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you'll never guess who my new cellmate is

edited 2011-09-18 10:51:42 in Wonderful posts
OK fuzzy I get it, you hate the Powerpuff girls

Quiet, fuzzy, I'm trying to sleep

No fuzzy, this isn't your property, it's the city's

No fuzzy, my escape plans are not toilet papet

This is going to be a long day


  • Would you rather have this guy?

  • Hmm...good point.

  • Hey, weren't you guys in a band together?
  • edited 2011-09-18 11:00:07

    Oh my.

    Which is to say that I am in a state of amazement and shock of the positive kind.

    ^ Oh, that. That was nothing. That was when I was not so self-assured, and thus changed my mind and opened up the doors.
  • Your rash attempts at what can even be joked at for intelligence are what amuse me the most


    But I suppose in the interest of fairness, I'll supply you with the information on exactly why boarding you with a simpleton is in no way detrimental to civilized society

    You are the simpleton, MojoJojo, never before have I seen a creature lacking in even the most basic of survival mechanisms such as yourself


    It was in my programming to discourage you on purpose, and yet even I find it really is quite amazing just how much of a failure you are

  • Kichigai birthday!!
    Shut up GLaDOS if you were smart you wouldn't have been turned into a potato.
  • edited 2011-09-18 11:13:40
    ^^ At least my mind's still in its original body
  • Kichigai birthday!!
    Shut up Mojo Jojo if you were smart you wouldn't have created the Powerpuff Girls
  • Shut up nick if you were smart you wouldn't have used run-on sentences.
  • edited 2011-09-18 11:23:03
    Technically, If MojoJojo created the powerpuff girls, and he also created the Rowdyruff boys...

    and the way they're destroyed is with a kiss...


    Way to tackle an odd subject there, Animation people!
  • ^^^ Can't hear you, breaking out of prison!
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I love how getting kissed by the damsel in Spelunky gets you extra life points.
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