If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
Is it just me, or did the ignore extension stop working?
Ever since Fast Eddie started messing with the appearance of the posts this month, it would white out the stuff in the banner but would not collapse the post itself.
I'm using Chrome, by the way.
Except it's still immature because you're still dismissing everything a person says without reading it because you don't like them, and yet you still have to actually see that they posted, thus likely preventing you from feeling at peace.
I don't know, I don't find it hard to ignore you.