If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"

Vidya Gaems General



  • edited 2015-10-09 07:04:04

    [user deleted]

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human


    Someone who worked on the localization of the Ace Attorney series gives a commentary about the localization process.

  • For whoever does that translating stuff, it must be fun coming up with puns for names.

  • I feel bad for them, knowing that they forced it to be in 'MURICA and then expanded the localization team to work on games that are clearly not in 'Murica.

  • a little muffled

    my favourite is how in investigations edgeworth has a stopover in china on his way from europe to the states

  • My arms are falling off!

    Japanese Immigrants™

    Though Case 5-2 in the EN versions makes slightly better sense when you consider that Los Angeles (where the EN versions are nominally set) has a thriving Japanese-American community and district, and that there was a wave of migration from East Asia to the Western US and the Gold Rush in the latter half of the 19th century.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    I dunno, Phoenix Wright looks pretty American to me.

  • edited 2015-10-09 07:03:47

    [user deleted]

  • edited 2014-11-30 03:22:20
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Kraken wrote:

    He looks like he could be nearly anything.


    Have you seen the movie?

    For about two minutes.  I noticed he didn't look anything like my mental image of him.

    This frequently (though not always!) happens with live-action adaptations of things.

  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.

    I loved the movie,

  • What does everyone think of Overwatch, AKA Blizzard's TF2?

  • edited 2015-10-09 07:03:38

    [user deleted]

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    An interesting thing I've noticed is that anime fans don't seem to be particularly huge on favoring Japanese games over non-Japanese games, despite their reputation for being Japanophiles.

    It's possible that this is because anime fans who are also videogamers are a self-selected group that is not representative of the broader anime fandom.  Maybe broader "demographic trends" take over and you just have your usual teen-and-young-adult males playing the more "mainstream" games, and those people who do like cutesy stuff might be disproportionately girls who are less vocal about their playing games -- especially when gaming threads frequently end up discussing various big-name competitive multiplayer games such as LoL or CS:GO, as opposed to single-player stuff.  Well, there's always Smash and Mario Kart, I guess....  I dunno.  This is just me speculating, with no hard numbers to back any of this up.

    I'm now curious whether the reverse is true -- are people who are more interested in Japanese games than western games more likely to also be anime fans?  Especially for people who are into Japanese indie games, which seem to more frequently (than even big-name-publisher Japanese games) use anime-style art, which seems to be a major attraction for at least some fans of such games.

  • edited 2015-10-09 07:03:35

    [user deleted]

  • I got to play Smash 4 with some bros last night. I like the new additions (though I don't get the point of reworking him then cloning him like that). It's also nice to have a Meta Knight that doesn't feel cheap to use.

    I'll main Kirby again, I think I'll also use Zero Suit Samus again (though I'll miss her up+B whip). I'm very indecisive about who else to main.
  • edited 2014-12-01 11:15:12
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    A ninja tries to get rid of an old man for good. This backfires. Interior decorating is involved.

    A strapping young lad murders an old man in his own home.

    A scantily-clad woman forgets her purpose and sets out on a quest to not kill herself. Two old men die as a result.

    A woman whips her boyfriend and kills his father. ...wait, no she doesn't.

    3 years after one of the old man's deaths, one of his ex-underlings goes after another of his ex-underlings.

    A werewolf murders an old man. It doesn't last. A kid comes up with the bright idea of bringing a gun and armor next time.

    Family member must murder an old man with the aid of a 12 year old girl. The girl is stronger.

    An immortal pretty boy kidnaps a knight's girlfriend and makes him run around his castle looking for her, for fun. The knight is not amused.

    Former mass murderer goes on a killing spree to keep himself from relapsing.

    Two friends try to visit an old man and end up going on a world tour instead.

    A boy doesn't get to murder an old man like he wanted, so he helps him instead.

    Two friends step in to resolve a property dispute and a custody battle. None of the property owners or legal guardians survive.

    An old man's son hunts down his father's murderer... then hunts down and murders his father instead.

    A distant relative of the family and a 12 year old girl murder the wrong old man, then are told to pick on someone their own age.

    Just like the original, but with less stairs.

    Family member's son won't kill an old man. His father straightens him out using violence, then kills the old man again himself.

    Just like the original, but pirates are involved.

    Strapping young lad resurrects an old man and kills him again just to make himself feel better.

    Everyone beats each other up in an effort to save an old man's life.

    Former mass murderer hunts down his fanclub. Two of them end up killing themselves first, and the third runs away like a little girl.

    (sauce (spoilers): this Sporcle quiz)

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    wasting too much time on sporcle lately


    how to solve the more recent tracks, where all games use orchestral/full-rock-band instrumentation:

    Sonic tracks tend to be less clearly melodic.  More about "rocking out" and less about being catchy.

    Mario tracks tend to be more commonly light-hearted, in major keys, and have catchy melodies.

    Mega Man tracks tend to be more melodic like Mario tracks, but less light-hearted and more passionate, with some "rocking out".

  • Yeah you can basically get 90% on that quiz by going "is it a NES/SNES soundfont, and does it have a guitar?"

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    In a similar way, I nailed almost all of a quiz on differentiating Final Fantasy, Castlevania, and Zelda music.


    Speaking of music, I can't seem to find who wrote the music for Ishido - the Way of Stones, Game Boy version.  But I just finished writing it down.

  • My arms are falling off!

    Kraken wrote:

    There's also the fact that actual Japanese games these days aren't built to American anime fans' tastes. Most of them are arcade games, visual novels, rhythm games, adventure games, and other such that don't involve things that Americans like, such as big guns.

    Monster Hunter is a prime example of a game that's a bestseller in Japan, yet is only marginally more well-known than 2D shooters and rhythm games here.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Game publishers hate him!  Learn this one gamer's secret to staying content without acquiring new games

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Ys Strategy looks like a horrible game.

    Specifically, it looks like Age of Empires, but very, very slow.  And controlled with a touchscreen.

  • Yeah, it's one of those games that looks like the devs never played it with debug settings off.  And for as slow as it runs, possibly compiled the shipped product with debug symbols on.  :P

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    So, with this upcoming Steam sale, there has to be some sort of stupidity going on, right?  Yep.  Steam is hosting auctions.  The currency to enter such auctions is "gems".  In an effort to do something with the mountains of unused emoticons and backgrounds (and trading cards, for anyone stupid enough to use those), Steam has a new feature where you can grind those things into "gems".  Gems have two uses: bidding in these auctions, and generating booster packs of trading cards (a new way to get them).

    Emotes and backgrounds give you about 20-100 gems apiece.  Cards, about 2-20.  Making a booster pack takes a few hundred gems.  Top bids in the auctions start in the four digits, for the "cheapest" items -- 100 of each item will be auctioned off at a time, I think.

    The good thing about all of this stupidity, though, is that we can benefit from it.  A free 100 XP goes to anyone who makes a bid in the auction, no matter how silly.  You also get that same (NOT extra) 100 XP by grinding any item into gems, but that will lose you the item (and, if you bought it on the Steam Market, the money you spent).

    Well, I went and spent 4 cents to get an extra emoticon just to grind it into gems.  I know, I know, I'm feeding the glutton, but still, 4 cents for tuition isn't that bad.  So now I have 20 gems.

    The good thing for all of you, though, is that you can all get 100 free XP, within the limited duration of these auctions -- the next four days, that is.  Just let me know if you want to do this:

    1. I give you a gem.

    2. You bid on an auction.  You get a new badge and 100 XP.

    3. You cancel the bid and give me back the gem.  (The badge and XP should stick.)

  • edited 2015-10-09 07:03:01

    [user deleted]

  • edited 2014-12-14 20:12:10
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    You don't have to.

    It's just an easy way to get 100 XP and a badge.  The badge is basically wortheless aside from the XP anyway.


    If you're below level 10, this means a level up for you.  Level up means: +5 friend slots, and if you're below [currently unknown level, but probably 8], brings you to or closer to being eligible to get event cards from voting for "community choice" sales.  If you get to level 10, you also get have a slightly higher (+20%) chance to get booster pack random drops when other people craft, and also gives you an infobox you can put on your profile.

  • edited 2015-10-09 07:02:58

    [user deleted]

  • Yes. The number starts out at like 250 or something so it's probably not an issue for most people but yes, Steam really does restrict the size of your friends list based on what amounts to how much money you spend on trading cards.

  • BeeBee
    edited 2014-12-15 00:00:20

    Yeah, it's only really restricting indie devs, celebrities, and the most extreme Facebook whores.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    I have been vaguely alerted to another stupid brouhaha over a game where you play a mass murderer being removed from Steam Greenlight.  or the Steam store itself.  Not sure which.

    Anyone know more?

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