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What Chrono Cross does to the cast of Chrono Trigger (SPOILERS)

edited 2011-06-10 21:20:22 in Media
Mexican fag
Crono and Marle were implied to have been killed during the fall of Guardia, Robo gets killed by Belthasar and turned into FATE, Schala is...well...complicated, Gaspar and Spekkio get strangled by Octos, Lucca and Gato get killed by Lynx, Johnny breaks apart and has his remains scattered throughout the Dead Sea, and Magus gets mindwiped and sent to the forest where he presumably gets torn apart by Mystics.

The only surviving characters from CT are Belthasar (who, as previously mentioned, turns into a dick), Dalton (who causes the Fall of Guardia with his magic powers) and (I shit you not) Ozzie, Slash, and Flea.


  • Morgan Freeman is God
    It's kind of implied that most of the bad stuff gets retconned out of existence when the two timelines merge.

    The reason I want to see Chrono Break happen is that it could theoretically bring back a majority of the characters that get killed off in Cross.
  • ..how so?
  • Morgan Freeman is God
    Think about it. Without the Time Devourer, FATE wouldn't want to access the Frozen Flame, and there wouldn't be a Promethius Circuit, meaning Robo is free. Without FATE wanting to access the Frozen Flame, Lynx presumably wouldn't exist, and Lucca would be alive.

    Crono and Marle could have conceivably survived the fall of Guardia, given their combined power, and are planning a resistance somewhere.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Chrono Rebuttal: Lucca vs. Lynx

    "And a howdy 'fuck you' to everything Chrono Cross"
  • Morgan Freeman is God
    Keep in mind the Chrono Trigger party was once single-handedly incapacitated by Dalton shouting "look behind you."

    And Lucca being alone, she probably didn't have any access to any of the double and triple techs that could win her a boss fight.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    ...she needs double and triple techs to win a boss fight?
  • Morgan Freeman is God
    At the time of her presumed death, it was also 20 years since she went on the time-travelling adventure, so she likely wasn't in the best shape and couldn't just spam flare constantly.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    She'd be in her 30s.  That's not old at all.

    You'd have to be Tellah-age to start losing stats.
  • Morgan Freeman is God
    Well, yes, but not using magic for 20 years probably means you'd be less effective in it than you were 20 years ago.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    How much less effective, after having ** for stats?

    (And I can't believe I'm actually arguing Chrono series lore with someone.  I actually don't really care about it; it's just that that picture is fun to link to.)
  • no longer cuddly, but still Edmond
    And, a decade later, people still can't get over the horror that was Chrono Cross.
  • edited 2011-06-11 10:33:37
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    FYI: I haven't ever played CC.  I've barely heard its soundtrack and I've heard it described by many people.

    Consensus seems to be that it's a nice game, but not one that should have been appended to the CT timeline(s?).  However, even this point is a breaking-point for the fanbase.

    The only one that isn't is general agreement that the music is nice.
  • no longer cuddly, but still Edmond
    I tried to play it, and well... just couldn't get into it. The plot wasn't interesting (even before I learned what a Franchise Rape it was) and the gameplay mechanics were obtuse, unintuitive and served only to turn an otherwise straightforward game into a hassle.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Some people like really complex and in-depth battle mechanics.

    I'm usually not one of them.
  • BeeBee
    edited 2011-06-12 00:12:58
    The combat was meh.  Basically the field element system tried to do something that ended up relying so much on what the opponent was doing that it wasn't all that useful, so it mostly boiled down to making sure they didn't overwhelm the field effect then slapping them till they died.

    The characters were crap.  They tried to pull a Suikoden, but forgot to actually characterize anyone other than Harle and Kid, so they were basically movesets with a face and retarded accent filter applied to generic lines.

    The story was kinda crap.  Like, even as a standalone game without regard to shitting on Trigger, it was incoherently preachy and not even self-consistent.  Here, just read this LP, it's more eloquent about it than I'm going to be.

    The fucking genocidal dwarves.  One of the most comically clueless Aesops you will ever see.
  • Oh yeah, Lavos survives too.

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