If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
I've theorized that 10 in the Pokemon world is equivalent to the minimum age for getting a driver's license in the real world. Really, tell me if any of the protagonists look 10 to you.
^16 apparently.
Hell, do they ever spell out the exact ages of the PCs in-game? The 10 years old thing was from the anime.
^I did not need to know about that, thank you.
^^^^ Honestly, the only ones who look 10 to me are the youngsters. Maybe campers and picnickers too.
^^^You honestly expect them to pay attention to anything beyond 'Silver strips Kotone'?
^^I think Red's age is spelled out at some point, but other than that. No.
What does everybody think of the fans who sexualize Pokemon such as Eevee and Pikachu?
^ so i herd u DOENT liek mudkipz?
>Pokefur picture.
All in all, has a far more complex plot than previous iterations: the Grey-and-Gray Morality helps this.
I think you summed it well there. I feel like Pokemon Black/White kind of made you actually care about the plot the Elite Four takeover being a good example of that, which is a plus in my book. I thought the reusable TMs and the reworked HMs were pretty nice too. I hope that the next 3D RPG, if there is one, can follow up on some of those changes, especially in the story department.
Also yes, Hilda's backside is glorious and easily the best thing to happen to the series in a long time.
Also also, Cheren and Bianca are totally having randy, nasty sex together when they're not on screen. Anyone who says overwise is simply in denial. >.>