If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
I think he meant people like dronepeanut.
My first language is portuguese_br
damn brah
tell us how you really feel
Ah, okay.
Yeah, I definitely wouldn't worry too much. Most of the Brazilians I see on the internet actually speak superb English, even if they don't think so themselves, and you certainly don't seem to have any major problems with it from what we've seen so far...
thank you all
What does the RB stand for?
They are the initials of my middle name and last name.
oh come on
you guys are acting as if teasing vandro was not a national sport
...national sport of which nation?
the IJBM nation?
...latin america?
Nueva Granada??
The Great Nation of Earthtopia.
hi humans!!˜˜˜˜˜˜ my name is nohay-chan ^__^ i luv random things and cute stuff im 12 but mature for my age
things i like
anime: my little pony naruto bleach elfen lied death note
wester cartoons : none there for kids >
videogames: sonic the hedgehog mass effect (BEST STORY EVAARRRRRR) minecraft slender happy wheels (I'm crazy lolz >
music: black veil brides evanescence skrillex nirvana (I have all their tshirts and posters)and music my dad listens
f**k you t(·-·t)
Should've used a sockpuppet for this, man. Might be useful in case you wanna do this any other time of year.
welcome nohay-chan
The banner isn't new, though I can't remember when or why he used it before.
I feel like I just saw it somewhere besides in a new post in the April Fool's thread. But, yeah, I remember it.
Oh it's most definitely not new, but it's great
awww thanx guys ^___^
question: does that say "the glomp monster" or "the glomp master"
or is it both and is this all part of the joke
Says "monster".
e/b/in ninja pagetopper
EDIT: Disregard this post.
Hello there, long time no see!
Welcome back, funnyguts!
ahoy person