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Man pepper sprayed to death in Florida jail

edited 2012-01-12 13:03:13 in General
But you never had any to begin with.



Brief overview:

* Nick Christie, a 62 year old mentally ill grandfather was detained in March 2009 over public intoxication and trespassing charges.

* He/his cell was sprayed with pepper spray at least 10 times. (Police say 8, and 2 times for a different inmate.) He wasn't allowed to wash the spray off.

* He was strapped to a restraint chair, sprayed at least twice, stripped naked, and forced to wear a spit mask. The mask kept the spray in close proximity to his mouth.

* He was declared brain dead in hospital on March 31st.

* Nobody was ever charged, and relatives are now suing for "wrongful death".


  • No rainbow star
    ...The fuck?
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!



  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    I think it's crazy news season here at IJBM.

  • Glaives are better.

    Sounds like it was necessary right up until they put him in the chair. Then it rapidly became unnecessary.

    Really, they should have a psychiatrist on speed dial.

  • I just had to check what state this was... Florida, eh? We often don't have a high opinion of that state.
  • Florida's usually not that crazy, though.

  • Well it wouldn't be news if this was a regular practice.
  • I clench my fists and yell "anime" towards an uncaring, absent God, and swear solemnly to press my thumbs into Chocolate America's eyeballs until he is blinded, to directly emasculate sporting figures, to beat the shit out of tumblr users with baseball bats, and to quietly appreciate what Waylon Smithers being gay means to me.

    But they were just trying to feed him!

  • edited 2012-01-12 15:53:58
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    @Radd: Their governor was a CEO of a company with a felony record.  Your point is invalid. :P

  • It is? Fuck, when's the next election? I'm tired of this capitalist bullshit

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