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Interest check. Who would be interested in this liveblog?
Adventure Time is a modern cartoon not for the faint of heart. It is about the supposedly last human on Earth, a young boy named Finn, living in a post apocalyptic land known as Ooo. It was ravaged by a mysterious event known as the Mushroom War, filling the land with thousands creatures of all shapes and sizes, changing the entire planet to it's core.
At least, that's what I could tell you. The series is really about the KICKBUTT MATHEMATICAL adventure of Finn the Human and Jake The Dog! Fighting flaming mummies with jetpacks, saving the candy kingdom, and kissing hot babes!~
Anyone hear about the writer who got fired? I think it was because he was trying to write Princess Bubblegum and Marceline blatantly having the hots for each other. Of course, it's not like What Was Missing was very subtle.
It's Flavor Flav!
Wait, wrong.
This is literally the only Yuri pairing I support.
Also some cool fan-art
For the record, although I hate the misuse of Nakama, I don't think Yuri's been misused just yet.
I have necromanced this thread!
Because you must watch Adventure Time to understand is why.
i hardly ever watch the show, though several of my social circles are huge freaking fans.
I like the Fire Princess' episodes. And that episode with the quadruped genetic clones that end in a Sisyphus Vs Rock stalemate.
^^ You watch Adventure Time?
Occasionally. I don't manage to catch it often, but I enjoy it when I do.
Aw man, I just saw Dad's Dungeon.
It really sums up the friendship between Finn and Jake. I loved the Self-Esteem Rap at the end. Sure it was cheesy but that's why it worked so well.
I watch this show from time to time when I find it on TV, it's pretty good. My brother has been pestering me to watch it more regularly, but I feel that it wouldn't be the same experience if I actively downloaded it and watched it from my computer.
I've got it all on my computer, but I've only watched like five episodes at this point.
Jesus, that newest 2-parter.
Which one?
"Finn The Human/Jake The Dog"?