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My roommate

edited 2011-03-12 04:02:53 in Meatspace
Pony Sleuth

We've been friends since high school. I'd really prefer it if you weren't a dick. Please don't keep me up talking to your sister at 1 am when I have a final to take at 8:30 in the morning. I know you have one, too, but that's no excuse.

I hate to say this about a friend, but I'm realizing I'm glad I won't have to live with you after this quarter.


  • I remember my roommates. One invited her boyfriend over every weekend, and he teased me. Then I lived with this one guy who rented out a room to me, who would always have sex with his girlfriend, who had very thin walls so I could always hear it. Then apartment mates over in my old apartment complex took a strange liking to me and my socks.

    not counting other people I've dated and lived with, other people suck...wish I would find more people that weren't monstrously more perverse or mean than I.
  • Oh yeah, next quarter I might be living with this girl that's a friend of mine. I guess there's some chance that she has a crush on me. She's a pretty awesome person, but I'm not attracted to her at all, so I'm hoping that it isn't something that comes up lest I end up hurting her feelings and making things awkward.
  • Remember to be open. Don't press in, imply or assume, but show that you are open to a relationship and show your best qualities.
  • I said I wasn't attracted to her. I don't see that changing anytime soon.

    I wouldn't want to go into detail about why, but I think y'all could guess.
  • Hey, at least it's better than living at home.
  • My family is pretty great, actually. I don't mind living there at all. Of course, living here does have advantages.
  • You are gay/she's ugly/related to you
  • This is gay.

    My roommate left his teapot burning on the stove, and he started yelling at me because I didn't tell him sooner. I reminded him that it was his fault that it happened at all, and he made some excuse about being easily distracted.

    So why is it okay for him to be distracted, but not me?
  • Meh, you should just brush it off unless he brings it up again.  You shouldn't have to take that kind of crap from someone if you have no obligation to.
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