Crush Claw



    Great Wing Pokemon


    Description: A fossil eagle Pokemon based on Haast's Eagle. Absolutely gigantic, the largest non-dragon, non-legendary, Flying Pokemon ever. It's feathers are slate gray, jagged and stone-like, dotted with white spots around the wings and a great patch of black feathers at the chest. It has a crest of 3 white feathers on its head, a brass colored beak, and bright-green, pupil-less eyes. Incredibly awe-inspiring and terrifying at the same time.

    Abilities: Intimidate/Sheer Force (Hidden)

    Stats: Exact same BST and stat spread as Aerodactyl. Except with attack and speed switched.

    Sample Moves: Crush Claw, Fly, Sky Attack, Hurricane, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Tailwind, Stone Edge, Wing Attack, Giga Impact, Slash, Brave Bird, Close Combat.



    Potential Pokemon


    Description: A small lizard pokemon based off the Tuatara. Olive colored and largely unimposing besides, rocky spikes jutting out of the the sides of its head, shoulders, and along its spine. On its forehead is the bulge of its perpetually closed third eye...

    Ability: Rough Skin

    Stats: Pretty terrible all around.

    Sample Moves: Tackle, Bide, Hidden Power, Dig, Confusion, Detect, Miracle Eye.


    Synapsidon (Evolves from Tuaterra with level up when it knows Miracle Eye, learned naturally at level 51.)

    Ascendant Pokemon


    Description: A large, squat, quadrupedal dinosaur Pokemon similar to a Dimetrodon  It has golden scales on it's legs, tail, and underbelly. The rest of its body is covered with interlocking rock plates forming a natural armor over it's back, shoulders, neck, and tail. It's back features a large sail of rock spikes, glowing with power, and constantly arcing with psychic lightning. All three of its eyes are wide open, glowing white-hot, and awakened to its insane psychic potential.

    Ability: True Sight (Ignores all evasion increases/decreases, allows Psychic attacks to hit Dark types).

    Stats: Very high special attack. High attack and defense. Good special defense, and middling (but not strictly bad) speed and HP. Basically, kick-ass all around.

    Sample Moves: Psychic, Psyshock, Thunderbolt, Rock Slide, Mind Reader, Mean Look, Glare, Iron Defense, Ancient Power, Hyper Beam.


  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    I still have no names for my Pokemon. :(

  • No rainbow star
    ^^ Since we're using a third gen game, I'm not sure if evolutiom via knowing a move can be done
  • edited 2012-10-24 22:13:58
    Has friends besides tanks now



    Garuda: Fighting/Flying. A fossil pokemon that challenges anything that it can find to a fight, especially humans, and embodies martial spirit. Disdains snake pokemon, in particular. Heavily inclined towards the physical stats, with high Attack and Defense, but weaker Special stats, with decent speed. A more detailed write-up on this pokemon and its origins can be found here.


    Android: Electric/Steel. A pokemon supposedly created by a computer virus, that can alter its own coding to reshape itself. These pokemon can even pass themselves off as full humans, though pains must be taken to avoid speaking. Fashion varies according to the pokemon’s gender, but it is relatively fashionable, by human standards, in either case. In winter, they can be found wearing Choice Scarves. Other seasons may bring different clothing items. No evolutions. Probably a balanced stat spread, maybe leaning towards Sp. Atk. And speed a bit.


    Mountain Lion: Ice. Sleek beasts of the hunt, with starkly white fur that allows them to camouflage themselves easily. The evolution chain would be as you’d imagine for a big cat pokemon, starting small and then getting larger. Distinctive marks would be along the lines of any hunting-gathering human culture, such as may still exist today. They might fight the hypothetical Western Dragon pokemon, hoping to take the dragons’ gems for themselves. (Maybe this would be a good pseudolegendary?) Stat would be very high Speed and Attack, but piss-poor defenses.


    Western Dragon: Fire/Dragon. Lives deep in the snowy mountaintops of the region, hoarding gems exclusive to the mountains. They often fight the mountain lion pokemon, sometimes getting together in groups to fight full-on invasions. Two-stage evolution, with the smaller pokemon being almost like a toad, in that it’s very small, with small limbs and everything, but is still very obviously gluttonous, to the point of almost being spherical. The second stage is a full-on dragon, with its still large stomach offset by strong limbs and large wings, and random gems in any combination of colors in place of some scales, and very ornamented, backwards-curved horns. Stats would probably be high Defense and Special Attack, very low Speed and Attack, middling Sp. Def and HP.


    Werewolf Shaman: Dark/Psychic. Loaded special stats, but low Speed and middling physical stats. This one would use moves more like Moonlight or Lunar Dance, along with Calm Mind, Psychic, and Dark Pulse. It would probably be able to learn moves like Flamethrower and Thunderbolt from TM’s, too: anything that could come from some natural phenomenon. In appearance, its coat would be similar to the other werewolf‘s, but its build would be rounder and more complacent. It would also be slightly shorter.


    Burrowing Rabbit: Rock/Ground (Steel/Ground for the final evolution, though). A series of rabbit pokemon, that would probably work out to be sort of like the Geodude family, except that, since we can‘t simulate trading with other players, the final evolution would just have to reach a certain level while holding a Metal Coat, or after taking a certain number of minerals. They have large, hard ears that act as shields; in fact, the final evolution could actually have decorative shields for ears. They can exist peacefully with any number of wild pokemon, but, like with many other pokemon, the corruption of their homeland is forcing them towards human settlements, since the minerals they would normally feed on are being degraded from within the earth itself.


    Perpetually Stray Cat: Grass/Normal. A green and brown cat that’s capable of being really nice to people, but runs most of the time. They’re naturally timid, and they’ve gotten good at running, too. High Special Defense and Speed stats. They try to find the most ecologically vibrant areas possible, though they end up living in trees, and they express themselves by decorating themselves with the prettiest flowers they can find. Two stages, with the first being a twiggy kitten with little grasslike hairs coming out of its head and little fur. The second stage would be much more bulbous and contented, with a fuller coat. More and more, they've had to adapt themselves to urban settings, but they do so surprisingly well, watching over people's gardens and getting along with other wildlife. The only thing they disdain is a consistent living space.


    I have it arranged similarly to CU's, from a little while ago. Also, can't come up with shit for names.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    Just got home from the longest shift I've had at work so far. Will complile portforlio when I ha ve enough energy to tupe properly.

  • LaiLai
    edited 2012-12-25 19:03:36



    ??? (No name yet. :<)

    Boil Shrimp Pokemon


    Abilities: Sniper or Swift Swim

    Description: A pinkish red shrimp with a giant claw for sniping and a curved body, coated with a small bit of green highlights. The blast is so powerful(?) that it can interfere with nearby sonic equipment. The super-heated bubble is enough to knock out Pokemon exponentially larger than itself.  They tend not to bother humans much, but can be territorial and temperamental if it feels threatened

    Stats: Very good Sp.Atk and Speed, rather okay to mediocre stats on everything else.

    Example Moves: Scald, Supersonic, Lock-On, Hydro Pump, Flamethrower, Hyper Voice



    Pyro Gnat Pokemon


    Abilities: Flash Fire or Keen Eye

    Description: It is a small round red beetle, adorned with antennae and orange pupilless eyes with a black abdomen, resembling a cartoonish bomb with a small fire spewing out to emulate a fuse.

    Stats: Mediocre HP and Speed, okay Sp.Def, Good Attack, Sp.Atk and Defense.

    Example Moves: Bug Bite, Flame Burst, Self-Destruct, Smokescreen, Bite

    ??? (Evolves from Bombeetle at Lv. 20)

    Flame Shell Pokemon


    Description: A longer green-grayish beetle with a pinkish underbelly and a abdomen that resembles a pineapple grenade. It now has orange eyes with black pupils and has a considerably meaner expression.

    Abilities: Flash Fire or Keen Eye

    Stats: Like Bombeetle but more so.



    Water Leech Pokemon


    Description: A small pale bluish larvae creature with yellow ring patterns on its body with beedy, little eyes and small pair of pincers.

    Abilities: Infection (When this Pokemon attacks with HP-Draining moves, the other Pokemon has a chance of being poisoned.)

    Stats: Pretty bad all around

    Example Moves: Leech Life, Mega Drain, Water Sport

    Mosqeedle  (Evolves from Culeech at Lv. 16)

    Draining Pokemon


    Description: A larger purplish mosquito with a large proboscis (Female have longer ones), two sets of green eyes and a tiny pair of arms.

    Abilities: Infection or Speed Boost

    Stats: Very good Speed, fine Attack, okay Sp.Atk. Bad defenses

    Example Moves: See Culeech, but add Pursuit, U-Turn, Double Team



    Bright Pokemon


    Description: A medium-sized mushroom Pokemon with a large bulb-like top and a drill-like lower body that enable it to plant itself into the ground.

    Abilities: Effect Spore or Volt Absorb

    Stats: Low Speed, good Special stats, middling physical stats

    Example Moves: Flash, Ingrain, Confuse Ray, Spore, Thunderbolt, Shock Wave, Poisonpowder, Sleep Powder and Stun Spore.

    Hoooray, my descriptions suuuuuck!

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Okay. Here's my portfolio, which I didn't end up writing up yesterday for some reason.



    Hunting Bird. Ice/Flying type.

    The first evolution is a sleek bird, with a fairly short wingspan. It is coloured grey and white, with a light blue underbelly- essentially, camouflage. These birds developed for speed, more than attack or defence- they outran their prey, and relied more on driving them to the ground and freezing them than outright attacking them. This evolution has a high Attack and a very high Speed, but has a low Special Attack, HP, and Defences.

    The second evolution is a bulkier bird- think, the difference between a hawk and a falcon. It is still coloured mostly light grey and white, with a light blue underbelly. At this stage in its evolution, its prey has gotten bulkier, so the bird has developed even higher attacks and stronger moves to combat it. It still has its base form's massive Speed (Probably around Base 110 or 115), but it hasn't grown at all. Its Attack has grown (Probably from around Base 90 to Base 110), and its Defence and Special Defence each increase to around 90.


    The Wyvern Pokemon.

    The Wyvern Pokemon is a Dragon-type Pokemon that lives on top of the hills of the region. It regularly flies down to the corrupted regions in search of prey, as there are few Pokemon there that are Dragon or Ice type, and thus don't pose a significant threat to it.

    This Pokemon has a three-stage evolution chain.

    Its first evolution is very clumsy. It has an oversized head and feet, and only small wings, with no tail. The dragon's colour scheme at this time is mostly black, with a green stomach and red on the outline of its wings. It has low stats for the most part, being still a chick- low Speed, Defence, Special Defence, HP, or Special Attack, but a decent Attack.

    Its second evolution is more in line. Its head and feet are no longer comically oversized, and its wings have grown a little, but not significantly. It has a small tail at this stage. It is still mostly coloured black with a green stomach, but red extends from its wings up to the dragon's back. Its stats are better at this time- its Attack increases a bit, and its HP and Defence increase to match that.

    Its third evolution looks like a proper Wyvern- everything is in proportion, it has a large wingspan, and its tail is long enough to help it in flight (and it is only at this stage of evolution that the Pokemon can learn Dragon Tail). Its colour scheme is mostly red and green now, with red extending from its black-and-red wings to cover the dragon's back and the top of its head, and the green now extending down the bottom of its tail. Its stats all increase, with Speed, Attack, HP and Defence all increasing to significant levels.


    A Snake Pokemon.

    This snake is somewhat based off of Australian snakes, such as the Red Belly Black Snake and the Inland Taipan. It is a Water/Poison-type Pokemon, with no evolutions.

    The snake is coloured black if looked at from above, and dark blue if looked at from below. It has an Ability that increases the chance of being Poisoned when it uses a Poison-type move, or Poison Point.

    It mostly learns Physical Poison and Water moves. Its Water repertoire mostly consists of moves like Aqua Jet and Aqua Tail, over moves like Water Gun.


    The last Pokemon I have is a Grass Pokemon, that evolves into a Fire/Grass Pokemon later.

    The Grass Pokemon is kind of a useless Pokemon. It does not learn many good moves, has a sucky stat spread, and is kind of ugly. It looks much like a walking, moving sapling, and has Drought for an ability.

    It evolves when exposed to a Fire Stone, into a Fire/Grass Pokemon. This Pokemon has a much better stat spread and movepool, and has Flash Fire for an ability. This Pokemon is mostly coloured green and brown, and looks much like a tree- only its branches are on fire.


    I'm not very good at being descriptive and stuff. :V

  • "I will grant you two wishes; one for each testicle."

    I was gonna have a portfolio but my computer ated it.

    Maybe If I ever get time, I'd just draw my Pokemon with my shit drawing skill and see where that goes, because it takes to fucking long to retype my whole description.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    The last Pokemon I have is a Grass Pokemon, that evolves into a Fire/Grass Pokemon later.

    Dammit, I was going to do a Eucalyptus Pokèmon :/

    Oh, well. Guess this means it wasn't a stupid idea.

    Anyway, portfolio!

    Note that none of the names I'm calling them are actual name suggestions.

    Koala/Dropbear Pokèmon.

    Koala is extremely weak normal-type. Dropbear is fairly decent Normal/Dark-type. Both have an ability that makes them start sleeping, possibly wake up faster than normal, and look like a Koala when sleeping. Dropbear would have Bounce and Bite.


    Sugar Glider Pokèmon: Pure flying-type. Basically an adorable grey flying squirrel with patterns on its face. Ability: Cute Charm.

    Evolves into Sifaka Pokèmon: Pure flying-type. Basically a lemur that has the parachutey thing flying squirrels have.

    Basically, I'm just trying to make a non-avian pure-flying Pokèmon here.


    Cone Snail Pokèmon: Rock/Poison. Looks pretty much like the picture in the article I linked, with maybe red/blue stripes. High-defense, so its strategy would be to get the opponent poisoned then try to wait it out. If it has a pre-evolution, it would just be a Poison snail, which probably wouldn't be as interesting. I was considering calling it "Conom" (Cone+Venom), then I noticed that that's one letter off from "Condom" and now I can't unsee it. Ability: Poison Point.


    Glowing mushroom Pokèmon: Grass/Electric type. This one isn't all that fleshed out; it would be based on one of the various species of glowing mushroom. I just thought it was an interesting concept, though I can't really think of more concrete details.


    That, um...that's all I've got for non-starter, non-legendary Pokèmon Well, I had one more, but Nova had it too >.>

    That said, I think the first three are pretty solid concepts and the fourth could conceivably be good.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    Devteam members who have posted portfolios: 

    • Ica

    • Crimson

    • All Nines

    • Lai

    • Nova

    • Me


    • Super Lazuli

    • Alkthash

    Anyway, once they've posted theirs, I guess everyone on the devteam can go through all the portfolios not posted by you and upvote or downvote each entry.

  • "I will grant you two wishes; one for each testicle."

    Wait, am I not allowed to post a portfolio? Even if I only have one or two entrys?

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    Sure, you can. I doubt we'll fill up our entire roster out of the devteam portfolios.

  • "I've come to the conclusion that this is a VERY STUPID IDEA."

    Even though I'm not on the devteam, I can still pitch a few ideas. Let's see...

    Jellyfish Pokèmon: Poison/Electric. A very small bell and long tentacles, akin to the Irukandji. Weak attack and defense/sp. defense, decent speed and sp. attack. Mostly focused on inflicting status effects like poison or paralysis. Too similar to Icalasari's Jellap/Manovolt pitch?

    Shoulder Angel/Devil Pokèmon: starts out as Bug, with a branched evolution into Bug/Psychic and Bug/Dark. An insect small enough to sit on a human shoulder. Can speak (or at least mimic) human language, but that's more for flavor text. Special-oriented, with the Bug/Psychic evo (angelic) focused on sp. defense and the Bug/Dark (demonic) focused on sp. attack.

    Secretary Bird Pokèmon: Fighting/Flying. Weak special stats, but high attack and good speed. A kick-heavy move pool. Come to think of it, this could work as an evolution/pre-evolution to All Nines' Garuda pitch-- same typing, bird-like, similarly focused stats, dislike of snakes. Lots of ideas for large bird Pokèmon around here.

  • edited 2012-10-25 01:11:03
    Ridi, Pagliaccio, sul tuo amore infranto!

    I feel a few of the ideas are pretty repetitive to Pokemon that already exist. I would think the emphasis should be on coming up with more original Pokemon. Also, you guys seemed to have stuck with plants and animals (mostly), so I'm gonna try to picture a few that are not either of those.

    • Pizzeryo: Fire type. A box of gooey pepperoni pizza with a Spiritomb-like face, tongue sticking way out. The box would be nondescript. No evolutions. Pretty low speed and low attack and defense, but really nice Special stats.

    • Byt, Megabyt, Gigabite: Normal type. A group of Pokemon, obviously coming from the computer. Could look like little pieces of blocky pixels, no eyes, but big fangy mouths. They get more complex looking as they go on. They aren't physic type, but can learn a lot of psychic type moves, with appropriately matching stats to accommodate.

  • No rainbow star
    ^ Byt/Megabyt/Gigabite aren't half bad ideas, actually. +1 from me if we can tweak the names a bit
  • Ridi, Pagliaccio, sul tuo amore infranto!

    Yeah, I came up with the name on the spot.


    >-> I still really like my Pizza pokemon. And it's not like there aren't already weirder ones.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    I feel a few of the ideas are pretty repetitive to Pokemon that already exist.

    Much as in every actual Pokemon game.

  • "I will grant you two wishes; one for each testicle."

    I feel a few of the ideas are pretty repetitive to Pokemon that already exist. I would think the emphasis should be on coming up with more original Pokemon.

    Byt, Megabyt, Gigabite: Normal type. A group of Pokemon, obviously coming from the computer. ...  They get more complex looking as they go on. They aren't physic type, but can learn a lot of psychic type moves, with appropriately matching stats to accommodate.



  • Ridi, Pagliaccio, sul tuo amore infranto!

    Porygon is a computer program as a Pokemon. This idea is just pieces of data that attack.

    And just because every Pokemon game does something Nova doesn't mean you HAVE to do it. I mean, yeah, expies are fine, but do we really need more slug Pokemon, or what have you?

  • edited 2012-10-25 10:48:23
    If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    And just because every Pokemon game does something Nova doesn't mean you HAVE to do it.

    You're gonna have to give a more convincing reason than "Oh, but we could" to convince most people here.

    For one, creating an entire set of a hundred or more completely unique Pokemon is not only more'n taxing, it takes away a lot of the feel of familiarity within the Pokemon games. That might not seem important to you, but every single game so far has stuck to certain patterns, and I don't see a reason to move away from that.

    You can certainly try and give me a reason, but you haven't so far.

  • edited 2012-10-25 11:01:04
    Has friends besides tanks now

    And just because every Pokemon game does something Nova doesn't mean you HAVE to do it.

    Since I got onto the project, I had had the impression that we were giving a new take on the established formula, rather than working to subvert that formula. If certain pokemon archetypes recur in the actual games, it would be weird to defy too many of those archetypes.

    Also, the Byt idea doesn't seem any less repetitive to already-existing pokemon than any of the other ideas that have been presented here. Which is to say, it's a different take on a pre-existing motif.

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