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When Idiots do 'Lets Plays'

edited 2011-07-14 23:13:05 in Webspace
I am Dr. Ned who is totally not Dr. Zed in disguise.
I've been watching some of the few LPs for Dungeons of Dredmor which is a roguelike.
I'm mainly watching to see people die horribly.

However some people... 
It's like they have no understanding:

When given the choice of crafting options for some kind of ore, they neglect the one that says SMELT in big letters, and eventually decide they can't craft anything. Do they not know the meaning of such a simple word?

Lack of reading comprehension, simple instructions (place equipment on the altar) leads to 5 minutes of confusion.

I understand the LPs were blind, but I didn't expect them to be Dumb as well.


  • edited 2011-07-16 13:26:13
    Watch Raocow, even when he stumbles around blindly, he does it in such a way that's hilarious and earnest.

    His play-through of Bunny Must Die is easily one of the most frustrating things I've seen, mostly cause I've played the game XD.
  • I am Dr. Ned who is totally not Dr. Zed in disguise.
    In addition:

    Why bother showing off the roguelike and then disabling permadeath grr.
  • What kind of roguelike even lets you disable permadeath?
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Wow iJustine is dumber than I am.

    I remember back when I was playing FF7, when Cloud said "Don't attack while it's tail's up", I attacked and died everytime until I had a pouty fit going "Fuck no, he put up his tail, I'm not even going to do anything" and then boom his tail went down and I derped
  • Actually, it's Cloud who derped, here's the transcript:

    Cloud "Barret, be careful!" "Attack while it's tail's up!" "It's gonna counterattack with its laser."
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    I read that as "If you attack while it's tails up" "It's gonna counterattack with its laser".

    They forgot "if"
  • I am Dr. Ned who is totally not Dr. Zed in disguise.
    >What kind of roguelike even lets you disable permadeath?

    Well it is a reasonably successful attempt to bring Roguelikes to a new audience, as it has graphics rather than ASCII.
    So I guess for those that that want to test it out in a certain way.

    It shouldn't matter really as if you are gonna leave it on the option to turn it off is never going to be used and doesn't hurt you in anyway by existing.
  • «Watch Raocow, even when he stumbles around blindly, he does it in such a way that's hilarious and earnest.»
    Also, he edits his goddamned videos.
  • edited 2011-07-16 13:24:39
    Raocow has a play-through of Spelunky.

    That's a roguelike.

    ^ That as well
  • No rainbow star
    ...When watching that portal video, I wanted to reach through and slap iJustine over the internet
  • edited 2011-07-16 16:18:34

    Here you go, here's a good LPer right here :3
  • No rainbow star
    ^ That was awesome
  • edited 2011-07-16 16:48:10
    Ijustine solved that puzzle faster than I would have.

    /is horrendously, just fucking awfully terrible at puzzle games
  • ^

    She went through the orange portal at least 3 times already and didn't comprehend that she could use portals in reverse.
  • I have no clue what the hell you just said.

    /has never played either Portal
  • @Chagen: even if it took you 2 days to solve that puzzle, you'd probably solve it in a way that's 10 times less annoying than how she solved it.
  • That jackass has a nice voice, but is trying way too hard. 

    And I don't really see anything about her that's annoying besides her sucking.
  • Going through the blue portal makes you leave via the orange portal.

    Going through the orange portal makes you leave via the blue portal.

    She walked through the orange portal already but didn't think "Oh wait if I go through the orange portal when the blue portal is where I want to go, I can get out of the blue portal to get where I want to go"
  • I know that much about Portals.

    And...yeah...that's kinda dumb.


  • Hey, don't call Raocow a jackass, that's horrible.
  • I meant the guy naratting Ijustine's LP.
  • OH. MY. GOD.

  • edited 2011-07-16 16:59:43

    Warning: iJustine is still dumb, and Foreverpandering is a giant, humongous, throbbing, tumescent dick in this video.
  • By being Justine, :3
  • Foreverpandering is being kinda overdramatic, but still, she is that goddamn stupid.
  • Then again, I shouldn't be talking, given how I couldn't figure out the puzzle either.
  • -succumbs and watches the iJustine video-

    Dat bitch trollin
  • Also, she is eerily reminiscent of Dory from Finding Nemo.

    And fuck you, Foreverpandering, I still like ElectricalBeast.
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