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[Most currently popular FPS]

edited 2011-07-09 19:15:35 in Media
Boy, [Most currently popular FPS] sure does suck huh? And it's fans, let me tell you, the fans of [Most currently popular FPS] are a bunch of drooling inbread ape fratboys. They're worse than the fans of [The last most popular FPS]. They just can't tell how ridiculously overrated [Most currently popular FPS] is. And I hate that 90% of games nowadays are clones of [Most currently popular FPS]  with [Mechanic from most currently popular FPS that I hate] galore. I tell you, I miss First-Person Shooters like [FPS that was most popular when I was far less cynical and jaded than I am now]. Why can't we have those games back, instead of game companies making games that are popular, well-reviewed, and well-liked by non-whiny internet people.


  • edited 2011-07-09 19:20:50
    Boy, The Tailstretcher sure does suck huh? And it's fans, let me tell you, the fans of The Tailstretcher are a bunch of drooling inbread ape fratboys. They're worse than the fans of The Anthro Dragoness. They just can't tell how ridiculously overrated The Tailstretcher is. And I hate that 90% of dildos nowadays are clones of The Tailstretcher  with fake cum-shooting galore. I tell you, I miss Dragon Dildos like The Dolphin. Why can't we have those dildos back, instead of Bad Dragon making dildos that are popular, well-reviewed, and well-liked by non-whiny internet people.

    I have never heard this complaint about any game save for Call of Duty and Halo.
  • You say this like all that stuff about [Most currently popular FPS] isn't completely true.
  • edited 2011-07-09 19:26:03
    Of course [Most currently popular FPS] sucks. Duh. 

    Unlike [Popular Adventure Game from the nineties]
  • Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.
    But I like [Most currently popular FPS]...  :<
  • Look, if you like [Most currently popular FPS] you shouldn't care when someone bashes it. Even though I just said that all fans of [Most currently popular FPS] are illiterate monkeymen.
  • edited 2011-07-09 19:29:47

    ^^^ Dude, don't even bring the two up in the same post. [Popular Adventure Game from the nineties] was like the world's most succulent blowjob that also pays your mortgage for you.

  • edited 2011-07-09 19:29:59
    Has friends besides tanks now
    ^^ But if he's illiterate, how would he know that you said that? :O
  • When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    Braille, duh. 
  • edited 2011-07-09 19:50:04
    Clean your room little Billy
    Yes, [Most currently popular FPS] sucks donkey testicles and every game made from now on should be modelled on [Popular Adventure Game from the 90's/wilfully obscure, hour-long indie game/Gnostic texts]. And if gaming companies do not cater solely to the [Popular Adventure Game from the 90's/wilfully obscure, hour-long indie game/Gnostic texts] demographic, then fuck them, and I hope they and their families get buggered to death with a jackhammer.
  • In fact, I'd say that the videogame industry is headed for another crash, given how many popular, best-selling games it keeps releasing.

    /David Wong
  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!
    I hate how everyone is talking about [Most currently popular FPS]. Don't they remember the classics? Whatever happened to [Really old game] or [Another really old game]? Back in mah day we didn't have no fancy schmancy wireless controllers, hardrives, or X-box live. We had REAL games! With passwords we had to write down! In the snow! All year!

    Whatever, FPSes suck. [Another genre] is better anyway.
  • edited 2011-07-09 20:16:54
    Clean your room little Billy

    And if the industry crashes, then it's not the fault of shifting trends and problems in the greater economic sphere, but because of the fans of [Most currently popular FPS]! Why? Because they are dirty, dirty, DIRTY sinners who need to be violently punished and beaten until either they recant their support of [Most currently popular FPS] and become a loyal follower of [Popular Adventure Game from the 90's/wilfully obscure, hour-long indie game/Gnostic texts], or until their skulls cave in and their dirty sinner brains slop out onto their dirty sinner faces. Whichever comes first.

  • Silence is golden.
    When is the FPS reign of terror going to end? Hopefully this afternoon.
    I liked perfectly well when video games took advantage of their medium's
    versatility to get away with plots, mechanics, conventions and characters that
    wouldn't fly in any other medium, and reveled in it. First-person shooters are
    (for the most part, for the most part!) like poison to
    originality, imagination, and creativity. Let's go ahead and put the genre to
    bed for a handful of decades and focus on creating new characters and mechanics
    that'll stand the test of time, is what I think we should do.

    like things that take advantage of the video game medium's versatility. I don't
    like things that don't, and / or try to ape other media. I like Portal and
    TF2. Well, I don't like to play them because FPS aren't my thing, but I
    appreciate them, I understand why they're popular and I can absolutely get
    behind them. Make a million more; I don't got no beef with that. I
    don't like Halo, Call of
    , Left 4
    , and that kind of thing, because all they do is take movies full
    of movie tropes and slap a superfluous interactivity on them. The medium's
    possibilities aren't being taken advantage of. It's almost like they're
    ashamed of being video games, so they're wearing movie masks.
  • Where is that quoted from?
  • When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    Red Letter Media. 
  • Oh, okay.

    God, I have been trying to get my ignore extension to work on that guy for months.
  • What the hell is up with that guy? Every time I read his quote it's like I'm staring at this wall of stupid. I mean seriously, "movie masks?" "FPS reign of terror?"
  • edited 2011-07-09 23:19:15
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    The same could be said of all videogame genres.
    Your words are as empty as your soul! Gaming ill-needs a savior such as you!
  • We Played Some Open Chords and Rejoiced, For the Earth Had Circled the Sun Yet Another Year

  • Also, fuck [Most currently popular JRPG] and [Latest Nintendo game] too.
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