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If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
"pandering to otaku/weeaboos" and other related sayings
Well, maybe it's just my skewed perception after all.
but then again, we're talking about it right now, aren't we?
Also, Juan! Welcome brother, we have been expecting you. =P
Lucky Star's pandering felt a lot more mercenary than K-on's. With K-on, there was some pretty obvious author appeal. With Lucky Star it felt like they were going through a checklist of otakuness.
Such as rewatching Evangelion.
* teenaged female character
* animesque art style
* pigtails
* glasses
* fantasy armor
* bare midriff
* high heels
* D-cup boobs
* gun
* sword
* informed trait: computer hacking ability
* accessory: famous gaming icon (such as Mario) on keychain (indicating gamer status)
* accessory: Quote's hat (indicating fandom/support of indie games)
* informed trait: fan of Star Trek or Star Wars (pick one)
* indicate currently saying cute Japanese stock phrase
* single-eye wink
Edit: Not done. Adding more things.
* informed trait: fan of Avatar the Last Airbender
* informed trait: fan of Tolkien's works
Any more?
Well,until Nichijou
* side-slits on clothing on thigh
* informed trait: less than 10 years old
* informed trait: knowledgeable of automobile and aircraft mechanics
* lace stockings
* combination of pink and blue hair
* bared shoulders
* opera gloves
^ FYI these aren't traits designed to appeal to me. They're designed to appeal to the stereotypical geek.