If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
All the NSFW stuff coming off of TVT currently
^^, ^
"...and I guess this is when the thread started being a discussion about pedophilia, rather than being about doing anything constructive about the pages that TVT is cutting."
We're not going to get ourselves deeply involved in the affairs of another site. We're supposed to be way past that now. Why does TV Tropes shit constantly come back to haunt us?
But man, we gotta talk about stuff on the Internet. It's like, important, man.
(Yeah yeah I know, big
but at this point all it really brings us is bad news)
Oh, I want to respond to something I forgot to respond to earlier.
He was brought on board before this information was known.
^^ The issue I have with all this is that everyone gets all worked up in the discussion and nothing useful comes of it.
Yeah, maybe it was my mistake to make a new thread about this.
Well, KiTA was trying to get somewhere with this but 'eir post got totally buried in the avalanche of people discussing pedophilia then dealing with a certain user then discussing IJBM site policy.
I was just hoping that the content that's on TVT could be salvaged and reused elsewhere. Though now that you say this, I'm starting to wonder whether it's better to build a TVT-like site from the ground up if you want a more serious, neutral-toned, less-fandom-serving atmosphere.
^Possibly, but every attempt to do so have been out of spite and crashed and burned because of it.
I want to just add a rule saying "if you're only here to talk about TVTropes, leave". As it is, I'm seriously going to suggest to the mods that we decline any applications that mention solely TVTropes, or TVTropes foremost.
And as for discussions of it in general, I'd like to ban that too, at this point, but that goes against the idea that we should technically be allowed to talk about whatever. But really, TVTropes discussion is just too linked to drama--not even just prone, but linked.
Well, I think that one problem with doing it out of spite is that spite motivates people to try to make something different/distinct from TVT, and in some cases that means throwing the worthwhile "baby" properties of TVT out with the "bathwater" problems that has led to current TVT issues.
^ Edit: You're right, I should be giving this topic a rest for now.
^I'm actually all for that.
Yes, definitely. One-note posters are always annoying.
I wouldn't mind that, personally.
I was actually wondering if we should, instead of a topic ban on TVT-related stuff, make a temporary ban on that topic--I'd call it a moratorium. Simply banning it would lead to a lot of passive-aggressive posting.
As for declining people who are solely here to talk about TVT, I like that idea, though I'd have to think through how prospective users would actually change in response to this.
What would be the purpose of reallowing it afterwards, though?
Because I do want this place to be sort of a "free speech zone" on issues that are taboo elsewhere. But to avoid drama, I want people to discuss things intelligently and calmly, rather than throwing emotions around.
I actually think that, had I been around on Saturday, I'd have banned Draven for starting drama (as has been done anyway) and then locked this thread, and declared an instant moratorium on TVT stuff for a week, to let emotions cool off. So that would be the aim of a moratorium.
I don't think it should entail a permaban. There should be some kind of in-between.
Let TVTropes make its own bed. It's a big boy now.
I'm with Everest and Forzare on this. Every single time TV Tropes does anything at all, the forum sucks for several days. It's time we officially sever ties with them.
Well, in the meantime...
re declining applicants who are here just to talk TVT: how do we deal with people who evade that? Well I guess they'll get dealt with by whatever we use to deal with TVT-related content anyway.
Considering that this site is a creation based on something that once existed on TvTropes and the two userbases overlap almost 100%, and that this site allows much more freedom to talk about things in a more negative or critical light, I think such a ban would only end poorly.
However, I don't really have an opinion either way on the matter, past that observation of the likelihood of trouble either way, whether you attempt to get rid of it or allow it.
> It's time we officially sever ties with them.
No offense, but just an odd thought: doesn't mentioning them explicitly in our rules make us more tied to them?
^ Maybe we could require a higher standard of civility for TVT-related topics, and lock them more readily if they don't meet that standard?
Well, if they're evading, that means they're not talking about it, right? If they start talking immediately, that will stick out like a sore thumb.
"^ Maybe we could require a higher standard of civility for TVT-related topics, and lock them more readily if they don't meet that standard?"
That misses the point which is that we're just sick of being dragged along by the actions of another site.
Then fucking ban them if they don't stop, because that is what we do when people break the rules, and this rule will be no exception.
This will almost certainly sound corny, but I think it's about time we let it go, Glenn.