If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
"We recommended this tool as a valid form of blocking, but we didn't make it so it's not our fault if you suffer unintended side effects." It's just incompetence on IGDA's part. They didn't check whether their colleague was on a blocklist, which is highly unprofessional. Wanting to hand in a resignation is understandable. No one should have to request to not be on a tacky list that calls them harassers.
That too. Plus the notion that some of those loudly proclaiming how glad they are for the list will still constantly lurk and throw screencaps of GG sites to their followers anyway, while being too oblivious to see that this makes the whole list moot.
I'm pretty sure the list mostly exists to prevent sea-lioning, not to avoid any and all possible exposure to GG. They've removed gators who are legitimately anti-harassment from the list when asked.
Finished Dream Drop Distance (sans bonus content).
The last bosses are kind of a disappointment, mainly because they're so idiotically spammy that there doesn't seem to be a way to close range at all, they spam too quickly to even guard and counter reliably, and nothing seems to stagger them even if you land a lucky hit. As far as I can tell, you're actually expected to just run away, spam Balloonra, and hope they don't teleport into your face and tear you five new assholes. I think Riku's second Ansem fight is the only one where I felt there was a strategy to be found and things you could reasonably react to.
Also, whoever thought it would be a good idea to remove Sora from the entire last stretch of the game was a severe dickface. I mean as a plot element it's great, but as a gameplay element it means you fight five of the last six bosses as Riku, who's kind of universally inferior combat-wise.
I've wanted Splatoon for a while now, and watching some friends playing Smash earlier suddenly made me slightly want to get it.
There's also Super Mario 3D World.
@Monsoon got me to play a game by the developer Zeboyd Games. I picked Cthulhu Saves the World.
Zeboyd makes JRPGs with retro sensibilities (which basically means 2D top-down play environments and sprite-based graphics). I don't know how good they are with plot, especially drama plot, considering all I've heard of them has been good words for their four JRPGs that all seem to be somewhat non-serious -- Cthulhu Saves the World, Breath of Death VII, and Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3 and 4. That said, they're currently working on a game called Cosmic Star Heroine, which seemed (based on the Kickstarter) like it might be somewhat more of the serious side of things.
Not CStW, though. CStW is entirely conceived of as comedy. Which isn't bad, to be honest. It's actually pretty funny, albeit rather fast with its humor. It starts its irreverence when it lets you "configure" a fictional brain-interface controller in the options menu. Then cue Cthulhu basically mocking the litany of hero tropes, as he tries to become a hero in order to undo a curse that is currently preventing him from destroying the world, and gains a set of traveling companions with him along the way, and also saves various people in his quest for heroism. (Including saving a town from a bunch of dancing zombies.)
On the gameplay side, CStW uses random battles, as is stereotypical for JRPGs. That said, they do go by quickly -- attacks/abilities/etc. in battle have minimal animations, which can be skipped by pressing the confirm button (whatever you have it set to) repeatedly. More distinctively, however, is the way these battles are conducted: Your HP is always refilled after the fight, but enemies are relatively powerful, and become more powerful as the battle wears on -- necessitating that you use your special attacks to defeat enemies quickly. This means using your MP to do various powerful techniques and spells -- but your MP doesn't regenerate, except by a small amount after each battle, or going back to full at save points...well, they're not really save points since you can save anywhere, but more like recovery points.
Furthermore, each area has a limited number of random battles; once you exhaust, say, 25 random battles in the opening area of the game, you won't fight any more monsters, unless you pick the Fight option in your map menu. I guess this provides a means of experience scaling (I've heard if you fight every battle you randomly get, up to those limits for each area, you'll end up being overleved), while limiting how irritating it might be to the player. Also makes it far easier to deal with maze-like dungeons, when you've finally exhaused the random battle limit -- now you can just focus solely on unraveling the dungeon.
On level ups, your characters always get some stat boosts, as well as a choice between two options. The options appear to be predetermined. They are choices of ability enhancements, or new spells -- for example, more Strength or more Agility? A spell that hits all targets for less damage or a spell that hits one target for more damage? and so forth. Anyway, I've noticed it's too easy to just scroll past all of the messages in a battle, and actually miss important information such as which attacks are dealing more damage and thus figuring out which ones are more effective.
Anyway I've beaten like the first two or three dungeons of its...roughly 10~15 or so? Now I'm in that town that's overrun by zombies.
I have one extra copy of Teleglitch: Die More Edition and two extra copies of Risk of Rain, which I've gotten through the Humble Bundle site.
They're yours for the taking. Just let me know by tomorrow or so, since they're set to expire on November 25.
I'd pick up a Wii U for Monster Hunter and Bayonetta if only because Monster Hunter that is on a portable and not 4 or 4 Ultimate, more like Monster Hunter: Forever Alone Edition
too bad it costs money. a lot.
What's so good about Monster Hunter, if you don't mind my asking? Never played that series, and all I know of it is that it involves killing monsters in order to get equipment to kill more monsters.
Also don't really like Bayonetta.
Monster Hunter is fun because 1.) it's an action game focused mainly on usually unique (well, until you've done them a hundred times...) and interesting boss fights (though it does have levels that are not about fighting bosses and they are for the most part boring and awful, unfortunately) and 2.) it rewards/requires tactics and careful play and teamwork.
Also carrot on a stick equipment grind makes people want to play it for a zillion hours, but that's okay since the core game is fun.
The really funny part is that the author outright tells everyone how to flout it by either a. submitting a pull request asking politely to be removed or b. unfollowing everyone but 1 or none of the people on a list that's out there for everyone to see. She even acknowledges that it's imperfect and that false positives are inevitable, hence why she points out those obvious solutions that anyone with a minimum of high school coding experience could figure out. You have no one to blame but yourself if you get offended over being on the list. Heck, following the major GrovelGrain accounts for the purposes of mockery would get you on it, but most such users figured out that all they had to do was ask to not be on it.
But by all means, I shouldn't ruin InsanityAddict's well poisoning party, because who cares about understanding code or why it was made in the first place?
It's only well poisoning if you are unable to distinguish the more serious aspects while simultaneously laughing at the ridiculous aspects. I trust everybody here has a nuanced enough view of things to not fall into such a trap.
Also, the list as linked on the IGDA site had the until recently amended blurb that the list contained some of the most prominent harassers. That is where much of the indignant responses came from. I'm not gonna dump the reactions of feminist anti-GG folks who have themselves been victim of harassment(apophasis and all that), but you can imagine their first response will be angry, even if you can see it's opt-out with a few google clicks.
But good point on my limited understanding of code, it comes entirely from reworked Barbie booklets:
Portrait of Ruin has some really nice music, despite my disappointment with both the plot and the completion-whoring.
just as a second reminder since we're on the new page.
this offer is still available.
Tried playing Aliens Versus Predator Classic 2000, because it's a free game from GOG and supposed to make use of their Galaxy Client multiplayer feature I think.
FOV setting is too high for my taste. Also I can't seem to figure out where to from the second room in the Alien mission.
I have no intention to play these games, and most likely I won't, but I don't want that going to waste, so if absolutely nobody else wants them, I'll take them.
Since Activision's taking these down, I feel obligated to spread them around as much as possible:![](https://img.youtube.com/vi/j0LnhU3VHkw/0.jpg)
From a little internet research, it seems that:
1. Alien's FOV is intentionally higher than normal. About 125%.
2. Crouch lets Alien climb walls. And Alien is extremely fast.
This is because Alien has no ranged weaponry. Alien only has a primary melee attack, a secondary melee attack that can be charged to do a OHKO, and an alt melee attack that can be used to do OHKO and/or recover health under certain circumstances.
This is actually kind of interesting.
lol COD.
Last call for Teleglitch!
Why is Activision intent on taking down glitch videos?
Because they show exploits, according to their own words(very few people buy that excuse): http://consumerist.com/2014/11/24/activision-going-after-youtubers-who-post-call-of-duty-glicth-exploit-videos/
Bug showcases are always embarrassing, and Activision is pretty famous for not understanding PR.
So, juicy bonus bosses for Dream Drop Distance.
And by juicy I mean haha fuck you. Julius is even more obnoxiously spammy than the main game's last gauntlet, and you are again encouraged to just run away while throwing balloons and spamming cure, because his attacks can't be blocked reliably and he doesn't pause between them long enough to sneak in any damage without getting your head ripped off for it, even if you come at him with a successful block counter.
Who thought it was a good idea to make bosses like this? What the fuck. Even Sephiroth and Xemnas from the first games had some honest-to-God swordplay if you knew what you were doing, but like 70% of the bosses in DDD were kiting olympics because they either spent the whole fight running away or attacking nonstop.
I've complained so many times about having to spell the name "Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae" that I can no longer claim that I can't spell it.
(from the current Humble Weekly Bundle description for Slender: the Arrival)
> unadulterated tension and fear
What does this even mean? If this means something, then what would be "adulterated tension and fear"?
I think it's just a big-wordy way to say "pure tension and fear".
Adulterated tension and fear is when you're scared out of your mind until you remember you left the bathroom fan on and can't stop thinking about it anymore.
^^ That's what both mean. Pure as in, complete, total, absolute, etc.