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Facehuggers in Alien vs. Predator

edited 2011-12-15 03:33:02 in Media
But you never had any to begin with.
...No, not the godawful movies.

Anyhow, whilst the AvP games are, in general, excellent, they have one massive (and tiny) problem. Facehuggers. They're small, which is already eleventybillion points against them. They jump, which makes them even harder to hit. They tend to live in dark places. And this is all combined with the most damning thing about them: They only have to do so much as look suggestively at your knees to kill you, no matter how much health you have. It's possible to get killed by one before you even know it's there. And in doing so, they grace you with this lovely scene (not safe for... something?). So yeah, they can all die in a fire.


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