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All the anime images on TVTropes pages.
By not holding ourselves responsible for others' actions and realizing that in the grand scheme of things TV Tropes doesn't fucking matter?
Is this like meta-level sarcasm or something?
That was kind of the point, I was being facetious.
The difference in that case though is the silly "no such thing as notability" rule. It means that fans of obscure random anime and the like can write about them all they want without holding any notion of the series being worthy beyond "I like it", so they write a bunch about anime, people come to site who don't like anime, see the massive amount of wanking over anime and leave, ensuring more people on TVTropes only like anime. It creates a completely insular userbase. Yes, Wikipedia has a lot of pages about things like Star Trek, but those pages also detail things like the production, cultural impact, reception etc, and it also has a billion full length pages about things that aren't Star Trek either. Something like Modern Warfare 2 might have a bunch written about it, but that doesn't change that Taxi Driver has just as much written about it.
As it was said earlier, the only way to improve TVTropes would be to improve its userbase, and that ain't gonna happen any time soon because of the ridiculous rules and "only rule is no being a dick" climate that the site has... But the whole thing is kinda flawed from the start because the majority of pages just break everything down into a list format, telling you what's in the film without looking at WHY those elements are in the film and what services they do to the narrative.
Getting off topic there, but in retrospect this anime issue is indicative of a larger problem.
Kind of reminds me of Wookieepedia, but not half as bad.
>Rethread about animu taking up too big a segment of TVT, which involves dismissing a medium, complaining that stuff that recently came out is too popular compared to decades-old stuff and how this delegitimizes the entire site.
Zero points for originality, dunce hats for everyone.
I think this thread and the thread that I spun off of it have pretty much converged in terms of current topic.
No, I'm not going to do anything about it. I just found it interesting to observe. Carry on.
People who complain about the content of TV Tropes are kind of missing the point, I think. Entertainment and art are not necessarily the same thing. They aren't mutually exclusive, sure, but a lot of entertainment isn't really fine art in the strictest sense.
TV Tropes is about entertainment, not art. It's about pop culture, mainly nerd pop culture, so what's popular with nerds is what gets promoted the most. The site is mainly to be used as a sort of trivia site for people interested in popular media, not a site for detailed film/literature/whatever analysis. Criticizing TV Tropes for not focusing on more highbrow works is like criticizing People Magazine for its lack of insightful commentary on the modern world, you'd be fundamentally missing the point.
Personally, I don't think TVT has enough emphasis on swords. Where's my respresentation? Where is it?
Go propose a sword on every Image pickin' thread, bonus points for a katana so people can't claim anti-Japanese feeling.
^Katanas can cut through full plate armor, you know.
Inside your mind, you just have to overimpose your mental world over reality.
Incorrect. "Entertainment" represents culture and artifice just as much as art does. I'm using quotes because the distinction you're talking about is fake, as art is part of what we call entertainment.
Except that's not the point of TvT. The point of TvT is to catalogue tropes in fiction. Whether highbrow or lowbrow, it doesn't matter. If it can be written, it should be done. The problem is of course that there are biases and preferences, which is what happens when your wiki is edited by humans
I tell you, man, all we need is to create a robot to edit the wiki forever. But do people listen to me? Noooooooo. They start talking about "We haven't developed AI, man! Stop imposing! and I'm like "Bitch, if the movies have them, we can" and they're like "Reality doesn't work that way, dude" and I'm like "Shut the fuck up and start working, slave" and then it's all blank and I'm back in the asylum.
thought you weren't an abstract idealist.
I am not, it's a reference to reality marble magic. Learn your Fate/Stay Night.
And anyway, it only works for a couple of minutes, reality goes "fuck no, learn your place" and causes a constant drain of mana on the imbecile that tries a reality marble
>Referencing FSN
Bitch, please. Don't diss it until you try it!
>This thread
Such an interesting and never heard of before topic
then why read it or post in it
Because I fucking love that image
It's Lord El-Melon! Cornudo por exelencia!
Lord El-Mercury Blob.
Leader of Team NTR!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_warfare_2 (including the characters subpage): 8701 words
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxi_driver (no subpages that I could see): 3704 words.
This would be a damning indictment of the clear anti-intellectualism inherent in Wikipedia, except for the fact that to the vast majority of people, word-counts don't matter.
We have literally this exact thread about three down.
The image Juan posted on the previous page won't load and that makes me sad.
Here, try this