If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
A person I know but will not name has qwerty as a password
...That is...
Guh. They say it's perfectly fine. I say ಠ_ಠ
At least I doubt people would try using that to hack into someone's account.
^Nah, it's on the list of most-used passwords that hackers try before they do anything more complicated.
People tend to go "that is a long password' whenever they see mine being entered (18 characters).
I usually respond with the story of the girl who got into competition with me and ended up with a 90 character password (whilst I decided yeah, no, to hell with this and kept my current password).
My best password is 26 characters long
My typical one is 9 characters long
Mine range from 11-15.
My four passwords are 17, 18, 13 and 18 again.
Come to think of it, one of mine is 20.
Dammit INUH now I'm going to end up switching to a longer one.
Thanks a lot >=/
i'm always lazy and use the minimum. but i use random characters to compensate
I checked one of those "how quickly can your password be cracked" sites with one of my old passwords.
Apparently flatlanderwoman19 takes 1,598,632,144.75 years to crack.
My email password would apparently take over 17 million milennia to crack.
I'd try one of those, but I'd probably get paranoid that they'll store it for later use.
The one I saw was a chart, where you look at the row for how many characters, and the column for how many types of characters.
Where was it?
I just googled "how quickly can password be cracked" and browsed the results.
My common one would take about 10 hours to brute force, apparently
My strongest? 2.2665199981465703e+34 years
I used this site to check: http://unwrongest.com/projects/password-strength/
Er...16 minutes 32 seconds and 27 seconds respectively.
I fail computer security forever.
qwerty is forceable in less than a second
qWerty takes 6 seconds
So CoMpUtErS aRe EnCoUrAgInG pEoPlE 2 tAlK lIkE tHiS?
^ Oh dear god
I kNoW rIgHt
Stop that
I cAn'T iT's PeRmAnEnT
Oh DeAr GoD iT's AfFeCtInG mE nOw!