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Being raped to sleep by the dickwolves.



  • If it makes them feel uncomfortable, I'm sure they can say so.

    Which do you think would make someone feel more uncomfortable: weathering your joke or admitting to a stranger (you, potentially) that they have been raped in the past?

  • You can change. You can.
    Like I said, you don't have to tell me that you have been raped in order for me to stop making such jokes if they bother you.
  • Basically I think the feminist position got stronger as time went on,
    and the Penny Arcade guys' got weaker. Originally they totally had the
    better of the argument, because although they had technically made a
    rape joke it didn't trivialize or minimize rape in any way and so the
    reaction was kind of just Shakesville being Shakesville*. Then the
    reaction strip was actually a legitimate rape joke, and then with the
    T-shirts and everything it kind of spiraled down from there. Basically
    Gabe and Tycho chose to react to the complaints in the most immature way

  • Personally, I don't even think you need to have been raped to be made uncomfortable by rape jokes, and I don't see why not having been raped gives you no right to such a thing.
  • You don't, but if you don't a lot of people will say "well what's it matter, it's not hurting you".
  • You can change. You can.
    And? Honestly, if these people can't respect the sensibilities of their acquaintance, then what's the point of associating with them in the first place?
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I think there's a certain point past which you just choose to associate with them only professionally or only if you must, but not socially if you can avoid it, and you just declare in your mind that that person is a jerk.
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