If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"

IJBMer Updates



  • edited 2020-01-01 04:01:26
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Okay, with an hour to go before the new year, I've taken care of my bills.

    I was probably a fool in some ways to order stuff on CDJapan on December 12 (Japan time). The order was mailed out on December 16, and went to the international mail exchange in Japan on December 18. There has yet to be any further info on its location, so presumably it has yet to arrive in the US -- or at least have its arrival formally recognized by the mail system.

    (This step usually takes about a week.)
  • Happy New Decade IJBMers!
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    Starting 2020.exe

    The last thing I ordered on CDJ was, somehow, just one CD (to be fair it came out on Christmas day) and I am yet to get it since everybody was on/went on Holiday around that time.

    I try to avoid doing online orders of any sort between like, Dec. 20 and Jan. 10, which is mostly a superstitious thing at this point.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I can't believe you're willing to pay shipping for just one CD at a time.
  • edited 2020-01-01 05:42:46
    There is love everywhere, I already know
    It was an important CD.

    Plus, as per my schedule, I don't have to get anything else until Jan. 22nd.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Happy New Year y'all!
  • I've been feeling unusually anxious and sleepless lately. I think I may have been drinking too much coffee, I'm a very heavy coffee drinker and usually I don't notice a problem but I may have overdone it.
  • edited 2020-01-02 02:13:16
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    In my meatspace situation, I have to deal with people who frequently make the mistake of presuming they know what someone else is thinking, and presuming wrong.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    Ah, those pesky creatures known as "humans".

    I think feeling like everybody else is too presumptuous should be tempered by being forgiving/understanding. It's better to explain what you actually meant and allow the conversation to move on rather than get frustrated. Mostly because people rarely change, and because taking a path forward is always less stressful than idling in said frustration.
  • The Netherlands is now officially called the Netherlands.
    I don't think it's a big deal in English but in Spanish it is. Adiós a al país Holanda lleno de holandeses que hablan holandés.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    Re: Hol@_@nd I have the distinct desire to beat some eggs into submission...

    This year I resolve to cut down my physical CD/BD spending by 70%, and try and build up a more comprehensive (legal...ish, depending on needs) digital library.

    I already tried this last year and I kept at it for like 3 months tops (and then just made up on all the things I skipped anyways).
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    This year my goal is to draw more
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I think the internet has taught us to prioritize displaying to others our reactions to things, and I don't think this is a good thing to have learned.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    I think it's taught us to prioritize displaying everything at all times. The apex of this is probably social media influencers.

    However, with hot button issues, I would say it's more about reactions.

    Vaguely related; this is the best, most comprehensive article about the Iran crisis I've read this week.
  • edited 2020-01-05 18:52:41
    I feel an envious dislike for people whose careers involve having reactions on Youtube.
    My brother got into drawing recently, which is something I thought he should've been doing for ages. I'm making use of the opportunity to draw too but again I don't think I'm getting anywhere.
    Besides that I guess my goal should be to program more. Or in general just be more productive with my idle time at work, which these days is a lot.
    Also I've been thinking I should try out new videogames more often.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    I keep wondering if I should get back into building blocks. I've been looking into both LEGO and Mega Construx, but not both at the same time because that's just blasphemy.

    It's a good way to spend time with a hobby but I've noticed it quickly takes up a lot of actual time as well as headspace (there's always something new to build).

    For example, in the last month having not built anything, I read five books and actually got some writing in.

    So, really, it's obvious that I shouldn't get back into building blocks.
  • edited 2020-01-09 08:45:07
    I went to the dentist today. [...] And I still have the ache that made me go in the first place.
    Man I should've gone in detail back then. I'm having the same ache now except I can't remember on which side of my face I had it back then. Basically parts of one side of my face hurt (some teeth, cheekbone area, area around the eye and sometimes under the jaw, currently it's the right side of my face). It's caused by an exposed nerve in my molar and I really want to know if it's the exact same problem from back then or the same but on the other side.
    Regardless of that, I reeeeeaaaaally don't want to go again, but...
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    People, and institutions, are capable of doing any or all of the following at the same time:
    * do good things, with the intention to do good
    * do good things, without the intention to do good
    * do bad things, with the intention to do bad
    * do bad things, without the intention to do bad
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    Yup, it just makes it so hard to identify the villains of real life (so we can be the heroes, obviously).
    I'm having the same ache now except I can't remember on which side of my face I had it back then.

    This happened to me a couple of times when my wisdom teeth were growing in (literally every man
    cheekbone area, area around the eye and sometimes under the jaw

    Uh, that sounds serious.
    Regardless of that, I reeeeeaaaaally don't want to go again, but...

    Good... luck?
  • Uh, that sounds serious.
    It's not that bad, it only hurts slightly and it's fixed by having some paste thing put onto the affected tooth.
    The problem doesn't seem like it'll go away on its own so I guess I'll have to go. *shudders*
  • edited 2020-01-11 04:08:15
    So I went to the doc. As I thought it's on a different side horizontally speaking, as I didn't think it's on a different side vertically speaking (used to be lower left, now it's upper right), despite the fact that I didn't feel pain on any of the upper teeth. I've got caries on one of my molars, the one furthest back and apparently it's pretty bad, doc put some of that paste there and wanted to wait to see how it evolves before deciding what to do next, if it still hurts I'll have to have that tooth removed, which of course I'm terrified about.
    That said it hasn't hurt at all all day long so that's a good sign. I have to wonder why this didn't come up during my last visits, though.
  • edited 2020-01-12 04:53:25
    There is love everywhere, I already know
    Teeth are the worst until they're not, which I appreciate vs other forms of body pain (well, not when I'm mid "why is this happening" toothaches).

    Yesterday there was some wrestling thing on TV. Nobody watches wrestling in my house, but it was on one of those smorgasbord channels so it was probably somebody just leaving the TV on.

    As a kid I was severely allergic to anything that looked like wresting, but I watched about 10m yesterday. After looking stuff up, I actually learned something about a demographic I rarely interact with ever!

    I learned that rah rah rugged guys who watch wrestling care about storytelling too, which like should be obvious but when you see people talk about wrestling it's with disdain for the choreographed fights.
    14w and the world grew a little closer today.
  • edited 2020-01-13 17:27:05
    I remember being interested in wrestling as a little child. I don't think I even knew they were choreographed.
    I didn't feel a thing with the temporary treatment. Went to the doctor again to get my hopefully lasting treatment, but I don't have a good feeling about it, I feel something in the parts that used to hurt and I just spat some grey peeble (~3mm in diameter) that was probably part of something important. I've never had a molar removed but if it starts aching again I'll have to.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    The 40th annual MIT Mystery Hunt is this weekend.

    I've probably mentioned it before here, but anyway, it's a whole bunch of puzzles that people collaborate on solving, and my team is a fairly small team with a mostly online presence (I'm a remote member myself).

    If you're interested in solving puzzles -- word puzzles, cryptograms, block puzzles, trivia, etc. -- feel free to ask me for more information, and I can also send you an invite to our team's Discord server.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    Probably not interested enough to the point of actively getting involved, but I wouldn't mind it if an occasional piece of, like, obscure trivia ended up reposted here.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    I've probably mentioned it before here

    Well, I don't remember you mentioning it this year, but it's enough of a fixture that I expect it to come up.

    If there are any anime questions you'd like help with, I'm willing to take a crack at them.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    Today I got nostalgic about the Monsuno toy line and so I watched some old commercials. I did not realize Peyton Meyer (aka Lucas from Girl Meets World) was the star of the commercial I'd watched so many times as a kid.
  • edited 2020-01-19 19:53:51
    My glasses broke. I don't remember dropping them or anything but I suppose it was to be expected, as they were very cheap.
    They broke at the base of one of the hinges, I glued them back but they'll fall apart anytime now, indeed I was merely taking them off when they broke.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    Browsing through pastebin's recent public pastes is like watching little snippets out of other people's lives.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    I feel like if you do, about half the time you'll get somebody's copy-pasted code.

    I do always wonder what people think if they check out my own pastes (which are almost all about anime or YA novels anyways).

    Pastebin is kind of funny, because it constantly asks you to go pro, but pro memberships appear to have been sold out for like... ever?
    I glued them back but they'll fall apart anytime now, indeed I was merely taking them off when they broke.

    Ah, that's unfortunate. My dad has really good luck with cheap things I think will never survive the week (including reading glasses) but when they do bork out they bork out big.
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