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Today is the Transgender Day of Remembrance

edited 2011-11-20 08:18:47 in General
But you never had any to begin with.
Now, obviously the day itself isn't what bugs me, but the fact that it's necessary at all does. Well, more depresses than bugs.

It says a lot that one of the few times the trans community gets together is to remember those who were killed for the heinous crime of trying to live their lives. According to current statistics, one trans person is murdered approximately every 72 hours, not including unreported murders. And in a lot of these cases, the trans panic "defense" ("I killed them in a fit of temporary insanity when I found out they had genitalia I didn't like!") is accepted, leading to manslaughter charges, not murder charges.

As I said, it's depressing.


  • Agreed.

    (I wish I had something more to add, but.)
  •  I thought this might have something to do with transgender people killed in war.

    Presumably they are also worth remembering, especially as I believe during the Second World War some in German-occupied Europe found themselves in concentration camps alongside other victims of Nazi persecution.

  • Wait, I guess I do have something to add.

    I think part of the reason that I was in denial about my gender issues for so long was that I didn't want to "let" myself become a target.

    Even now, the thought of violence hangs over my head like a dark cloud whenever I think about presenting myself as a woman in public places.
  • But you never had any to begin with.
    ^^ Most militaries will discharge you on mental health charges if you're transgender.
  • edited 2011-11-20 14:09:58
    No rainbow star
    ^ Ouch. That's gotta be a kick in the ass, being told you're mentally unfit just because you identify with a different gender
  • edited 2011-11-20 16:52:48
    And in a lot of these cases, the trans panic "defense" ("I killed them in a fit of temporary insanity when I found out they had genitalia I didn't like!") is accepted, leading to manslaughter charges, not murder charges.

    That is really depressing. I guess that problem kind of brings up a lose-lose situation too. When people are more open about being transgender I think they may also become victims of harassment because of it.

    While I certainly believe that purposely trying to be a so-called "trap" or "reverse trap" is deceptive (i.e. before getting into a romantic relationship both people should clearly know each other's sex), I do not think that excuses violence one bit. Besides, I know most people who are transgender do not have that goal anyway. I think most of them just want to live their lives according to the identity that fits them best.
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