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A fair proportion of my hate (White Weenie)

edited 2011-09-08 16:44:38 in Media
a little muffled
What a boring strategy. You have a bunch of guys, you play cards that make them stronger, you attack a lot. Yawn. Peeps should play real decks like MUC.


  • It's funny, I think the way the game was made, the creators intended for the focus of the game to revolve around playing and attacking with creatures and using other spells to facilitate that, but a pretty big portion of competitive decks seem to be trying to play a different game. Heck, some decks don't even play creatures. White weenie is probably something along the lines of what I'd consider something that provides the baseline for M:TG gameplay.

    And I think just about any deck can be interesting to play with, provided you have a decent chance of winning, not that I think that this is really a srs thread.
  • a little muffled
    White Weenie is actually one of my favourite deck archetypes, but I just kept misreading the other thread as this so I felt obligated to make it.
  • edited 2011-09-08 22:55:50
    I have a White Weenie variant that involves gaining so much life that my opponent gives up. It stars the critically underappreciated Martyr of Sands.
  • You can change. You can.
    Eh, I believe there's too much of a disadavantage in having a deck that only wins life and doesn't attack. Hence why Lifelink is a godsend.
  • I saw a Martyr deck posted on an article about Modern. Wouldn't really work in the format considering how many decks can win with poison, Eldrazi, or infinite damage.
    ^^A lot of the deck also has creatures with lifelink, so it's cool.

    I haven't really stayed with the metagame since I graduated high school last year. I hope to get back into it with Innistrad.
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