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The American Border Collie Breeder's Website

edited 2011-11-12 09:00:34 in General
I am Dr. Ned who is totally not Dr. Zed in disguise.


  • Blargh, 90's geocities flash-backs!
  • I hope they don't have any members who are photosensitive epileptics. Or devotees of Web design, for that matter.

    Also, is it that relevant to the world of border collies that it's Thanksgiving? I'm sure the dogs aren't that bothered.

  • I am Dr. Ned who is totally not Dr. Zed in disguise.
    Also the page is super long too.
  • No rainbow star
    "Oh, just orange text on a black background? That's a bit of an odd choice and I'd choose something else but HARDLY EYOH DEAR LORD WHY!? WHY!? WWWWHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!?!?!?!?"
  • Now just imagine a world where this kind of page was the standard thing you'd see on the internet, and you young whipper snappers will know why us old folks have lost our wills to live.
  • We Played Some Open Chords and Rejoiced, For the Earth Had Circled the Sun Yet Another Year
  • So apparently some people still think this is ok...

    I wonder what it looks like at other times of the year? I presume they have a theme for everything...
  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!
    does turkies...
  • edited 2011-11-12 13:56:23
    No rainbow star
    ^^^^ Oh I remember all too well...

    Even when I was little I never made a site THAT grotesque looking (came close though...)

    Edit: And of course people on CAD forums say this brings back fond memories

    I think the sudden shock of seeing this kind of horror again broke their brains. Only explanation
  • a little muffled
    > CAD forum
    > brains
  • No rainbow star
    ^ Hey, they have brains

    The real material is general perversion and making bad puns about horrifying events :D
  • a little muffled
    I felt obligated to make that joke.
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