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Dude, no you didn't. Have you read The Filth? I know you wrote it, probably under some sort of hallucinogenic, but have you read it? The Invisibles has the fucking Marquis De Sade in it.
I'll grant you that you've never had rape in any comics with Superman or the Flash in them which is more than I can say, and I agree the comics industry has an unhealthy fixation on rape but you shouldn't make shit up about yourself.
Oh man I didn't even catch that.
Anyway, I think that while that's a bit of an exaggeration (And a flawed one at that) the fact that such a statement needs to be made in the first place is incredibly depressing.
^Pretty much my reaction.
Does he expect a medal for this? It's the equivalent of some guy proudly saying of his life, "Well, I've never raped anyone." Congratulations on meeting the minimum standard of acceptable behaviour!
The thing is, the comment's more because of how comics are today, where most writers of "mature" comic stories simply add things like sexual violence and the like in order to make their works appear more mature and less for kids, like with, say, Identity Crisis, which had Dr Light suddenly be a guy who rapes every super hero-related character they meet.
Grant doesn't say this because he expects to be rewarded, but he says it in order to make a point, and it's that the industry should really reconsider their views on what a mature story is.
Yeah, I think it's a somewhat severe scenario when your average fairy tale outstrips your average comic on the maturity scale.